Ephemeral Refuge

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" Darling...I have patience in utmost abundance, but your constant refusals wear it thin. Life here would be most unpleasant for you should you continue to defy me this way. It would be best if you started co operating with me, it would help you adjust to this place in an easier fashion." He stated as he separated himself from (Y/N) and sat next to her with his legs crossed, his long, nimble fingers lightly brushing away the stray tendrils of her hair which stuck to her face due to all tears she had shed as (Y/N) continued to sniffle inaudibly.
" Hush now, love." He cooed gently as his thumb wiped away the remnants of (Y/N)'s tears. He sat by her side, his repeated action of running his hand through her hair having a strangely calming effect on (Y/N)'s psyche.
Once she sufficiently calmed down, Kyoya made his next move. " (Y/N), what would you like to do tonight?" he asked, making sure to keep his voice on the gentler, more comforting side. "I don't know, run away?" She retorted. 'Ah, that defiant spirit is right back in her.' He thought. " We both know you can't, It would be better for both of us, primarily you, if you were to remove all thoughts of escaping. Now I will ask again, what would you like to do this evening?" He repeated.
(Y/N) thought of how much trouble would she get into if she mentioned running again, but thought the better of it. Right now the best she could do was to scope out the entire house and see if there were any servants, or someone, or any other way she could leave. In order to do that, she had to play along with her kidnapper. "What all can we do?" she inquired. Kyoya smiled a rare smile, seemingly buying the act of her co operation. " Whatever you want." He replied, and took (Y/N)'s hand into his own and absentmindedly began tracing circles on the back of her palm with his thumb.
"Do you have any board games?"
" Sure I do."
" Scrabble?"
"Yes, of course. Come along, the game must be in one of the closets. " He said as he stood up and offered his hand to (Y/N), who took it and trailed behind him. They reached the door leading outside(Y/N)'s room and she saw Kyoya do 2 things. First he positioned his eye in front of a screen of a machine which scanned his retina and gave him the green signal. Then he pressed his thumb on the same screen, and seconds later, the door was open. 'Damn! Retinal check? Thumbprint verification? What is this place, Fort Knox or what?' she thought as he strode out with (Y/N) following slowly as she tried to catalog all the details she saw. 'Hmm, there is a hallway here, which branches out to 3 different passages and we just took the left one. So, 3 passages, left one' She tried to remember but soon lost track as Kyoya led her through so many hallways, all looking just like each other, that she could not remember them all.
" Here we are. Why don't you sit down on one of the couches while I see if I can recall where I kept the game" With that, he disappeared into one of the ample rooms. (Y/N) chose to remain standing as she looked around. 'So, the entire house is themed black and white, huh.' she idly mused as she took in the appearance of the room. Contrary to his bedroom, white was the dominant colour, filling up the walls and the frames of the couches and even some of the décor , with black lamps and cushions and two lamps on either side of the room. Parts of two opposing walls were replaced by floor to ceiling windows overlooking a forest. Yet another wall was painted a stark black, a painting mounted on it. There was one lone bookshelf filled with various volumes. Save that personal effect there was no clutter, no mess, nothing that would even indicate that someone lived here, but what else could be expected of Kyoya if not absolute meticulousness?
Just then she heard a sound behind her and she turned to find Kyoya sitting on the extreme left one of the couches setting up a game of Scrabble in the middle of the couch and when he was done, he invited (Y/N) to sit on the extreme right of the couch. " Let's start. You can go first." He said after everything and everyone was in place.
"Extase is NOT a word! Stop cheating will you!?" (Y/N) thundered as she picked up the tiles reading 'X', 'T', 'A' and 'E' back to him.
" Extase is a word in the French language. It means-"
"I don't care what it means. Use that word when you are playing with a French person. Right now, you make a appropriate word of the letters you have" she chided.
Kyoya could not help but look lovingly at her. No matter what mood she was in, she always appeared lovely beyond words. Even now, when she was annoyed at him for using French words in an English game of Scrabble, she looked good enough to kiss. And kiss her again he would albeit under better situations, he vowed as he held out his hand and (Y/N) dumped his tiles in his hand as he said "I pass. Your turn." He told her and leaned back to admire her as he scrutinized the board for somewhere to make a word. Her eyebrows drew together, her mouth turned into an alluring pout as she looked but found no opening for a word.
Kyoya glanced a the board and his hawk like eyes instantly saw some spaces where she could place her tiles. "Maybe you should see a little south" He casually commented. (Y/N) saw the spaces he intended for her to see and placed the last of her tiles. She then raised a fist in the air triumphantly and cried " I won!! Victory!" . Kyoya hated losing to anyone, but right now, he would lose a hundred times over if it meant he would be able to see his beloved's face adorned in the smile he had fallen in love with. He was still suspicious of her current behavior but his newly discovered emotional side tried to convince him that (Y/N) had indeed listened to him, and that it would only be a matter of time until she reciprocated his feelings.
" Well, well, I stand defeated." He stated as he got off the couch and stretched akin a cat, and a glance at the clock in the living room alerted him to the fact that they had spent way too much time playing the game. It was well into the night. (Y/N) involuntarily yawned and turned to him. "Hey, can I turn in for the night? I have had enough of excitement for one day" she told him. In response he took her hand as a affirmative signal and began their long journey back to her room.
Soon after they got back to the room, Kyoya sat down on the edge of her bed and said " Why don't you change into your nightwear?" (Y/N) obliged and when moments later she came back to see him still on her bed. " Don't you have to go to your own room, Kyoya?"
" I do not believe I have informed you of our sleeping arrangements. Well, since we ARE sharing rooms, it would be convenient for us to share the bed too. "
" You are NOT sleeping next to me."
" And who exactly will come to stop me should I choose to do so?"
(Y/N) realized it was a battle she could not win. She waited as Kyoya went to the washroom and reappeared moments later, clad in only a pair of loose fitting jeans. Her eyes unwittingly drifted to his bare torso, taking in all the chiseled perfection of his chest. " Like what you see?" He teased her as he sat on the bed next to her. " You can't sleep like THAT!! Wear some clothes!" she said, a tint of red quickly climbing up her face. " Aw, you are blushing. I have to admit, you look very alluring like that. " he smiled as he leaned in closer. She saw the blatant invitation in his eyes, and on a mere whim, decided to give in and allowed him to cup her face in his hands and press their lips together. This kiss was sweet, the polar opposite of the earlier one. It was slow, soft, steady, comforting and languid. This time he was gentle, taking his time, allowing (Y/N) to get used to him, lazily drawing circles with his tongue in her mouth, occasionally pulling way to gently nip at her lower lip then diving right back in. She hesitatingly placed her hands on his shoulders before he pulled away. He stared right back into her questioning eyes, then mutely shifted and lay down on the bed, gesticulating for (Y/N) to do the same.

Her obligation of his request resulted in him snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer and resting is chin atop her head, so they were spooning together. Something suddenly occurred to (Y/N). " Kyoya?" she whispered, thinking he had fallen asleep. " Yes, love?"
" Are there no servants in the house?"
" No. There is one. Just you and me. Why do you ask?"

(Y/N) would have thought up of an excuse to feed him had she not been too busy thinking of all that happened today. Getting kidnapped, then co operating. It was all part of a scheme which boiled inside (Y/N)'s head. No servants, her unawareness regarding the hallways, the god damn security barriers Kyoya had put up. Her hands were really tied unless she had some outside help, or at the very least, the working knowledge of the ways in the house. ' I need to get him to trust me so I can break out.' She concluded. But then her eyes felt heavy and she soon lost her war to stay awake as she slipped into a deep slumber.

Kyoya could pinpoint the exact moment the rigidity in (Y/N)'s body faded and she became lax in her sleep. He still found it way too suspicious that (Y/N) suddenly decided to give him a chance, and even allowing him to kiss her. He played with the thought of giving her the benefit of doubt or testing her to see if her new found affections were real, and after a moment of deliberation he came to a solid decision and soon, fell asleep as well.


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