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  The next morning greeted (Y/N) with slightly more cheery spirits than before. She sat up on the bed, looked around sleepily, not quite entirely awake yet, and she was considering going back to sleep when something caught her eye which made all thoughts of sleep leave her. It was a jet black suitcase lying open, 'K. Otori ' monogrammed onto its side, and next to it was a smaller navy suitcase , open as well. Hope welled up in her. Was he really going to let her go? After all what else could be the suitcases for? Just then the door swung open to reveal the man himself. He looked at (Y/N)'s face and put two and two together. " Ah, morning, dear heart. I see you have taken notice of the suitcases."
" Am I........I mean....are we going somewhere?" She asked, careful not to rouse any suspicion should this trip not be the freedom to ticket she was looking for.
" As it would happen, yes. Would you please get ready and pack all the items needed for a two day long trip?" He said, placing the breakfast on the nightstand, and hefted the black suitcase, then turned to leave so he could be ready himself.
" Where are we going?"
" Somewhere...." he teased, shutting the door behind him.

Kyoya made his way to guest room to get ready, still thinking about the various reactions (Y/N) had given. It seemed as if she was suitably settled in. Everything was going well, he was sure he had made progress with her. She did not recoil from his touch anymore, she actually talked to him, there were no more hissy fits as there were before. So..this event they had to attend was inconvenient, but inevitable. His mind moved back to the phone call he had received last night on the yacht.
" KYOOYAAA!! Where ARE you!!??" Tamaki screeched down the line.
" Is there something you wanted?"
" Have you forgotten? Mori-senpai and Hani-senpai graduate day after tomorrow!! You are supposed to be here!!"
Kyoya suddenly remembered that Tamaki had called with something similar to say before as well.
" I will see if I can attend the graduation ceremony."

With that, he had hung up. He looked at (Y/N), and how close he was to completely winning her over. He did not want to undo all the progress by taking her back into civilization. He wished for some reason he could avoid going at all, but doing that would arouse suspicion from not only the host club, but from his father as well, who viewed Graduation ceremonies as networking hubs, good for establishing new contacts, and the absence of his son to fulfill that purpose would definitely strike him as weird.He considered leaving her alone and going himself, but what if something arose in his absence? What if she accidentally hurt herself and he was not there to fix her up? What if she locks herself in one of the rooms and won't be able to get out because all doors required his voice and his retinal scan. No.....that simply won't do. That had him decided. He would take (Y/N) with him, where he could keep an eye on her. And that was how he ended up like this. Getting ready for his motorboat waiting on the shore, for a flight back to Japan.

(Y/N) packed as much stuff as she could cram into the suitcase, almost sure of the fact that she will not be returning anytime. Ever. She was excited, to the point where she was brightly smiling when Kyoya came to collect her. He easily lifted her suitcase along with her and began the journey to the makeshift dock.

An hour later, Kyoya and (Y/N) touched he docks of mainland Japan. (Y/N) couldn't contain herself, and was legit bouncing on her own feet, and stopped only when Kyoya placed a hand on her shoulder and said " Easy there, love." and then gestured to the car waiting to their hotel. Once they were off, she turned to him. " Why are we going to a hotel?" She asked.
" Because it would be merely inconvenient fro us if we were to stay at my family's house." He elaborated, and she realized he was going to say no more for now, o she turned away and looked out of the window instead, taking in the familiar feel of her hometown. Already millions of tiny fragments of schemes popped randomly around in her head. She was eager to leave. Yes she realized that Kyoya had been so nice to her, and that she should at least bother to give him the benefit of doubt. But she could never quite get the image of Ichiro out of her head, his unmoving body, so lifeless. Who knew what else he was capable of? So, for the safety of her own future, she had to leave.

Moments later they pulled into the driveway of a hotel. (Y/N) easily recognized it as one of the best hotels in all of Japan, and many a time, her father met some of his business partners in this very place. Kyoya made quick work of confirming the reservations of the presidential suite, and gave the luggage over to one of the many attendants, and led (Y/N) into the elevator, and silently waited as the doors shut on the pair, the machinery faintly whirred before beginning its upward journey. Suddenly, (Y/N) was so aware of the fact that they were all alone in a elevator. People made out in elevators. She had seen it in so many movies. She risked a glance to her side, and saw Kyoya stoically looking at the front.
'Ohk...so, no danger of a make out session here' she smiled to herself, which was the exact moment Kyoya turned and caught her smiling to herself.
"Did something strike you as amusing?" He asked, now fully turning to face her.
" Uh..no.?"
" Is it so..?" He questioned, a smirk plastered on his face, as he walked towards (Y/N) and stood in front of her and placed his hands on either side of her, effectively cornering her. He leaned in close, and lightly brushed his lips across her jaw, his hands now leaving the wall in favor of wrapping them around (Y/N) in a vise-like grip. He started kissing her jaw, moving down to her neck, but before he could continue, the elevator doors opened up and Kyoya had to reluctantly pull back to fall into the façade the world knew him as. They walked the marble hallway, and Kyoya stuck the key card in the presented slit, and the door swung open soundlessly, and they entered to find that their luggage had already arrived and was by on of the couches. " Wow...they move fast" she muttered. " It is what they are paid for." Kyoya told her as he took her hand and led her gave her the quick tou. Turns out, this room was reserved especially for the Otori family's guests.

The tour of the place ended and Kyoya decided to order room service for (Y/N) and himself, owing to his reluctance to take (Y/N) outside unless absolutely imperative. He made some calls to make sure that a car would be there to collect them tomorrow and take them to Ouran Academy for the ceremony. He would keep (Y/N) by his side, obviously, and would answer all the questions, if any, which would be thrown at her. And he would immediately take her back as soon as it was over. He would briefly talk to the host club before avoiding them subtly. He was determined to make sure that this goes off without a hitch.

Which was precisely why, the next morning, when (Y/N) and Kyoya were ready, he decided to have a talk with her. " (Y/N)?"
"Hmnn?" she asked, as she fixed the earrings in her ears.
" Promise me you won't leave my side today."
"......" she said nothing.
" (Y/N)." He repeated. Still no response. He walked up to the dresser where (Y/N) sat and placed an educated finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him.
" Am I making myself abundantly clear? Under no circumstances are you to leave. If you do there will be consequences to face. "
" Ok." she said, meekly lowering her head, her lips twisting into a slight frown.
Kyoya crouched down to her level and cupped her face in one hand. " Hey, princess." he implored. She made eye contact with him. " I trust you, ok? I KNOW you won't leave. But still, I just said that as a reminder. Don't be upset, now. I hate seeing you unhappy." He told her, before his phone buzzed, hailing a message which asked them to come downstairs because the car was ready.
" Beloved, its time." He told her. (Y/N) stood up to follow him.

On the outside, (Y/N) agreed, but even as they sat into the car and it sped off, (Y/N) could feel it in her heart that this would be the last day she would spend with him. Today, she WOULD free herself.  

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