Chapter 1

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Jackson heard her soft crying and felt bad. "The poor girl must be very sad to be thrown out just like that. I wonder what happened?" He thought.

         "Um. Madam. There's bread there if you ever get hungry. It will be a pretty long ride." Jackson said.

         "Yes." Elsa croaked. "Thank you."

As they got further from the castle they approached the part of the land where the sun was already starting to rise. Elsa knew this place, she has been there a long time ago. Back when her father, the Duke, was still alive, they would visit different places to check on the people. She loved those short visits a lot. But she never had the chance to do it again when her father passed away and the duchess took over.

Elsa sighed and went to the corner of the wagon and took one fourths of a piece of bread and started eating.


After a whole hour ride they finally arrived to Jackson's house. Elsa eventually fell asleep during the ride. It was a very long day for her. And she didn't get enough sleep or should I say she didn't get any sleep at all until the ride.

         "Jack's here!" Emma, Jackson's little sister, came running towards him. Jackson laughed. "Hey there little one." He said messing the little brunette's hair as he went down. He untied the knots of the rope that connected the wagon from the horse.

         "Hey!" Emma complained while laughing.

She ran towards the wagon as soon as Jack was setting his horse to the stable. "What did you get for breakfast?"

Emma gasped loudly when she saw a beautiful platinum blonde haired girl sleeping in the wagon. "Jack!" Emma called.

Jack quickly ran to Emma, thinking she was in trouble. But in fact he just forgot he brought someone home with him. When he saw the girl he scratched his nape before telling Emma to calm down.

         "Shh. You might wake her up." He said taking another look at the girl. That's the moment he realized it was actually Elsa. He knew her of course, not personally but everybody knew how Ellaine Sabrina looked like.

He didn't know it was her when he saw her on the doorstep. It was raining and dark so he couldn't make out how her face looked. But he was sure that she was royalty judging by her clothing. It looked way too fancy to be a maid's uniform.

         "She's pretty." Emma commented. Jack stared at Elsa's face for a while and took it all in. The fact that he's going to be living with Elsa made him nervous and excited at the same time. Hey, it's not everyday you get to meet someone this beautiful and get to stay with her in the same house.

         "Yes she is. Now help me lift her up so I could let her sleep in the room." Jack said getting on the wagon too and lifting her up. Emma trailed behind him as he carefully walked on the wagon, hoping it wouldn't roll and make him lose his balance.

He set her down before hopping out the wagon. Emma jumped off after him. Jack carefully lifted Elsa up again once more and straight to his room he went.

He set Elsa down to his bed and put a blanket on her before going out. And as soon as he closed the door of his room Emma started bombarding him with questions like "Who is she?", "Where did you meet her?", "Why did you take her home?" and a lot of other questions.

         "She's Ellaine." Jack replied. Before he could even answer her other questions Emma interrupted him. "Wow. Her name sounds like the Duke's daughter's name." Emma said.

Jack chuckled. "She is the Duke's daughter." Jack said making Emma gasp.

         "Wow! I can't believe she's here!" Emma jumped around. "This is amazing!" She spread her arms.

         "Who's here honey?" The frontdoor bursted open revealing a brunette woman who is around her 40's. It was Emilia, Jackson and Emma's mother. She was just from their small farm picking vegetables for their breakfast. She was going to fry some okra and eggplants. Okra is Emma's favorite, favorite vegetable that is.

         "The duke's daughter!" Emma replied enthusiastically. Emilia just laughed thinking her daughter was making it up. "Of course she is honey." She patted Emma's head before heading to their kitchen which happens to be their dining room at the same time. They had a small house, they were lucky enough to create two bedrooms in it, but of course those two bedrooms were a bit small.

         "She's in Jack's room! She came with Jack." Emma said. "I'm gonna go in Jack's room." Emma ran to Jack's room, making the wooden floor, that is slightly above the ground, shake a bit. Like any other houses they elevated their floor so if ever it will flood there will be less damage.

         "Emma don't wake her up." Jack said. Emma looked at Jack before closing the door. "I won't." She said and closed the door carefully. That's when Emilia realized Emma wasn't joking about the duke's daughter being in their house. She looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow and crossed arm.

         "Jackson you didn't kidnap her right?" Emilia asked making Jack's eyes widen. "Kidnap?! Mom I would never! She was kicked out of the castle and I saw her outside so I offered her to stay here." He explained. Emilia raised her eyebrow the highest she could, still not believing Jack.

         "Are you sure?" Emilia asked, still with a raised eyebrow. "A hundred percent sure mom. You could even ask her when she wakes." Jack said. She figured her son wasn't lying since he never did lie, at least not to his mother.

         "What were you thinking Jackson? Asking a royal to stay here? What will the people say? They'll think you kidnapped her! And I don't think she can handle this commoner's life after living in a castle all her life." Emilia started freaking out. Jack never thought of it that way, he never thought of anything at all when he offered Elsa to stay in their house.

         "I'm sure she'll be fine mom. Plus when she'll finally make up with the duchess she'll be welcome to their castle once more." Jack said. He might seem calm but inside his head he was freaking out. If Emilia didn't tell him that he'll never realize the consequences of keeping a royalty under their roofs.

Well, this was more of a disaster than a great idea.


Meanwhile at the castle, everyone was more freaked out than Jack was. Specially Anna. She regretted falling asleep when she found out Elsa was nowhere to be seen.

The duchess never really meant to kick Elsa out of the castle, but she thought letting her stay outside for a while will teach her not to be so disrespectful. Sometimes Elsa takes the duchess' kindness for granted because she knew she'd never do such thing. That sure changed what Elsa thought.

She planned to let her in again in the morning, but the time she opened the backdoor Elsa wasn't there so the duchess quickly ordered all the staffs in the castle to search every part of the castle and leave no corner unchecked.

But Elsa wasn't found. Of course she wouldn't be, she was now at Jackson's house sleeping soundly. No one saw her running away with the commoner. They could either consider theirselves lucky because no one saw them or maybe consider themselves a fool thinking the duchess wouldn't send the guards to look for her.

After they were ordered to search all over the duchy, Anna was praying hard that they'll find her alive. She was hoping she didn't get that far, considering she's only been out of the castle for a couple of hours. In her mind horrible pictures flashed as she imagined how Elsa is.

         "Oh this is terrible." Anna phased around her room. She was fiddling with her hair in nervousness. "Where could she be?"

         "Anna?" A feminine voice called after a knock was heard. Anna opened the door and saw a little girl. She smiled weakly and hugged her. It was Mary, Anna and Elsa's half sister. "Oh Mary. I'm worried about Elsa." Anna said.

The little girl was as worried as Anna, although they aren't full sisters she considered Anna and Elsa more than half sisters.

The news of Elsa being missing spread fast on the entire dukedom. And because of that it alarmed the prince from the nearby kingdom. By the time the prince heard of the news, he quickly rode his horse and took off to join the search of the missing maiden.

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