Chapter 13

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Elsa sat peacefully on the doorstep of the cabin. She stared at an open space as she let everything that just happened sink in. The spent two days at Jack's house before returning and a lot has already happened. During their stay she spent most of her time baking with Emilia and Emma. She had loads of fun.

Even though having to spend time there peacefully was fun, something bothered Elsa. She knows she put on a disguise by recoloring her hair but she couldn't help but feel uneasy that none of the guards recognized her, not that she wanted to be recognized. She thought that her existence is slowly fading away as the faux version of her took over her rightful place.

She wanted to let the people know they were being deceived by the duchess but she didn't want to be caught. Being caught means being locked up back in the castle and never being able to go out again.

         "Are you okay?" Thia walked up to her. Elsa looked at her with a smile before nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine. Is it time for lunch yet?" She asked.

Thia smirked. "Even better." She dragged Elsa inside and showed her a rather messily decorated cake. "Tada!" She gestured at the cake that said 'happy birthday' then immediately ran to get the candles.

         "What do you think?" Thia asked as she put the candles in no order but still avoiding the spots with the 'happy birthday' writing. "It's for Jack. He doesn't usually celebrate his birthday but this is a special birthday for him since we have two royals around. Three if you count me too." She giggled.

         "Today's his birthday? Why didn't he tell anyone about it?" Elsa began panicking. Maybe it was because she was used to giving presents to people who are celebrating their birthday and now she can't do that because she can't afford everything she wanted to buy, or maybe it was because of the fact that she thought out a huge celebration of his birthday as thanks for all she did for her and she can't do it no because she doesn't have time.

         "I know, that guy's unbelievable. He always insists that there's no need to celebrate his birthday but birthdays are supposed to be special since it's the day you were born. You should celebrate the fact that you still exist in this world." Thia said. As if it was on cue the two boys have already arrived.

          "Happy Birthday!" Thia ran up to Jack with a big hug. Hiccup looked at Jack surprised because Jack never told him that despite the fact that they were together for hours.

          "You already greeted me Thia! Get off!" Jack tried to push away Thia but he couldn't because he had his hands full.

          "You could've told me Jack." Hiccup said before snatching one of the bags Jack was holding. "If you told me I wouldn't have insisted you to come with me to the market."

Jack scoffed. "It's fine. Anything to get away from her." Jack successfully pushed Thia off with his now free hand.

          "That's rude, I'm only trying to help you celebrate." Thia crossed her arms.

          "And I keep telling you there's no need." Jack walked up to a nearby table and set the bag that he was holding with his other hand down. He then noticed the cake that was prepared for him. Elsa gave him a rather awkward smile when their eyes met. Because of that he thought Elsa was the one that made the cake.

He sighed. "Fine, thank you for the effort. But I'm only thanking you because of the cake." Jack said grabbing a seat. Thia smiled widely before heading over to the rectangular table too. Hiccup followed after her and took the seat across Thia.

After singing the birthday song Thia giddily lit up the candles. After the song Jack immediately blew the candles and then the cake eating begun.


         "Are you sure this is the way? I mean, this map is a bit confusing. What if it's upside down and we're going the wrong way? What if they really aren't there? What if-"

         "Calm down Anna, this is why you have me right?" The blonde smiled. Anna gave her a look. The look you usually give a person when you aren't sure about what they said. "And this is why we have a compass." The blonde added, showing Anna the compass.

Anna paused. "You're right. And I'm sure Hiccup won't let me down on this one."

The blonde smiled and tried to match the speed of Anna's horse by slowing down a bit. "That's the spirit!" She said with enthusiasm.

         "Remind me again why you know this place despite the fact that you rarely left your castle?" Anna asked the person beside her who smiled even wider. "I know someone from this place." She said then sped up, Anna trailed behind trying to match the speed she has been trying to keep up with since they started riding out to the so-called village where her beloved sister is.

It was surprising to Anna because she's literally eating the dust of the one going faster than her, adding the fact that this girl was supposed to be the one who was locked up in her room for almost her entire life. When the girl slowed down she looked back to Anna and spoke up. "Use your cloak!" She yelled as she hid her face from the public by using her cloak too. Anna nodded and did what she was told.

Not long they arrived at the village and was greeted with a street full of people. "I know a shortcut." The blonde smirked and headed to the left, the opposite of where Hiccup instructed them to go.

         "Are you sure you know the way?" Anna asked hesitantly but followed anyway.

         "Of course, I told you I've been here before."

Turns out it wasn't what you would call a shortcut because they wen the long way around. But the good news about it was they arrived at their destination without any setbacks. The two went down their horses and headed to the door. The blonde didn't bother knocking, she just went straight in while Anna looked at her puzzled. "Wait, didn't Hiccup say-"

         "Welcome to-" The lady on the counter was about to speak up but then the blonde uncovered herself from the cloak which made the young lady shocked. She instantly ran up to her and engulfed her to a hug. "Raps!"

         "Hello to you too Cass." The blonde smiled and hugged back.

        "You know her?" Anna asked, motioning to Cassandra. Rapunzel nodded with excitement. "I told you I've been here before."

         "I met her when I was younger. Her mother was the royal hairdresser and there was this one time when I accidentally cut my hair and it took so long to grow back. It became frizzy and dry and I thought it would never come back to its soft and silkiness but Cass's mom fixed it. I come here every now and then to get haircuts." Rapunzel explained.

         "You mean trims?" Cass corrected as she motioned to Rapunzel's hair that was so long it already reached the ground.

Rapunzel just laughed. "Well, I'm not used to short hair."

         "No kidding Raps." Cass also laughed. "So... Here for another trim your highness?"

         "Actually no, we're looking for someone and I think you already know who we're talking about." Rapunzel pointed to Anna who waved awkwardly.

Cass smiled and nodded. "I'll get my horse."

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