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Kyoya was mighty pleased with the fact that all was going as he had planned it. The entirety of the host club had been sent to Hawaii for an all expenses paid vacation and all the guests were informed of this beforehand so no one bothered to come to the club room. Except (Y/N). He had after all taken steps to ensure that (Y/N) remained in the dark, and could therefore be easily tricked. Enlisting the help of the Ishida girl had been harder. She wanted to remain loyal to (Y/N), and even threatened to tell her of his nefarious schemes. 'Tch, silly girl, thinking she could defeat me in my own game' he thought as hid mind recalled the events with caused Sakuya to agree to help him.

Sakuya sat next to her sister in the hospital, who lay in the bed, slightly shivering. " Mom, what exactly happened to her?" she turned to ask the middle aged woman sitting on sofa at the edge of the room, clutching a dampened hanker chief like her last lifeline. " She was walking back home. Some muggers got her. Being the rebellious person she is, she must have fought back. There must have been many of them and only one of her. The beat her up so much-" she broke off as desperate sobs racked her body." Thank god she managed to call me before she passed out.." she finished before sinking into a heavy, uncomfortable silence, broken by a nurse who stepped in. " Ms. Sakuya Ishida?" She asked looking around the room enquiringly. " That's me." Sakuya announced tiredly as she got to her feet in a lethargic fashion. " Mr. Otori would like to see you to express his sympathies." For a moment, Sakuya's brain could not quite process what had just been said. Then everything fell into perspective. The hospital was owned by the Otori's whose youngest son was her classmate so in lieu of a future alliance they must be doing this. Oh well. "Alright, lead the way." she told the nurse and turned to look at her mother who ad fallen asleep. ' Should I tell her that I'm leaving....Oh no. She must be really tired and then I will be back in just a few moments.' she reasoned as she followed the nurse to the Otori's office.

Sakuya was slightly surprised upon entering the office. She expected to meet Yoshio Otori or one of his older sons, but was instead greeted by Kyoya Otori. 'Strange.' she thought but was too exhausted to think any deeper about this. "Ms. Ishida, you look exhausted, please do sit down." he said as he helped her into one of the plush chairs in his office. "Please, have some water." he offered a glass of the liquid in question to her which she downed gratefully. " Thank you." She said as Kyoya took his place behind the desk separating them both, making him look exactly like the in-control person he was. " I was very upset to hear about your sister's accident. My sympathies." He said in a tone dripping with sympathy, and Sakuya would find out, fake sympathy.

" Thank you, Kyoya" she said as she clutched the glass of water in her hand staring down into it. " It would be a pity f more of these accidents were to happen, do you not agree?" He asked her. Her previously clouded and lethargic brain stood to attention at that statement as she whipped up her head in askance. " What do you mean?" she asked him as she placed the glass on the table and stared at him right in the eyes. " Calm down. It would not do to be ruled by emotions when your family's life hangs in balance, yes?" "You/.......YOU DID THAT TO MY SISTER!" She screamed as she lunged across the table to strangle the boy. But Kyoya was faster as she grabbed both her hands and forcefully pressed them to the table. " That was the last time I was excusing you. Next time you pull a stunt like this, I will be very upset. You do not want to see me upset. Now sit down and lets discuss like rational adults" After some moments of trying to rein in her raging anger she sat down.

" What do you want, Kyoya? Why did you do that to Hikari?" Sakuya asked. " Well, let us just say, I am in need of your assistance. I did not do anything to your sister...personally. I just hired people who did the job. What happened to her was unfortunate, but imperative. I needed to give you some...incentive, to do what I will ask of you." " What do you want?" Sakuya asked, not quite believing her ears. Kyoya was supposed to be a gentleman. Not like this, a manipulating, calculative demon. " Ah, you see, my heart has been captured by (Y/N), your very beautiful friend. I need you to lead her to me." " (Y/N) is my friend and I refuse to take her to a demon like you."
" Ah, such admirable loyalty, so haplessly misplaced. I would advise you to take some, time think about it, and then let me know your final decision. But as you weigh your options, please DO bear in mind that your decision will influence the safety of your family, and your sister. It would be such a pity if she were to...leave us and move on to the afterlife."
" Are you threatening me??"
" Would not even dream of it. I am merely making a promise, one that I intend to keep. Thank your time, Ms. Ishida."
It was clear that she was dismissed. She was confident that h would not act on his threat, and therefore, chose not to react or give in to him. But then her sister's conditioned worsened and the doctors would not do anything as they had been forbidden from doing anything, and worrying over her child had caused Sakuya's mother to take ill as well. She had no options left. If she did not do anything, she would lose her mother and her sister. 'It was a carefully planned Catastrophe, maybe one of my finest yet' Kyoya idly mused moments after Sakuya called him to give her assent to assisting him. After he explained what all he required of her she started to get cold feet ' But I took care of that...I would not have some spineless brat ruining my plans just because she is scared.'
And that was how even Sakuya had involved herself in Kyoya's web of schemes.


Kyoya led (Y/N) o the green room. " Go on princess, Your surprise is inside." he said but she just huffed and crossed her arms. " You wish I would." she muttered scornfully. " I do wish so .And I always get whatever I wish for." he replied as he opened the door and gave (Y/N) a gentle push inside. She would have turned right back to give him a piece of her mind, but the sight presented to her arrested all her attention. And what a sight it was. It was Ichiro. He was in dead centre of the room, lying still on his back with his eyes closed. Still...too still to be amongst the living. (Y/N) was at his side in a moment to check his pulse. There was none. She leans over and pressed her ear to his chest, right where his heart was supposed to be, and heard no comforting beat which would assure of his being alive. Realisation hit like a freight train and assaulted (Y/N) with a searing pain in her chest. Ichiro was no more. " WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS! YOU MONSTER!" She screamed before collapsing onto Ichiro's chest and sobbing like a child.

Kyoya reached over to the dead body and gently tugged her away and right into his arms. She fought like a wildcat, screaming, kicking, hurting him, calling him names, but he did not let go. She fought until she had the energy to and soon grief and exhaustion took her over as she blacked out in Kyoya's arms with one final question.." Why did you....?"
"He was not worthy of you, my love. No one is. You are mine, and mine alone. Anyone who tries to change that, will meet the same fate as that of Ichiro" He replied to an unconscious (Y/N).
He easily lifted (Y/N) up in his arms and made his in the lonely hallways of Ouran, to (Y/N)'s new home with him.
'No one will separate us, love. Not now, not ever.' he stated with confidence as he placed (Y/N) in his limo and asked the driver to take them home, and to (Y/N)'s new life.

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