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The crowd was eager to watch her get wed off. (Y/N)'s family members lined up on the either side of the aisle. She knew some faces well, others were aunts and uncles whose faces she had seen about once in her life. But every relative she had, was present in the church today. She could hear some of cousins murmuring in the din.
" Isn't SHE lucky....."
" I have heard that the youngest boy of the Otori's is quite the catch."
" They do not even have a prenup! Are they really THAT sure that their marriage will last?"
Hushed whispers echoed through out the hall, and (Y/N) felt dizzy. She wanted to sit down for a moment. Or for eternity. She looked up ahead of the aisle, and saw Ichiro standing at the end of the aisle, holding out his hand for her. She smiled, and felt a hand take her gently by the arm. She turned to see, it as her father. She looked down at her dress, a mermaid-style dress which fit her like a dream, the veil over her head draped a sheen of net over her vision, and the organ played up, signaling the bride to walk the aisle. But midway through the walk, the joyous scene melted into something way more sinister. The supporting arm of her father deserted her, she was suddenly all alone on the aisle. At the end of the aisle, Ichiro still smiled at her, but soon enough, his features morphed into the visage of the man who held her captive. Her groom was now Kyoya, the earlier rejoicing guests still celebrated, except now their smiles looked malicious, as if they enjoyed watching her growing misery.

Kyoya beckoned her to finish the walk, and (Y/N) wanted to turn back and leave, but her feet were rooted to the ground. The crowd became rowdy with every passing second, pushing her ahead, (Y/N)'s feet could do no more but step forward. Every time she stopped, some relative of her pushed her ahead. This continued until she was within Kyoya's reach. He wasted no time in snatching her up in his arms and holding her close as the priest began speaking. The words were a blur to her, until the priest reached the end and beckoned (Y/N) to recite her wedding vows. When no words came out of her mouth, the priest took the lead.
" Do, you, (Y/N) (L/N) , take Kyoya Otori, for your lawful husband, to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
(Y/N) eagerly protested, " I do-" But she was cut off by the priest who did not let her finish, gesticulated to Kyoya to recite his vows. The way he looked at her, his eyes, made it abundantly clear that he had planned this thing out. The priest had to be in cahoots with him. He HAD to be or else he would have let her complete her sentence.

But it was too late, her apparent acceptance had been recognized and Kyoya had already begun speaking.
"I, Kyoya Otori, take you,(Y/N) (L/N) for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. Maybe not even then." He finished, the last part reserved just for her ears. He shot her a smirk, and then, the priest announced to the crowd that would seal her fate. "I then, pronounce you as man and wife. The groom may kiss the bride." He completed, and the crowd erupted in cheers as Kyoya removed her veil, and leaned in to kiss her. He sealed her mouth with his own, kissing her hungrily, and the crowd began to chant, " Princess.....Princess.....Princess..."

" Princess....wake up. You have been asleep for long enough."
(Y/N) bolted upright in bed her breath choppy, her eyes wide, in a cold sweat, and she slowly calmed down as she began to gain awareness of her surroundings. ' It was....a dream. am still single.' she assured herself and her attention was drawn by her captor, who was rubbing her back in a soothing manner, and looking at her, worry clear in his onyx orbs. " Are you well, love?" he asked, as he pressed a hand to her forehead and put his other hand on his own forehead, comparing their temperatures. " You seem very ill, but your body temperature is just fine." He stood up from his post of vigil and got her a glass of water, which she downed eagerly, the cool liquid rushing down her throat, bringing her comfort. He sat by her side again, pulling her to his chest, and rested his chin on her head. " Feeling better?" he asked. (Y/N) shifted to leave his grip, but he held fast.

" Don't." He simply said, feeling surprisingly content to just hold her. " Kyoya, please, let go." She pleaded with him. " Maybe if you give me a kiss I might consider it." he replied cheekily. Right then, (Y/N) was ready to do that so that he would let go and she would get a breather. So she turned in his hold so that she was straddling him and planted a quick peck on his lips. But he was not content, and he pulled her right back, kissing her passionately, turning so that (Y/N) was under him on the bed. He pulled away from her only when he was out of breath. " All that kiss that was arouse me, love. If I had had my way I would have not let you leave the bed for the rest of the evening. But, I made an agreement, so..." he said, rolling off her, lying on his back, allowing (Y/N) to stand up.
She got up too quickly for her body to accept, so she winced with the pain it brought, but gritted her teeth and waited the waves of slight agony to subside before leaving the bedroom and moved towards the balcony, the fresh air invigorating her. She looked down at the drop and shuddered slightly. The sky was now colored by hues of pink and purple and deep blue. She had slept through the day.

Kyoya, who could not bear to stay away from (Y/N) for long spans of time, wandered around the suite, looking for her, finally spying her by the balcony( consult pic) , and walked to her. He leaned on the railing, realizing that (Y/N) was so lost in thought she was paying little to no attention to him. He took this opportunity to study her face. He already knew her face better than the back of his hand, all the contours, planes and curves of her face were down in his memory like a permanent part of his brain. He could never forget. Not just her face, everything about her was stored in his mind. There was nothing about her of which he did not know about. A random thought struck him.' She would look simply ravishing in a wedding dress. She would make the loveliest bride in all of history' he smiled at the thought, his mind already spinning with plans for their wedding. Stereotype was that the bride was the only one interested in the wedding, but Kyoya was determined to be involved in every aspect of it. He would make it perfect for his beloved.

He was broken out of his train of thoughts as he heard his phone ring. He looked at (Y/N) to find that she too, was out of her train of thoughts, and was leaving to go elsewhere. He picked his phone up.
" Otori."
" Mr. Otori, the boat and car are ready to leave at your convenience."
" We will be there in 15 minutes. I trust everything else is prepared?"
" Yes sir."
" Very well. The boxes have been taken from the jeweler and will be delivered to the island."
With that he hung up. He looked down at his naked torso and realized he still had to get into a complete attire. He went inside the suite and called, " (Y/N)!"
In response, all she did was step out of the bedroom and catch sight of him in the living room. " We leave for home in 15 minutes, love." He told her before going to dress himself up.
Some time later, they were both ready to go. Kyoya held on to (Y/N)'s hand as the hotel attendant put their luggage in the trunk. When all the formalities were sorted out, they sped out for (Y/N)'s prison.

Night had fallen by the time they were back at the island. (Y/N) could feel the familiar weight of grief, fear, and discomfort weigh down on her like a shroud. Kyoya easily handled both their bags, letting (Y/N) walk ahead of him. They had eaten dinner in the mainland, so all that was left was to turn in for the night. Kyoya opened the doors and led (Y/N) in. (Y/N) settled her clothes back into the closet with a heavy heart, but Kyoya seemed in a joyful spirit as he waited for her to finish. (Y/N) had also seen a lot of boxes in one corner of the room, and wondered what they were about. As much as she did not want it, the arrangement of clothes came to an end, leaving her free and vulnerable to any advances from Kyoya.

" Princess, come here, please." He said, from his position on the bed.
(Y/N) approached him and sat on the bed, making sure to put as much distance between them. Kyoya closed the distance by moving next to her . His eyes shone with the kind of excitement she doubted he had ever experienced in his life. He took her hands in his, and with a smile and a kiss, sealed her fate.
" (Y/N)...we are getting married."  

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