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  " Very well, if you insist on being difficult..." Kyoya trailed off an proceeded to lift (Y/N) up in a princess carry. " HEY! PUT ME DOWN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" She asked him. "You foolish actions do not leave me in a mental state fit to reason with you. So the only thing I can do is carry you home myself." He deadpanned as he began the journey to their house. Kyoya's speed had slowed down considerably due to the fact that he had (Y/N) in his arms, and chose to bide the time taken to reach the destination to process what had happened. His suspicions had proven true.

(Y/N) still had not accepted him, as her attempt today had proven. To be honest, he found that attempt laughable. Did she actually think he did not see when (Y/N) made no move to retrieve the tissues jammed in the doorjamb, which he might have missed had she not given herself away with a sharp intake of breath and the subconscious squeezing of his hand. Then there had been the slight listlessness during dinner which had warned him of bad tidings. Her nervous countenance, the darting of her eyes, the distraction clear in her eyes, it was all the pointer to the fact that she was planning an escape. Not to forget all those counterfeit confessions of affection, and the lies she blatantly spoke which she thought had convinced hit. By the time dinner was over he already knew what all she had planned. Obviously she planned to use the boat to leave, it was the only way anyone could leave, he had it for emergencies and since she was there with him for dinner, she meant to leave when he was asleep. He could have decided to stop her, but decided to let it play out, if only to remind (Y/N) of the fact that there was no escape. Not now, not ever.

So, later that night he ignored the way (Y/N) discreetly dropped the tissues on the way in the room and even spent a fair while pretending to be asleep, and when she took a lot of time to put her plan into action, he briefly wondered if she had reconsidered leaving, but she put his thoughts to rest by slinking away into the darkness of the room, as quietly as she could and when he was sure she had left, he sat up in bed and began the preparation of bringing her back. After that it had been the simple matter of raising alarms with the coast guards with a harrowed phone call, begging them to look for her, and then , all he had to do was wait, the guards did their job, and he collected her from them . She had made it very easy for him. As it is he had planned a simulation to put (Y/N) in so that he could see if she took the opportunity to run away. Turns out, he did not have to because she had played right into his hands.

He decided that the shock her failure gave her would be punishment enough for now, because the next time she tried anything of the sort, he would know beforehand, and would cut off all the ways she had. But despite all that, he felt that additional measures would have to be taken to ensure her staying. But he still could not quite figure out just were was he going wrong. Why DID (Y/N) feel she had to leave in the first place? Was he not being affectionate enough? Was he not treating her well enough? Did he fall short in fulfilling her needs? He believed he was doing everything just did he lack? He glanced at (Y/N), trying to read her face, as if her ever expressive visage would tell him all he wanted to know. But for now, the visage in question reflected nothing but absolute anger, frustration, with traces of sadness. It was useless questioning her, she would either snap at him or ignore him.

He hated it when she was like this....openly rejecting him. He liked it better when she was as affectionate towards him as he was towards her, even if his mind knew for a fact that she was faking it. But he was determined to turn that fake affections into real ones. He was not taught to give up. Ever. (Y/N) squirmed in his arms, struggling to get out of his forced embrace, unwittingly ending up being pressed tighter against his chest than ever before, and in turn, slightly hurting his bleeding arm. He had almost forgotten about it until (Y/N) agitated the wound. He would have to patch that up later. On that note they reached the house which he unlocked with slight difficulty, owing to the facts that he held a girl in his arms, and his arm bled profusely. He put her down a bit reluctantly, mainly because he liked the way she felt against him, and then proceeded to do the checks required, making sure to use his free hand to hold on to (Y/N). The doors opened and he repeated the process on the door to their bedroom, and then lifted up (Y/N) once again, to which she protested vocally as well as physically as she started pushing him away using her hands, slightly delighted when his grip loosened a bit. " Let go!! We ARE in your goddamn house, right! There is no need to manhandle-oomph!" she exclaimed as he unceremoniously dumped her on the bed they shared, and before (Y/N) could realize what was going on, he had a shackle back on her feet. The same one she woke up with when she first came.

" My humblest apologies, love. But this time, you forced me to be so harsh with you. Now wait here. I will be back in a few moments." He told her before leaving the room and locking it behind him, leaving (Y/N) to her devices, comforting himself with the knowledge that it was neigh impossible that she would attempt anything, being trapped as she was. He moved to his office after currently blocking the blood flow, which had mostly abated by now with one of his shirts, and sat down to think on his original questions. Why exactly WAS (Y/N) unhappy here with him.....all his knowledge of keeping a woman happy had come from the internet, as embarrassing as it was, and by observing the many couples in Ouran Academy. He was sure he had followed all the advice the multitude of sites gave him, but just then, his mind went back to an incident he had seen some weeks before. He had been going to the club room and had seen a couple in the stairwell. The boy had given the girl a gift....and she had been very happy and kissed him, and they made out. But the last part was beside the point. Kyoya realized that he had NOT done everything. He never gave (Y/N) any gifts, did he? His mind told him it would not be much of a success, but he decided to give it a shot anyway.

It was confirmed. In addition to all his current efforts to make (Y/N) love him, he would add giving gifts and presents to his list. In mere moments he had asked his contacts in mainland Japan to get a gift suitable for (Y/N) and told them he expected its delivery by afternoon of the same day. Now that this was sorted out, he went back to his princess, a little plan to get them to interact already forming in his mind.

(Y/N) could not believe she was back. ' But then, I should have seen it coming from miles away. I KNOW how meticulous Kyoya WOULD be rather silly to assume that he would not notice...maybe I was not as discreet as I hoped.' She told herself but her train of thoughts was cut short as the door opened and Kyoya stepped in. He did not say a word to her, just went to the washroom and re-emerged with a first aid box in his hand. He took a seat next to her and put the box in front of her and unwrapped his makeshift bandage, the shirt, and put it aside and offered his hand to (Y/N). She knew what he was hinting at, but felt no need to help him in any way. " What? I won't bandage it. Do it yourself." She snapped. But Kyoya leaned closer still until he was in her personal space, and said " Love, after hurting me in such a cruel way, both physically and emotionally, the least you could do is alleviate my suffering a little"
" Oh shut it. We both know I did not ' hurt your feelings'. And anyway, why would I help you?"
" Asking for incentive, princess? Well, it is quite simple. I won't leave until you fix this. Do you want to spend the remainder of the night looking at my festering wound?" He said. It was possibly the most flimsy excuse he had, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
(Y/N) considered this for a moment. His arm had one gash stretching from his wrist to the inside of his elbow. His entire arm was filled with dried blood stains, and the blood clotting on the wound itself was rather off putting. (Y/N) could never handle blood well and the thought of looking at it the entire night was a nightmare in its own right. So when she reached for the first aid box, Kyoya smirked with the realization that he won this little battle of wills.

As (Y/N) cleaned and bandaged his wound, Kyoya realized that he quite liked the feel of her hands touching him. Her hands were soft like silk, running across his skin with slight clumsiness, and so was disappointed a little when his hand was fixed up. He reluctantly pulled back his hand and got off the bed to change back into his nightclothes, which (Y/N) took as opportunity to go to sleep at the very edge of the bed determined to maintain her distance. But as soon as Kyoya got into bed himself, he pulled (Y/N) to his chest in the middle of the bed, firmly wrapping an arm around her waist. She was a bit surprised because she had expected anger, some outrage, perhaps reprimands, but he acted like nothing was wrong. " Are you not angry? Like, you should not be wanting to sleep next to someone who 'defied' you as you put it." she said, in a bid to regain her position at the edge of the bed, away from him. "I am slightly perturbed, but not angry. I believe you learned your lesson when I brought you back. It should suffice for now. And why would I want to let you sleep away from me and deny myself the pleasure of holding you close?" He asked.

(Y/N) thought of retorting with something harsh, but decided against it because Kyoya would definitely reply with something like his last reply, which would leave them running in circles. Instead she decided to try to sleep, and after some fitful minutes, sleep claimed her, even as the morning fell on the pair, but failed to wake the exhausted people up.  

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