Meeting The Class

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  Sakuya led (Y/N) to their class and opened the door to their teacher taking roll call. Hearing the door open , the teacher looked up to see the girls . " Ah, this is the new child? Ms. (Y/N) if I am not mistaken. Please, come in." Sakuya stepped in the room (Y/N) following at her heels. She took her seat, and (Y/N) was asked to stand in front of the class as the teacher asked her to introduce herself. She surveyed the class and saw some children looking at her in an uninterested fashion, some were doing some sort of copy work, others still were chatting amongst themselves.

" Good Morning. I am (Y/N) (L/N) and its so nice to meet all of you. Please take care of me. " The entire tirade went off without a hitch, but (Y/N)'s mind was now filled more with unease than with frustration or annoyance. Would they like her? What sort of people were they? would she fit in? All sorts of questions plagued her mind which were promptly stopped as the teacher directed her to her seat and asked the boy sitting next to her to help her as she needed.

The boy who was supposed to be helping her was not hard on the eyes....if anything, he looked....very handsome, if (Y/N) said so herself. His jet black hair framed an angular visage with mocha eyes (Y/N) felt she could melt in. Her heart sped up and she was not sure if she could respond should the boy talk to her. Were these the beginnings of a crush? " Hey, (Y/N), I am Ichiro. Welcome to the class. You need any help, you let me know, ok?" She took her place next to him and prepared herself for the day.
The final bell for day rang with a eagerness equal to that of the students, excited to finally be out for the day. (Y/N) had made very good friends with Sakuya and Ichiro, and had spent the better part of the lunch time getting to know them. Ichiro's father was the CEO of a major electronic company and he had a younger brother too. Sakuya's mother was a renowned fashion designer and had a older sister. The rest of the class too welcomed (Y/N) with open arms, and now she was not as disgruntled as she was when she first came, " Infact, I might even begin to like it here!" she thought. As the trio walked out of the class, Sakuya seemed very excited as she turned to (Y/N). " Hey, (Y/N), you wanna check out the host club?" (Y/N) was slightly club? she had heard of all types of clubs but this was new...sensing her confusion, Sakuya said " Oh, no one told you? Oh well, the host club is basically a group of young men entertaining ladies like you and me! ALL of them are SUCH eye candy! You simply MUST come with me ! I promise you will enjoy yourself as much as I do !! " (Y/N) Nodded her agreement and Sakuya proceeded to drag her in the appropriate direction. " You ladies have fun, I will see you tomorrow. Bye, (Y/N), Sakuya." Ichiro called out to them as he left for his home. " Bye Ichiro!" (Y/N) and Sakuya said as they made their way to the infamous host club.

The girls reached the door of Music Room number 3 , ergo, the room where the host club held court daily. Sakuya excitedly opened the door and they were both recipients of the flurry of rose petals and as the petals receded, the people themselves were in view, all of them surrounded by fawning girls and excited chatter. " Ohk, (Y/N), quick intro for you: The tall black haired boy in the corner is Takashi Morinozuka, the blond with him is Mitskuni Haninozuka. Both of them are third years. Over by the window you have the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru Hittachin, no one can quite tell them apart except for Haruhi Fujioka, that's the brown haired boy over there. And now my favourite! Tamaki Suoh!! He is sooo dreamy, like a prince among men! That's him on the red futon , the tall blond that is....and finally, Kyoya Otori. He is the one with glasses. Where IS he, though? Is he-" But Sakuya was cut off as a deep voice addressed her. " Ms Ikeda, you called for me?" You both turned around to see a tall boy with black hair, rimless half moon glasses, and a pleasant smile playing on his lips. " No-no..Its just I was telling (Y/N) of all the people in the host club. (Y/N), this is Kyoya Otori, Kyoya, this is the new kid, (Y/N) (L/N)" Sakuya replied. The boy in question took (Y/N)'s hand into his own and planted a chaste kiss on the back of her palm. " We are honoured to have you here, Ms. (L/N). Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy yourself." With that said, he turned away to make his way to the group of girls waiting for him at a table laden with food and drink. Sakuya dragged her to Tamaki's table who received her with his usual pomp and charm. The " King" entertained (Y/N) and the others but throughout the event, she felt as is someone was watching her, and it was not a good feeling.

Little did (Y/N) know what a mistake it was to come to the host she caught the eye of the most dangerous of them all.


AHH! Introduced the Yandere!
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Cheers, Nyx

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