Chapter 31

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Everything was like a vivid dream from that day on.

There was an unspoken rule where they don't talk about what will happen 4 days later even though they are both itching to talk about it. It is as if it was taboo to even just mention the topic.

For the mean time, Jack took a break from his work and chose to spend more time with Elsa. They did less chores and more going out together.

"How about going to a lake this time?" Elsa suggested.

"We just went there." Jack said making Elsa pout. "Well, I want to go back there." She said.

Jack looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Elsa just crossed her arms and returned the look making Jack sigh in defeat. "Fine then, but no more sandwiches." Jack joked.

They have been on a picnic hunt for the past few hours and having sandwich was apparently important like it was part of a ritual.

"Well we don't have much snacks to bring anyway." Elsa said.

"Don't you want the cookies?" Jack asked.

"We're going to a lake Jackson I don't want my supply of cookies to get soggy." Elsa argued.

"We are not bring all of them. Plus it wouldn't get soggy unless you are going swimming with the cookies." Jack pointed out.

Elsa gave Jack a look. "Fine. Sandwich it is." Jack said defeated. Elsa gave him a wide smile.

"Okay, I'll bring a different preserve so you won't get tired of tasting the same flavor of sandwich." Elsa laughed as she refilled their basket.

"But I liked the strawberry one." Jack protested.

"That's not what you said last time." Elsa pointed out. Just a while ago he was ranting about the preserves they bring always being strawberry and that they have a variety of flavors but they only use one. Then again they were trying not to be wasteful by opening them all at the same time.

"Perhaps a non sweet snack would be preferable then?" Jack suggested.

"Just earlier you suggested we bring cookies and now you're asking for an unsweetened snack?" Elsa raised an eyebrow.

"Well, any food is good for me anyway." Jack said shrugging.

"Right, as long as that monster in your belly is being well fed?" Elsa walked over to Jack to pat his belly. Jack just laughed.

"Yes and no, I would like to also be fed instead of giving all those food to the monster in my belly. You know, much more muscular?" Jack stretched out his arms and patted it to show how surprisingly skinny he is. Sometimes he wonders how he even manages to do all those work he did before with such scrawny arms though as opposed to Hiccup he was less scrawny looking. It's one of the perks of having to do more physical work than princely duties.

"In my opinion though, you look fine as you are." Elsa said attempting a wink.

"Did you get that line from Thia?" Jack's eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe." Elsa said before bursting to laughter.

"That sounds like a very poorly made statement to get people to like you." Jack said. "And I can't believe you even added the wink."

"Hey! I was being genuine." Elsa pouted.

Jack laughed. "I'm kidding. I know. Thank you, you yourself look fine as you are." Jack said copying Elsa's attempted wink.

"Shut up Jackson." Elsa lightly elbowed Jack. A huge grin can be seen on her face as her ears start to get tinted in red.


It felt like the days were being cut short and so were the nights. Like someone suddenly hit a fast forward button and forgot to press play for it to stop zooming to the next day.

As part of the things Jack and Elsa do to stay together longer, they shared rooms and the same bed. At night they would snuggle up without really getting as much sleep as they need.

Not that they were talking or anything, they simply laid in bed in silence hoping the other person doesn't notice they are still wide awake until they eventually both fall asleep.

At morning when they wake up, as much as they would want to spend more time sleeping they weren't really that fond of the thought of "wasting more time doing nothing" and would eventually think of a really energy draining activity that they'd do for the day.

The other day was multiple picnics for the whole day around the area, spending at least an hour but not exceeding 3 on one place.

It was like sight seeing but they've already been to those places multiple times.

This day they were planning to go apple picking at the nearby duchy but they sky had other plans.

Just when they were about to ride their horses, rain started to pour down. It wasn't a light rain that seemed like it would go away any time sooner so they just stuck to staying inside.

As much as they wanted to do something, they couldn't do much.

"I found something in my closet." Jack said in the middle of them relaxing, a cup of tea on their hands and blankets covering them up.

"What?" Elsa asked.

Jack gave her a smile before standing up and going to their room. A few minutes later he walks out with a book in his hands.

Elsa's eyes widened the same time as her smile did. "Wooden Castle!" She exclaimed. "I miss rereading the adventures of Mike and Nifa." She said setting down her tea.

Jack chuckled at the sight of an excited Elsa. "I could tell." He said sitting down beside her.

"Well, I love this book." Elsa said.

"Yes, I've heard." Jack replied flipping the pages of the book.

"I could recite the first lines by heart." Elsa said proudly making Jack laugh. "Do we even need the book then?" He asked.

"Probably not, I can tell you the whole story myself. But for your sake, I suggest you read it. It's a lot more fun that way." Elsa said. "You'll get a really in depth description of all the action and adventure they are going through."

"Alright, noted. But for now I'd like to hear your way of telling this tale." Jack said setting the book down the table.

Elsa grinned with excitement. "Okay, okay. I'm not that good at story telling but I'll do my best." She said standing up.

"Is that necessary?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"No, but I like being able to act things out better." Elsa laughed. Jack just stared at her amazed. This side of her was certainly something he's seen before but it somehow felt like it was something he's never seen. "Okay, so the story starts..."

As the rain poured, the two engaged on a story telling adventure. It was like being a child again; locked inside home because of the heavy pouring rain and nothing else to do but tell each other stories to pass the time.

It wasn't what they had planned but even after the rain stopped a few hours later they decided to go on with the show and finish Elsa's story telling of the summarized version of her favorite book.

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