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  " (Y/N), we are getting married." He said, expectancy of joy and happiness clear in his pitch black orbs. For a moment had no idea what to see, until a single word formed in her mind. " No." she breathed, surprising Kyoya.
" Whatever do you ,mean...no?" he asked " I meant, no, I will not marry you." Marrying him would bind them together. She might as well just cuff herself to him because there would be no escape if she got married to him.
The second the words were out of her mouth, she regretted the. His smiling face remained, but now his smile was more of a sinister one, as he leaned back against the bedpost and looked at the girl with blank eyes.
" I see. I am sure I convince you otherwise." He stood up, and held out his hand, then took her to the living room. He messed with the television controls a bit, and moved away to sit next to (Y/N) as the screen came into focus, and she saw a scene all to familiar to her. It was her home. She could see her mom and dad sitting on the couch, her mother the image of frailty, clutching onto her father, her sobs muffled. Her father too tried to maintain a calm face, but anyone could see that he too, was close to breaking.

" MOM! DAD! " (Y/N) cried, and reached over to the television and pressed her hand on the screen, desperately wanting to comfort them. Her head whipped towards Kyoya. " What the hell did you do?" she raged. " I have done nothing, my love, but I do intend to do a lot soon." He said, and walked over to seat himself next to her in front of the television. Her mother was saying something but the voice was muted. She angrily beat her fist on the television in hopes of getting a sound out of it, but to no avail. Kyoya pulled out a little remote with oddly placed controls and he turned one of them, and just like that, she could hear her parents talking.
" ......could she be?! She is nowhere!! I just..I just....want my (Y/N) back.!" her mother wailed before sobs took hold of her.
" Don't cry. The police IS looking for her, right? The kidnapper must not have gotten too far. Her classmates say they saw her on the day of the graduation. She must still be around. You must not lose hope." her father comforted her mother.
" Now look at the chandelier above them." Kyoya interjected as the camera zoomed to the hook holding the chandelier up. There was a strange box tied to it. The chandelier was right on top of (Y/N)'s mother and father.
" See the box? It is a bomb. One press of this button right here, and I will have to mourn the loss of my beloved parents in-law. Would that not be sad, love?" he cooed gently, his voice sounding anything but mournful.
" Of course, I would hate to lose people so dear to my beloved" He idly mused, still looking at the bomb.

(Y/N) could feel hot tears prick at her eyes. How could someone talk about killing someone so easily?. Her tears slid down her cheeks as Kyoya turned her to face him. " Oh, love. Don't you cry." He said, wiping the tears off her face with his thumb, and smiling warmly down at her as he continued. " You CAN save them! They will still be able to see you again. All you have to do is to answer my next question correctly." He finished, letting it sink for a moment, before asking, " Will you make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me, (Y/N)?" looking at her, knowing the question was rhetoric. There was only one answer to be given here. " I will." she breathed out, the sense of defeat weighing down on her shoulders heavily. Kyoya hugged her tight, nearly crushing her, as he whispered conspirationally in her ear, " I knew you would agree in the end." With that, he pulled away from her and produced the boxes lying in the corner.
" We can't get married NOW, we are not even out of school" she tied to reason with him in a bid to win herself more time

." Of course we will not get married right now love. Probably an year or two after we get out of universities and are settled with our lives. Until then.." He trailed off, leaving the girl's side to pick up all the boxes which were lying in the corner, and placed in front of her, beckoning her to open them up. (Y/N) obliged, pulling the lid off the box, and her breath caught in her throat.
Rows and rows of dazzling rings looked back at her. The rings were in all possible shapes and sizes, and this was just one box. There were easily about 7 more boxes there.
" Are any of them to your liking? There are of course, many more to choose from, should they not please you."
" What are these?"
" Your engagement ring, of course. You can pick one which suits you, I will get it fitted to your size. I would have got you a ring of my choice, but I did not wish to take the risk that you might not like it. Kyoya's phone rang, breaking him off, and he picked up. " Otori", he gruffly said. " No.....that is NOT possible......there is no possibility I had not accounted for......Deal with them. I will be there in a few moments.......WHAT? OH, you incompetent morons!!" he harshly said into the phone, before flinging it across the room.

(Y/N) watched this with growing curiosity. What could get a emotionless beast like him to get so angry? Just then, she heard the whirring of a helicopter, and she tried to get up to see what the issue was, but Kyoya intercepted her before she could.
" Oh, no, love. Not so fast." He said, before, taking her up in his arms and quickly walking to their shared bedroom. (Y/N) kicked and screamed, shouting at Kyoya to be let down, even hit him for further effect, but he completely ignored her. A few minutes later, he was in their bedroom, and he flung (Y/N) onto the bed and locked a shackle to her foot, and tugged off the sheets to make a makeshift rope and tied her hands and feet with it. She protested throughout the way, demanding an explanation. But Kyoya still ignored her, and went to his chest of drawers and pulled out a roll of tape and harshly put a piece on her mouth.

(Y/N) still protested, thought now they were muffled. She saw a flicker of regret in his eyes, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He pulled away but leaned till their noses were touching. " I apologize I am being so cruel towards you, love. But you have been uncooperative for so long, so this..is just a preventive measure. They are here to steal you from me....but I will not let that happen. Never. So you just stay still, don't make a sound, and I will be back soon." He finished, and with that he left (Y/N) tied up, unable to call for help.......stuck

Once he had locked (Y/N) in their bedroom, he made his way downstairs, he felt so bad that he had to do this to her, but this had been something he had not accounted for, and therefore, when this was springed on him, he had had no time to smuggle (Y/N) to a safer place, where she would be safe from these people who wanted to take her away.. ..he then began pretending not to be the least bit ruffled by the banging on the door, as he walked over to the main door, hearing a voice on the other side demanding that it be opened....

He flung open the door, a slightly annoyed look on his face, and when he saw the Sakuya Ishida, Mori senpai, and Honey senpai, accompanied by several police officers, he knew he would have to do a lot to make sure (Y/N) stayed with him.  

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