Chapter 9

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This is the story about a young boy, who seeks to be a well-known adventurer, and a fair maiden that lived humbly as a commoner and dreamt of a life of a royal.

The young boy goes by the name Mike while the girl was known as Nifa.

Their meeting was an unexpected one; never did Mike anticipate the moment they would meet each other in the most unusual place. At the starting point of Mike's quest he bumped to Nifa who also happens to be on her way to the castle of his royal highness King Pyle.

It was all over the kingdom that the one who will complete the King's request will be the one to be his successor. People were surprised of course, the king had a son that could inherit the throne so why would he put up a contest for the search of his successor?

Because of that he was dubbed "Foolish King" but still many participated to the so-called contest. All of those people who joined wanted a taste of being a royal, all but Mike who just wanted to join for the adventure.

"Bring to me a tamed dragon and you shall receive your price." The king said. After hearing the quest many took a step back and turned around; giving up before even trying.

"He who would be able to do that would prove that they are worthy of the crown." King Pyle added.

'Taming a dragon sounds like an interesting task.' Thought Mike. He scanned the room to familiarize himself of his competitors. There were only 2 that he recognized out of the 46 brave men and women that stayed; the prince and the strawberry blonde haired girl he met on his way to the castle.

"It is reported that at the top of Mt. Tatsuyama the dragon of this kingdom has laid eggs, the number is unknown but hopefully the ones that will have their hands on the egg will successfully tame the beast after it hatches. Be careful on trying to take it because the mother dragon is the feistiest of the dragons in the kingdom." The king's speaker explained.

"That is true, my father gave me the same task and almost got eaten alive by his dragon. You will face the same dragon and prove to the whole kingdom that the next king is as brave or even braver than me!" The king stood up and raised his fist. "Adventurers, may you succeed my challenge and make our kingdom great again!"

After that everyone was pumped up, they were now out to do what the others think is impossible; taming a dragon.

Each was given a map that lead to the said mountain, some took shortcuts but some, like Mike, took the path that was pointed out to them. At the first stop they were given equipment that will help on their quest, they were also told to form a guild because they might have difficulties if they went there solo. Mike had trouble doing that, he was never the social type to begin with.

Nifa however was already in one, but she noticed Mike was not yet accepted to any group so she asked permission to the other members to let him join. They couldn't resist, after they accepted Nifa went to Mike with a great news and a huge smile. "Welcome to our guild." She held out her hand for a handshake making Mike look at her with a confused face. 

"You're already on our guild so don't go trying to find a new one okay?" Nifa forcefully took his hand and pulled him to the place where the others from their guild stood.

"I'm Nifa by the way." She introduced herself.

"Mike." He gave a short response as if he was trying to not waste effort by talking. To that Nifa just gave him a smile.

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