Chapter 6

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After Elsa and Thia left the Overland household all that Jack has been feeling is regrets. Thia was correct, he castle guards did go to their house. She was also correct about them searching every inch of the village and those near it. The once fun festival became a disaster when the guards crashed the party.

The word was out about the Duke's daughter still missing but they weren't allowed to open up that conversation to avoid it from getting heard of by those who didn't know. And just to make sure two guards were left there to keep an eye to the villagers.

         "This is a disaster." Jack muttered to himself.

It was already late at night but he was still up, staring at the open from his window. "How are you doing out there Elsa?" He asked himself thinking and hoping she'd hear him.


         "We could stay here for now." Thia smiled at Elsa as she put down their bag full of their necessities. "It's already late."

         "We should climb up a tree so they wouldn't find us." Elsa suggested.

Thia raised an eyebrow at her as she brought out a canteen of water. "I don't know about that, I think it's better to get caught down here than get injured trying to hide." Thia laughed before taking a drink.

         "Are you underestimating me Thia?" Elsa crossed her arms and smirked. "You should see my climbing skills that I just developed."

         "Alright then Milady, show me what you got." Thia challenged.

Elsa smiled widely and started trying to climb the tree near them. But unfortunately she was unable to do what she was bragging about making her feel embarrassed. The tree beside them was so much taller than those trees she climbs near Jack's house so it was twice as hard to climb.

         "Maybe it is better to stay down here for now." Elsa admitted. Thia laughed and patted her back. "Come on, don't feel bad for not climbing that tree, even I can't climb that." Thia said.

         "But I bet Jack can." She muttered.

Thia started setting up their campsite, and by campsite that means their fire and blankets that should be able to keep them warm for the night. Thia slept comfortably since she was used to sleeping like that. Not that she was homeless but she enjoyed travelling village to village that's why she was used to sleeping without a comfortable bed.

Elsa on the other couldn't get any sleep at all; she can't even close her eyes for a straight minute. She just sat down covering herself with the brownish blanket that was given to her by Thia.

Elsa has had sleepless nights but this night was nothing compared to those. She felt cold, she wanted to go home and she felt alone even though she wasn't alone. Thia was with her. But she was obviously hoping she was with someone else, someone like Jack.

         "I shouldn't have left." She muttered playing with the ends of her hair while staring at the fire. A cold breeze passed them making Elsa sink deeper into her blanket. "Jack. I'm cold." She whispered to herself.


"Are you okay?" Jack asked while laughing at Elsa who was hugging herself out of the coldness of the breeze. "Are you feeling cold?"

"I'm fine. The cold never bothered me." Elsa glared before looking away.

"I told you that you didn't have to come." Jack reminded. "I just needed to check on something."

"And I told you that I wanted to come." Elsa argued.

"Why? Is it because you were curious?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow. That was her usual excuse just so she could go with Jack, she just didn't want to admit.

"Y-yes." Elsa replied, still looking away from Jack. Jack chuckled and went towards her.

"Why are you curious about my horse?" Jack asked once more trying to hold back a laugh. "I... I just-" Elsa tried to make another excuse like 'I always wanted to ride a horse' but she does ride a horse so saying that would be lying.

Jack just chuckled. He removed his poncho and gave it to Elsa making her feel better because of the warmth. Elsa's cheeks turned to a light pink before muttering a 'thank you' to Jack. Forgetting about her excuse that she would probably never come up with in the first place.


         "Elsa. Wake up. It's time to go." Thia shook Elsa to wake her up. Slowly, Elsa opened her eyes and stretched her arms while yawning.

         "Did you have a good sleep?" Thia asked. Elsa noticed that Thia already finished packing up, everything was set for them.

Elsa sighed. "Barely." She replied getting up. Elsa began folding her blanket and put it in their bag.

Thia noticed Elsa's gloomy aura and frowned. "Do you miss home?" She asked Elsa making Elsa smile weakly. "A little. But I know I can manage to get through this."

         "I know you can Milady, you're Elsa, that's all you need to be to get through all this." Thia tried her best to cheer her up. It was all she could do. It was all what she knows she could do.

         "Thanks Thia. You're the best." Elsa smiled.

         "No, you're the best. I've always wanted to be like you." Thia admitted.

         "How ironic. I always wanted to be like you." Elsa laughed before lifting up the bag she was supposed to carry.

         "What? Like me? Don't be silly, I'm nothing compared to you." Thia said as they began walking.

They talked for a long time as they were walking. But their fun conversation stopped when a loud rumbling of a stomach was heard. Thia laughed nervously and scratched her nape.

         "My my, we forgot to eat breakfast!" Thia said. Elsa wouldn't have realized that too if it weren't for Thia. "We got too excited that we forgot to eat." Elsa laughed along.

They stopped at a nearby tree so they would have shade from the heat since it was already late and the sun was already up.

They brought out the bread that Mrs. Overland packed for them. It was large, that bread could last them at least 5 days but Emilia still insisted they should get 2 just to be sure. They didn't need that much since they wouldn't take long to arrive to the nearby village where they could buy new food. She also gave the two something to put on the bread. Homemade strawberry preserves to make it tasty and not plain.

After that they headed out again.


Jack hopped on to his horse and sighed. "Are you sure about this Jackson?" His mother asked.

He nodded his head as a response to his mother's question."I just feel like it'll be my fault if something happens to her so I have to make sure she's safe." Jack explained.

Emilia smiled. She knew Jack's real reason; he was just too embarrassed to admit that he liked Elsa. It was obvious they liked each other; they were too busy denying their feelings that they didn't even notice it.

         "Alright, I understand. Just be careful okay?" Emilia reminded. Jack smiled widely and gave her another nod.

         "I will." He replied before telling his trusty steed to head out to the direction Elsa and Thia went.

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