Chapter 20

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"Thia keep your eye on her." Jack said before he stepped out the door. Elsa had her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered what that was supposed to mean. 

"I can handle myself well Jackson." Elsa rolled her eyes but he didn't pay attention to what he said. Instead he gave more instructions to Thia as if he was going to leave a little kid on Thia's hands.

"Don't let her get out of your sight, don't let her leave the house." Jack was making it clear he wanted someone to look after Elsa while he was away.

"I am not a child!" Elsa complained, still she was ignored.

"If she ever has somewhere to go, go with her." 

"I can do that without anyone else's help Jack." Elsa stood up from her seat and headed to the two, she was tired of getting ignored. As she walked a list of reminders was told to Thia.

"I said I-"

"I'll be going." Jack said before turning to Elsa with a huge grin. Before Elsa could react, she received a small peck on her cheek leaving her blushing as Jack went off. Thia scoffed. "You two are unbelievable." She said before going to the chair to sit down.


It was visible in Jack's face that he was happy, he has been grinning widely and doing work more enthusiastically that day. Perhaps it was because of that kiss he stole or the words that kept playing in his mind. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he has spent so much of his time with Elsa that charged him up so much. Whatever the reason was, it was obvious Elsa had something to do with it.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Cassandra pointed out as he saw him almost dancing as he cleaned.

"It's a nice day to be in a good mood." Jack replied.

"You're giving off this sunshines-and-rainbows vibe that I didn't know you could have. I thought Rapunzel was the only one who has that kind of vibe." Cassandra laughed.

"Isn't that a good thing? Happy vibes always attracts more costumers." Jack grinned.

Cassandra let out another chuckle. "Well then keep it up." She said as she approached the costumer who just arrived.


"Will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Will you marry him because of that?"

Elsa looked at him with eyes showing she wants to say 'no'. That was the moment she fully understood herself and what answer she wanted to really say from the start.

"Will you go if someone will suddenly show up here and tell you you're about to be wed tomorrow?"

"I don't want to go." Elsa held Jack's hand tightly. 

"What if he asks you himself?" Jack asked, Elsa was shaking her head. "I want to stay here."

"And if they force you?"


"I'm sorry I'm just scared that-"

"I want to stay here, I want to stay with you." Elsa smiled at him the most sincere smile she could give. 

Jack was still hesitant about the answer, he was what you could call a bit paranoid when it came to that. He heard the word "want" too many times that to him wanting was completely different from actually doing. In his mind it was registered that the word "want" can be used as an excuse like the word "try". The fact that it can be associated with "can't" is what made him paranoid about the word.

I want to but I can't.

The very sentence made him want to break down in tears and stop doing whatever he was doing and just let himself sink into a depression.

"Elsa... please..."

"Jack, for you. I'll stay."


Anna took a deep breath, smiled then asked the guards to open up the gates. This was it, the day they'll be coming.

"King Stoic, Queen Valka what a pleasant surprise." The duchess greeted.

"Surprise? Were you not informed that we will be arriving today?" The king asked.

"I'm deeply sorry, I'm afraid I was not." The duchess bowed.

The king and queen exchanged looks before their eyes landed on the prince who simply shrugged. Anna was behind the duchess, bowing her head as well. "That's fine, it seems our letter didn't arrive in time." The king said.

"But I assume you already know the business we are going to be discussing right now." The king told the duchess who looked at him wide eyed.

She nervously shook her head. There was only one reason she could think of that they'll come here. Elsa. The prince might've already told the king and queen about the faux Elsa she showed the public to cover up the fact that the real Elsa was still nowhere to be found. It was questionable that Elsa would be staying out for so long so they'll have no choice but to question how she is being treated there.

"This is ridiculous." The king said making the duchess feel even more nervous. "Hiccup, haven't you informed her yet?"

"Not yet. I thought you could?"

"But I thought you've discussed this with her already?" The queen asked this time.

Hiccup shrugged. "Well..." He looked at Anna who shared the same awkward gesture. "I discussed this with Anna and we still haven't told her, I thought it will be a great surprise?"

The kind and queen exchanged looks once more before they were the one that apologized about Hiccup's decisions. After the apologies they headed on the dining room to further discuss things. 

The king brought a feast but no one was touching the food. The family members of each were seated accordingly, the king was offered the seat on the north end of the table while the queen decided to sit near the king, beside the queen was the princess and then the prince. Across the queen was the duchess, and beside her was her daughter Mary and Anna.

"Hiccup, care to start?" The king asked Hiccup.

Anna nodded her head to Hiccup, telling him to give it a go. "Lady Marisa, it would be a great honor if you would let me take the hand of the lovely Lady Anna."

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