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The boat cut through the serene waves lapping the submerged portion of the boat. (Y/N) was filled to the brim with adrenaline, mostly by the quickly dissipating dread of being caught, and a little by the exhilaration of finally having escaped. But now (Y/N) had absolutely no idea as to where she had to go. Was she even headed in the direction of the mainland? She spotted the light emanating from a lighthouse some distance away. 'Perfect' She thought. She decided to leave the controls alone for the fear of messing something up, but figured out the controls required to stop the boat when she reached a harbor. After that, it was the simple matter of borrowing a phone and calling her parents and they would come for her. She turned to look behind her, the island she was held captive on was still in sight, much to her displeasure. Just then a voice called out to her " Stop!" out of a speakerphone. She turned to see a boat she recognized as the boat belonging to the coast guard. She stopped the boat and waited for the guard get to her. " Miss, are you aware that you are crossing the nautical borders of Japan? May I see your identification?"
" Uh...I have no identifications as such."
" Then may I ask that what are you doing here, exactly?"
" You will not believe me...." She said, suddenly feeling too exhausted to even think of a lie. She just wanted to crawl into her bed and sleep for a long time, and wake up a free person. He looked at her skeptically for a second, and then said, " Try me."
(Y/N) decided to go with the flow and tell him of her predicament. After listening to her story his eyes turned sympathetic. " My are certainly.." He trailed off. He invited her over to his boat. " Don't worry. I will take you home. Your family will take care of you." (Y/N) instantly obliged and switched her boat for the coast Guard's boat. He led her into a cabin with a comfy looking bed, and a desk. It was sparsely furnished with oak co loured walls. She immediately collapsed on the bed and felt the tiredness of her body catch up to her. As she drifted into sleep, the last thing she heard was the coast guard saying " I know it is not much. But you should be enough until we reach your fiancé." ' What? My......fiancé? I don't have one......must have......misheard....' she thought as sleep finally claimed her.

(Y/N) slept for very a very short time. Her gut warned her of imminent danger. She heard two voices talking. One was definitely of the coast guard... but as realization struck her, cold fear clutched her hear. ' NO!! NONONONONO THIS CAN'T BE!' She desperately thought. The other voice in the cabin, was none other than Kyoya. She continued her pretense of being asleep and crack an eyelid open just a little, only for a second. But that time was enough for her to take in the scene. Two chairs were placed next to her bed of sorts, occupied by Kyoya and the coast guard respectively. They were talking in hushed voices, so (Y/N) had to really strain to hear.
"....possibly can't thank you enough for returning my fiancée to me, sir."
" Oh, its no problem . What so the doctors say about her condition? Does she really try to run often?"
" Usually, no. Its the first time she acted so rashly. It pains me to see her like this, but I give myself solace with the fact The doctors have hope. In fact, I will be taking her to UK very soon to a specialist."
" I kind of understood the situation when you told me about it some weeks before, but I could not quite come to grips with it. Could you explain again?"
" Certainly. My fiancée's condition is a very peculiar one. Her parents passed away in a car crash some time ago. She couldn't take the shock and suffered a stroke. We took her to the hospital, of course. The worst 3 days of my life......but it was about to get worse still. When she woke up, she remembered nothing. The doctors said that the shock caused her to have serious amnesia. She had no recollection of the past few months. That is, in her mind, she is still convinced that her parents still live and that she has to get back to them, and that I am some sort of kidnapper who has kept her on the island. We got engaged very recently, so she has lost all memories me, leading her to see me in such a negative light. It pains me to her suffering like this to be honest. I always live in the fear that she will run away, disillusioned, and unsafe. That is why I asked your very competent team of coast guard to keep an eye out should she ever do something rash like this and I am forever grateful for all the assistance yo have provided and hope you will continue to do so in the future. I hope she did not give you much trouble"
" Of course not. She seems a very pleasant woman, apart from the...problems she has. It is heartening to see a young man like yourself being so considerate towards your....unwell fiancé.
Please do tell me should her condition improve. And you need not worry. Next time I see her leave the island, I will bring her back."
" Once again I thank your kind assistance sir. Now, if you will excuse me, I will take your leave."
' DAMN THAT LIAR! I have to convince the guard that I am NOT AMNESIAC ! I AM ALRIGHT!' She decided and sat up in the bed gaining the attention of both the men. Kyoya had to turn in his chair to see her and his face broke into a relieved smile so real it would have fooled anyone, but not (Y/N). She turned her attention to the coast guard. " He is lying. I am alright! My parents are alive, you can call them! He HAS kidnapped me! You have to believe me!" she cried, desperate. She could not go back like this, without a fight. God knows what all would he do to her if he had her alone. Kyoya shot a look to the coast guard, his expression clearly conveying the ' told you so' vibes. The guard too looked patronisingly at her. " Now, don't panic , you will be alright with your fiancé. He loves you very much, you know." He finished, stepping aside so that Kyoya could reach (Y/N).
She leapt off the bed and took up a defensive posture. Damn if she was going down without a fight. But Kyoya simply wrapped his arms around her in a way which appeared loving, but was a clear, simple way to restrain her.

" Princess, it is alright. We will go home." Kyoya said in a affectionate tone, going as far as to kiss her forehead. He turned to the guard, thanked him one final time and tugged (Y/N) off the boat and back onto the beach of the island, with her screaming protests all the way, with rampant attempts of hurting Kyoya, with some success, she scratched his arm with a Swiss Knife she had found while being dragged away. Despite his now bleeding arm, he picked the knife straight out of her hands and tossed it to the guard, who wished them both well and assured him that he would always bring (Y/N) back should she wander away. On that note, he got back into his boat and sped away into the morning sun, leaving a struggling (Y/N) in the arms of her bloody captor, back to square one.

Kyoya seemed to forget all his affection which he had shown her the moment the boat disappeared out of sight. But his reaction surprised her a lot. He laughed. His laugh seemed to echo in (Y/N)'s ears, it was loud, triumphant. His fit of joy calmed down and he looked at her as he took her hands in his own. " Oh, my sweet, beloved, naïve (Y/N). How you amuse me! You actually thought that I was oblivious to your little plans!!" His laughter now melted into a smirk so sinister sent chills down (Y/N)'s spine. His eyes portrayed a man deranged. Someone that should be avoided at all costs. His hands then left her own and proceeded to pull her close till they were pressed against one another, his crazed eyes staring at her in pure, unadulterated triumph. (Y/N) tried to push him away, of course, but with no avail. He did not loosen his grip a single iota. Instead, he leaned in closer to her until his mouth was right next to her ear.

 " You thought you could leave. Despite my repeated warnings not to try anything of the sort. You thought you had gotten away with lying to me, that you had managed to deceive me. How silly of you, dear heart. But I guess that innocence is what I fell in love with. But I am disappointed in you, darling, and don't think for a second that you will get away with this foolish, failed attempt with no consequence. You will be duly punished." he whispered in her ear, and lightly nipped at her earlobe, and pulled away, and switched his grip from her waist to her hands as he proceeded to take her back to the mansion, but (Y/N) dug her heels and stood firm. " I won't co operate with you anymore, you beast." She snarled in a sudden burst of bravery which quickly disappeared when Kyoya faced her with his stony eyes, his perfectly blank face, devoid of the multitude of emotions which had flashed through him mere moments ago, leaving (Y/N) to wonder whether defying him at a point of time in which he is so....affected is a wise decision or not.

" Very well. If you insist on being difficult....."

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