The Happy End

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  (Y/N) was currently in Japan, with Amelia, who was stuck to the cab windows, looking out, oohing and aahing at the multitude of hot men she saw. None of them knew the name of the new owner, but (Y/N) was looking for support, for help. She knew that Mori was in town at that point of time, so she called him up. Most of the time, Mori was more of a friend than boyfriend, For some reason, she could never feel the 'spark' with him, but was still together with him because she assumed that sparks and connections were just a part of movies and electricity, never of real life love.
" Hello." came Mori's curt voice.
" Hey....Mori....Eet's me, Svetlana."
" (Y/N). Hey." he said, his voice softening a bit.
" Zhe company haz changed owners. I zhink, it ees......him."
" How can I help?" he asked, ever the concerned boyfriend.
" Could jou.....please come to zhe new building and accompany me when I meet him? If eet is not him, then of course it would be no problem but..."
" Text me the address. I will be there in 10.."
" Thanks!! I will." she brightened up as she hung up, and quickly typed out the address of the building to him.
" Boyfriend?" Amelia guessed, looking at (Y/N).
" Ahh..yez."
" cute. What is his name?"
" Takashi."
" Japanese boyfriend in the wings and you never told me? Dayum."
" Zorry."
She waved her apology away and proceeded to tell her of all the stuff she had seen on her way here and gushed about how hot everyone was here. Around 15 minutes later they were there.
"....look, here we are. " Amelia said, gesturing to the building in question. It was huge, and magnificent at least from the outside. She spied a Bentley in front of the building, and a man clad in a navy suit leaning against it. She could recognise the wayward hair, the tan skin, and the bored expression anywhere. (Y/N) rushed out of the car, and ran straight into Mori's arms who hugged her back albeit a little tight.
" Hey." she breathed out.
" Hmn." he mumbled in reply. (Y/N) could feel Amelia's eyes boring into her.
She turned and beckoned her over, feeling it only polite to introduce her colleague to her boyfriend.
" Amelia, this is Morinozuka Takashi, my boyfriend, and Mori, this is Amelia, my colleague." she smiled.
" Hullo, man! Real cool to meet you!" Amelia grinned.
" Hello." he acknowledged her.
" Not a man of words, are you? Oh well, it is the silent ones who are the best in bed!" she remarked cheekily, earning a furious blush from both of them.
" Ha! Gotcha. Now, we gotta run, fam. Boss is waiting." she finished before scampering off into the building, eager to see the new management. Mori and (Y/N) followed at a slower pace, not particularly eager to meet the new boss. When they reached the reception, a lady was checking a list. " Ms. Amelia, please head to the west wing. You want to go in the 3rd room of the right." There were 3 other people who were in line before (Y/N), and they were all told the same thing, and (Y/N) recognized some of them as people she had worked with before, but when (Y/N)'s turn came, she was told something completely different.
" Ms .Svetlana....oh, there is a special request for you. Mr. Otori would like to meet you personally. Allow me to escort you." she said, standing up, and passed over the growing line of employees to a younger man who was working on a desk.

All of (Y/N)'s suspicions were now reality. He was really there. HE owned the company. 'I will quit the moment I get in.' she promised herself. Moment later they were at the office in question, " CEO " was written on a gold name plate, and hung on the door. " Please, step right in. Mr Otori is informed of your arrival. Uhm...sir, I am not sure of your entry is authorised." She said, giving a slight pointed look to Mori. He quietly took out a wad of cash from his pocket, and discreetly thrust it into her hand.
" Am I authorized now?" he asked/
" Ah, yes, sir, of course. Please go right in." she said, and turned around to leave them in front of the office.
" Are you ready?" he asked her.
" Yes."
(Y/N) opened the door, and stepped in, Mori right at her heels. They walked in, and saw a man looking out of he floor to ceiling windows. He turned when he heard them enter, and (Y/N) was slightly taken aback at how he looked. He looked, older somehow. His facial features had become stronger than ever, his eyes were more worldly, his hands, were now slightly callused, he had actually developed some serious muscles.
" Ah, (Y/N). I expected you would come alone. I thought we had left on peaceful notes. Then why the bodyguard?" he asked, gesturing towards Mori.
" He is my boyfriend." she stated, taking his hand in hers.
" Ah...I was not aware. My apologies. Please, do sit down." he said, gesticulating to the chairs in front of a huge desk. The couple sat down, and stared at him expectantly.
" You must be wondering why you are here. You must believe I will kidnap you or something of that sort. But, no.
I called you here so I can apologize. 7 years is a long time to reflect on all that I had done. I realised several things. The way I treated was wrong. Depriving you of your family, friends Ichiro.....It was wrong of me. I lay the blame on my past. My parents, or anyone in my family, never did show me any affection. I had to fight for every single scrap of attention I got. It made me think that if I eliminate all competition, I could have all your attention. So, I did what I did. I know it is no excuse for all that I put you through....but I hope you could understand my motivation behind it. But...I feel sorry. I wish to apologise, and beg you for another chance."
She looked at him incredulously. The words " NO Way" were already on her lips, but he cut her off, saying, " I know I have done nothing to deserve this, but please, I need it. I am willing to do whatever you wish, but please, I need this one chance to prove myself worthy of your love. I also know that you are already happy in a relationship, but please...." he trailed off, running out of words, his eyes misting over in desperation, his heart fervently hoping he would get a chance.

(Y/N) looked at Mori, hoping he would give her some direction. But Mori already had realised something. He might have loved (Y/N), but Kyoya loved her more. He would keep her happier than Mori ever could, now that he learnt the right way to love a lady. And Mori was not mad, or upset. He was happy, because (Y/N) would finally receive the love she always deserved, the love he could not give her because he always held himself back from her. They were too different to belong in together. So, he looked at (Y/N), and said, " Give him a chance." Kyoya's face brightened immediately, as he searched (Y/N)'s face for any indication of her coming words. " Ok. One chance, just because Mori has said so." she finished. Feeling strangely relieved that her obligations as Mori's girlfriend were temporarily over.
" I won't make you regret it. Give me a probationary period of say, an year. I will prove myself to you." He finished.

" I won't make you regret it. Give me a probationary period of say, an year. I will prove myself to you."

It had been 2 years since he had said that to her, and boy, had he proven himself to her. Since that day in the office, she was courted in the most gentelmanly of ways. She was taken out on dates, showered with hugs and kisses, in general, he was the perfect boyfriend, if a little possessive and controlling at times.. By the time his probationary period was over, and she was left to decide whether she wanted him or not. She did, of course. She had realised that she never felt the affection with Mori, the one she felt with Kyoya. He was the one who had fulfilled all the clichés of movies and books. When with him, she felt sparks fly, butterflies in her stomach, and every single thing you ere supposed to feel when you were in love. Her decision was made, but she did not know how to break it to Mori. But one day he had come to her, telling her that he had found his soulmate, and he wished to spend the rest of his life with her, and asked (Y/N) where they stood now. At that point of time, she had released him from the status of her boyfriend, had wished him well for his future life with his fiancée , and had parted on very good terms, unlike most breakups.

Now here she was, fitting up in a wedding dress, a crowd of joyous relatives having a good time in the church, where her love awaited her at the end of the altar. Her maid of honour, Sakuya, bustled about the place, shouting orders to the rest of he bridesmaids, as to what to do, and what they were going wrong. (Y/N) smiled at that, Sakuya would make a wonderful wedding planner, with all the thought she put into this.
"Ok, girl, are you READY TO ROLL!!??" Amelia asked. She now knew who (Y/N) really was, even though she was not made aware of the circumstances under which she had to change her name. (Y/N) still held a job at Monochrome, and worked diligently, but Kyoya made her promise that should she get pregnant, she would at least take a 2 year long break from her job, if not quit it completely. And as for Kyoya, he not only commanded the now very successful company Monochrome, but also had taken the lead of his father's companies, actually supervising his older brothers, much to everyone's surprise. Kyoya had surpassed everyone's expectations.
" Amelia, not so loud, please." Sakuya chided her, as she fixed (Y/N)'s veil for the umpteenth time.

The organ began to blare, signalling the entry of the bride. She stepped out on the aisle and took her father's arm. " You ready, (Y/N)?" he asked. Her parents had been very opposed to Kyoya when they first announced that they were a couple, but in time, he had come to grow on them , and now, there was no one else they would rather see their daughter married to.
"As ready as I will ever be." she assured him, and began their descent to the altar. She looked at Kyoya, clad in formals, smiling. His chest seemed puffed up with pride. His parents sat in the front row, stoic as ever, though a small smile could be seen on their faces, if searched hard enough. She reached the altar and her father handed her hand over to Kyoya who helped her up on the platform as the priest began talking. She was to bust smiling at the light in his eyes, the happiness in his expression. The priest then asked Kyoya to recite his vows.

"I, Kyoya Otori, take you,(Y/N) (L/N) for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. Maybe not even then." he said the last part just for (Y/N)'s ears. Then (Y/N) repeated her vows and the priest then sealed the ceremony by saying, " Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you as man and wife. You may kiss the bride." he finished. Kyoya was all to happy to oblige.

And that was how (Y/N) (L/N) got married to the man of her dreams ( Maybe not at first).
The best was yet to be.


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