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(Y/N) was dropped back at her place well into the night and was bid farewell by a sweet kiss on her cheek and the promise to see her again in school. She stood At the porch of her house until Ichiro disappeared from sight and slowly walked up to her room, still not quite over the fact that she now had a boyfriend as perfect as Ichiro. opened the door to her bedroom and was startled by a sweet smell assaulting her. A cursory glance at the room revealed a bouquet of pitch black roses sitting on her dresser, a light colored card sitting in the flowers, sticking out like a sore thumb.
'Must be yet another surprise from sweet of him!' (Y/N) sighed as she picked up the card and opened it.

Beloved (Y/N),
Why must you be so cruel to the one who loves you so much? It broke my heart to see you with that brat. What is it that he can give you that I can't? I am highly inclined to disfigure that boy beyond repair for touching what is mine, but, I am a very generous person. I will of course, give you time to undo your .....silly actions and save the little pest from my wrath, you have till Monday**. Break things off with him, tell him you hate him, get him to leave you alone. Forever. Or else.... fatal accidents can happen to anyone, right, my love? And please don't even THINK of involving anyone else.....there is a high probability of them getting hurt in the process.
Fear not about being alone once again once that brat is out of the way, my queen. It is but a matter of time till I have you by my side for eternity.
Your admirer.

(Y/N)'s hands trembled uncontrollably as she placed the card back on the dresser and collapsed on a chair close by. 'Who wrote this letter? How did they get in? Were those threats real? Should I react to this at all? Should I really just.... NO! Must be prank...yes, a prank...he he....' but (Y/N)'s train of thoughts faded into oblivion because her attempts to reassure herself sounded unconvincing to her own ears. (Y/N) needed a clear head to think about this , and now was not the time. It was late into the night, and the best thing She could do right now was sleep. She promised herself she would come to a concrete decision tomorrow, and even as she pulled her covers over her as she lay in bed, she could not help but try to shake the feeling of dread and fear clinging to her like a shroud.

The dark morning of the day greeted (Y/N) with a cloudy sky with all the signs of a rain approaching. After completing her routine for the morning, like getting ready , having breakfast, etc. she sat in front of her window, contemplating the events of ;last night. She tried her hardest to pass it off as a poor joke, but felt this sinister presence all over like. Her intuition told her that whoever sent the letter WOULD in fact carry out each of their threats....and that made her even more nervous.

Before realizing what she had done, she rung up Ichiro who picked up on the 2ND ring. " Hey, princess. How are you?" his warm voice instantly provided poor (Y/N) the comfort and sense of security she lacked throughout the night. " Hey, Ichiro..." she replied. Ichiro sensed something was wrong the instant (Y/N) spoke. " Hey, you alright? Everything OK? Did something happen?" The genuine concern in his voice broke down the last reservation she had about not telling him about the bouquet and the note. She started, " Well..." and proceeded to tell him everything that took place since she came back home.

When she finished, Ichiro said, " Oh, (Y/N). Don't you worry, I'm sure it was just a prank that someone was pulling to scare you or something. It will be alright, absolutely nothing will happen to me, OK?...................You don't believe me, do you? Get ready in 40 mins, I will take you out for ice cream and get rid of all your fears, alright?" Giving your assent and saying your goodbyes, (Y/N) felt much more at ease. Maybe the sender WAS trying to give her grief. Well, she would show him. As she stepped out to meet Ichiro, her mother called out, " (Y/N), me and your father have to leave for a conference. I don't know when we will be back, but the house help will be here with you. You need anything, you call me or your dad, OK?" " I will be fine, mum. You go, have fun" (Y/N) replied as the family butler loaded the last of Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)'s suitcases into the back of their limo.

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