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As the next morning arrived, (Y/N) was more excited than the situation warranted. She jumped out of bed, going as far to whip up breakfast for her and Kyoya. When he sees her settling in, even helping with the chores, his suspicion of her would definitely reduce to a point where he would trust her by herself. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs " Morning!" she greeted him as he took in the scene in front of him and made his way to (Y/N) and turned her around so she was facing him and kissed her on her forehead. " Cooking , are we?" he asked. " Uh-huh" she uttered, before going back to her pans on the stove. " Well, I am most eager to eat my princess' cooking ." he announced as he took a seat on the table.
'Yes....phase one just worked! He suspected nothing! Now please please let this play out nicely!' (Y/N) begged all the gods above as she served him breakfast and they ate in silence. True to his words, Kyoya took (Y/N) to the beach as soon as breakfast was over and the 'beach gear' as taken care of. Namely : umbrellas, packed lunches, towels and so on. (Y/N) and Kyoya walked till the beach and she could already taste her freedom. The open ocean invited her to jump into its depths, and make her way to freedom. They set up the umbrellas, spread out the towels under the shade, and while (Y/N) decided to wade into the water, Kyoya sits back under the umbrella, and watches her.

Kyoya lovingly gazed at (Y/N), and once again thought about just how lucky he was to have been with someone like her. His brain already overflowed with future plans. In his mind, he and (Y/N) were already bound in an irrevocable way, and he did not intend for it to change. He briefly played with the idea of marriage, but decided against it because it was too early to spring something of this sort on (Y/N). He got distracted by his phone vibrating and he pulled it out to see the caller ID. Tamaki. " Hello." He snapped, unhappy that someone had interrupted his perusing. " Kyoya! Where are you! I haven't seen you for ages!!" Tamaki cried.
" You saw me a few days ago. I do not believe that counts as 'ages' as you put it."
" You know what I mean. You weren't at your place, the ladies who come for you at the host club are SO disappointed! I don't know what to tell them!"
"I am taking a .....break, per se. I will be back soon. If that will be all...." Kyoya trailed off.
"The third years are graduating in 4 days! You won't miss that will you?" Tamaki asked.
" I am still considering it." He reluctantly allowed.
" Don't miss it! Be back soon! We miss you! BYE!" Tamaki said before Kyoya promptly hung up. Well, this would cause new, unforeseen problems.
While Kyoya took his call, (Y/N) deemed it the perfect time to go looking for a boat or some other floating device. She looked high and low, staying alert with an excuse should Kyoya catch up to her. So far her search yielded nothing of use, just the sea, sand and Kyoya. She was about to turn away in dejection until a cave, partially immersed in water caught her sight. 'Couldn't hurt to have a look inside the cave' she decided and was about to go in, an arm wrapped around her waist and she turned to find Kyoya looking down at. Her heart clenched in fear as she considered the possibility that he might have seen her poking about. " What are you doing here, princess?" He asked, a suspicious look in his eyes. "Oh, nothing much, just looking around the place." He looked at her for a few minutes, and for a second she saw the gleam of anger and hurt in his eyes, but that vanished just as soon as it came, leaving (Y/N) to think whether she had imagined it.

" I see. But in the future, take care not to leave my sight. Ever." He emphasized, his grip on her waist becoming painfully tight. " Kyoya.....I won't go anywhere, don't you see?" For further effect, (Y/N) hugged him, feeling relieved as his usually tense posture relaxed a little and he hugged her right back. " I know you won't. I will never allow you to do anything of the sort." That statement surprised her a bit. Did he not trust her yet? After all that she had done? She made the hazardous decision of testing the waters with Kyoya. " Hey...." she started, looking at him straight in the eye. " Do you still think I will leave you? You know I won't do anything of the sort..." she trailed off, carefully gauging the change in his expression. All she could detect was a slight twitch of the lips, but other than that, his face remained annoyingly blank. ' How can he maintain such a straight face all the time!' she thought desperately, upset at the fact that she could glean nothing.

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