Realisations and Affections

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(Y/N) awoke to a dull throbbing at the back of her head, and her eyes hurt as if she had been crying a lot. She slowly opened her eyes only to find a face dominating her field of vision. Dark hair framed a face she knew only too well by now. Kyoya. She remembered clear as day just what all had happened in the club room, which only served to anger the girl, though the anger was tinged with fear. ' The guy is crazy! God knows what all is he capable of doing' Was the first panicky thought that flitted across her mind as she sat up and looked around the room she was in. The room clearly followed the black and white theme. The walls , bed even the doors and cupboards were black.The only think NOT black was the frame of the bed she sat on. It was a white that hurt her eyes with its stark contrast with the rest of the room. One entire wall of the room consisted of a ceiling to floor window which overlooked the lush greenery of a forest. 'I can use this window to escape.' she thought.

Her further perusal of the room was stopped short as she heard a chuckle next to her. (Y/N) turned to see Kyoya sitting on a cushioned stool , with one leg crossed over the other, and chin resting on one his hands, his head tilted in slight amusement even as his lips curled into a smirk. " I can see you think, dear heart. Your face expresses everything running in your mind. You think you can leave using the window, right? Well, you can't. There is NO escape route I have not accounted for." (Y/N) decided to flip the topic onto him. "Why am I here Kyoya? Take me home THIS INSTANT." She tried to stand up to further impress her point, but was stopped short by a tugging force at her right leg. She looked down to see her foot in a shackle which was further chained to one of the feet of the bed. Kyoya's gaze followed that of (Y/N)'s and he saw the chain. " Ah, that. Its just a preventive measure in case you woke up in my absence. I will remove it in a moment." " You will do that AND take me home right now. What you are doing is a felony punishable by law! " She thundered. " Now, why would I do anything of the sort? After all the trouble I went through just to get you, surely you can not expect me to relinquish you THIS easily?" (Y/N) made a last attempt to be reasonable and put forward her demand. " Take me home, Kyoya." " You ARE home, (Y/N). This is your home now, with me." He said that in a low tone, which when accompanied by the look of determination in his eyes, made (Y/N) realize that he would not let her go.

Kyoya leaned over to whisper in (Y/N)'s ear, "Eventually, you will get used to being here with me. Eventually, you will come to love me as much as I love you, and then we can married. What do you say?" " Marriage? ARE YOU CRAZY!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DO YOU REALISE THAT YOU HAVE KIDNAPPED SOMEONE AND CAN BE PUT INTO PRISON FOR THIS??!!" (Y/N) shouted as Kyoya straightened to say, " And pray tell, beloved, who exactly WILL get me put into prison? Did you really think I took you on a whim? Please give me more credit than that. Your disappearance has been planned down to the last detail. No one will sense anything amiss-" he bent over to undo (Y/N)'s shackles as he continued " if someone DOES come close to finding you, I will effectively and permanently take care of them. Now why don't you change, the uniform can be surprisingly uncomfortable. The washroom is right over there and over by that corner is your closet. I will be back with something for you to eat in an hour." He finished as he made his way towards the door leading outside her room. " Don't do anything rash, like trying to escape. I might have to take preventive measures you won't like." He said in a final word of warning as he put his eye in front of a retina scanning machine. " Chains won't keep me here, Kyoya. I WILL leave this place sooner or later" (Y/N) said as her eyes drifted to the chains lying on the ground. " I don't need chains to keep you here, my love. YOU will keep yourself here. After all, you would hate it something were to happen to your dearest parents, would you not?" he laughed as he shut the door behind him.

The full meaning of his threat sank in a few seconds later. ' He will harm mom and dad if I try to leave.' she thought as the familiar feeling of fear weakened her resolve to escape. ' For now, the best course of action is to scope out this room.' She decided as she stood up and felt the blood rush back to her restrained legs and slowly moved toward the door Kyoya has pointed out as the washroom trying to come to terms with the predicament she was thrown in.

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