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  Some time had passed since (Y/N) joined the school, and even she had to admit that she was settling in very well. She had a brilliant rapport with all the teachers and students, her grades were very good, but Ichiro and Sakuya still remained her closest confidants. She had bonded very well with Ichiro...infact, some would swear as if they had a crush on one another. Sakuya was in on (Y/N)'s feelings, she knew (Y/N) liked Ichiro and suspected that he reciprocated, and so tried her best to set them up, but failed. The girls continued to pay regular visits to the Host club and (Y/N) found that she had taken a liking to the stoic Takashi and spent most of her time with him.

It was just one of those regular days when at the end of the day Sakuya and (Y/N) went to the host club, but a jarring noise rent the air as Sakuya's ringtone blared in the otherwise quiet hallway. " Just a moment, (Y/N)" she said as she took the call. " Hello?.......Yes.....oh, no! what happened?........Ok ok I will be right there." She hung up the phone as a haunted and panicky look overtook her visage. " What is it?" (Y/N) asked her friend. " My sister. Someone street thugs mugged her. I TOLD her to stop walking home. Thing is, she's not OK and my mother has called me home, So I have to go. You continue to the Club, I don't want you worrying, alright?" (Y/N) could only nod as Sakuya raced to her car as soon as she could in a bid to reach her sister as soon as possible. She felt slightly uneasy as she went to the host club but tried to brush that feeling away as she neared her destination.

She opened the doors and entered but felt the usually lively and loud room unusually quiet. She looked around and wondered where everyone was. Was the club closed today? Then why was there a table for two set up in the middle of the room, right under a chandelier, food and drinks laden on the table, a bouquet off to the side, almost as if someone had been preparing for (Y/N) deemed it best to leave so as to not get in the way of the couple and turned to do so.

" Ms. (L/N). Please, do come in. Have a seat" a voice called out behind her. She spun on her heel to find Kyoya Otori looking back at her. (Y/N) found it odd that he was the only one there, and frankly, did not feel very comfortable being alone with him. in (Y/N)'s opinion, he radiated a aura that should always be feared. , but tried to remain calm nevertheless. " Uh...why are you the only one present today.....Kyoya?" He simply smiled a little before saying, " The rest of the members of the host club are.......otherwise occupied today, they are sure to show up later. Please, why are you standing there? Come here, have a seat, might as well entertain yourself, no?" Had it been any other host she would have readily agreed in anticipation of a jovial time, but something about Kyoya Otori just.....put her off. He was too dark, per se, for her tastes, and so saw it best to just politely refuse and leave.

" Uh, Kyoya, I would love to but it is just that I have some things to do, so...see you later, I guess?" 'Goodness, that was so sloppy! ' She thought to herself as she tried to hurry away. Key word, tried. The moment she opened the door a hand forcefully shut it, leaving her trapped between a wooden door and the only other occupant of the room. Kyoya. She could feel his body heat, she was so close to him. She felt his warm breath lightly tickling her ear and so when he finally spoke, his voice sounded much more...disturbed. " (Y/N)...." he started....the use of herr first name surprised her but you felt it best not to comment.

" Please, stay. I won't take much of your time, I assure you." His hand was still on the door, his body language clearly implying that he did not want her to leave. ' Should I try to leave?' She thought. She cautiously turned around to meet Kyoya's gaze. On the surface he looked absolutely normal, with his signature smirk and all, but a proper look at his eyes, and (Y/N) felt fear grasp her fragile heart. His eyes expressed what his face could not. His eyes were filled with a kind of madness one rarely saw. " You will be staying for the tea, right, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) thought the better of trying to escape and made the decision of humouring him. For now.

" Sure, I guess." She said. The relief on Kyoya's face was palpable. " This way, then, (Y/N)." He was back to his charming self, almost as if that bout of insanity had not taken place at all. She took her seat and looked back at him, he was still at the door. Then he turned back and (Y/N) heard the clear 'click' of the lock turning. ' He locked us in' was the panicky thought that flitted across her mind as Kyoya made his way to the seat across from hers. She pushed the panic and tried to maintain her cool. " So, (Y/N), this is a rare opportunity for me to be able to interact with my guests one-on-one. You must forgive any mishaps that I may make." She nodded to show her agreement which seemed to spur him on even more. "Well then, (Y/N), why don't you tell me something about yourself?" He asked her. (Y/N) reluctantly started telling him vague details of her family and friends.

Kyoya hoped that his queen would not se how nervous he was. He had worked very hard to be where he was right then. Getting Sakuya's sister mugged, so he would lose Sakuya's constant presence around (Y/N), he even had to get the entire host club out of the way. Drugging them and then stashing their unconscious bodies in the green room had been very exhausting, and hoped that they would not wake up before he completed his interlude with (Y/N), but he would do it all over again if it mean that she would spend more time with him. "(Y/N).....such a beautiful name, just like its owner." The apparently heartless Kyoya's heart had been finally enamoured by the sweet (Y/N). He had first seen her when the overly annoying Ishida girl had brought her and he still remembered his heart skip a beat at the exact moment. (H/C) hair (E/C) eyes, (S/C) skin, all of it had been packed into one lovely person Kyoya found he was unable to resist.

Since that day, constant thoughts of (Y/N) plagued the raven haired boy. He saw her everywhere he went, could hear her sweet voice trilling lightly in his ears, feel her hands brush across his skin. It was clear, he was madly infatuated with her. He simply HAD to make her his, by hook or crook. He would do whatever it took. He almost ruined their first date by almost letting her leave. He had not considered the possibility of slight violence, and surprised himself as he had stopped (Y/N) by shutting the door. it was not something he had considered and so, had not thought of the consequences.
His gaze raked across (Y/N), taking in her slightly flushed skin, her trembling hands as she lifted the tea cup to her lips, the slight stutter in her voice as she answered his questions, the frequent darting of her eyes, not quite making eye contact with him. Her body language indicated her fear and he fervently hoped she would come around. She was talking about her life back in the UK, but Kyoya knew all about it. Infact, he knew everything about her, from her favourite colour to her wildest dreams, but he did not want to let her know that he knew, so he simply looked on as his queen conversed away.


(Y/N) started to get her emotions more in control as time passed. Kyoya seemed harmless enough, almost docile, talking to her like the charming man the word knew him to be, but she knew better. Finally , the tea was over, the food was finished and (Y/N) thanked her lucky stars as the clock chimed 4'o clock, signalling the end of their meeting. Kyoya graciously rose to his feet and walked her to the door but as she left the room, he whispered just a sentence into her ears, leaving her blood to run cold and her heart to jump into her throat. He said " (Y/N)......................"

What do you think he said?
Let me know in the comments!
If you liked it please heart and comment!
Cheers, Nyx

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