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  After Kyoya was pulled out of view, only then (Y/N) allowed herself to collapse completely on the floor, held up only by Mori's helping arms. Sakuya looked worried when she saw the various cuts and bruises adorning (Y/N) 's body. She asked (Y/N) where the first aid box was, then retrieved it from its post in the washroom, then made makeshift bandages until they got to the mainland. Mori and Honey had come to the island on their own helicopter, which was used to take every one to the mainland. Her parents had been called, they were already expecting her at the mainland. Kyoya was already on his way to the mainland, where he would await a trial in front of the court. Everyone knew it was an open and shut case. He was guilty. He would be punished. His parents anf family would be upset, perhaps he would lose all the assets he owned. ' And good thing too, after all he did.' (Y/N) thought to herself. But she could not help but feel a slight string of sadness for him. He HAD been so kind to her when NOT hurting her. A perfect gentleman. She felt a little sorry, but her freedom was important than any sympathy she felt for her kidnapper. She was broken out of her reverie as Mori wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders the moment they took off. She blushed furiously, and Sakuya's and Honey's eyes got huge as saucers as they saw the usually emotionless and stoic person being so affectionate towards someone else other than Honey. Sakuya silently gushed with excitement, happy that (Y/N) had finally found someone who would look after her well.
" Sakuya." (Y/N) rasped, her throat slightly hoarse.
" Hmnn?" she turned to her.
"How did you find me?" (Y/N) asked, finally voicing the thought playing around in her mind for ages.
" Remember how you told me you were stuck in an island 50 miles off the coast of Japan? I remembered that. I checked around and found they are only 3 such islands which are this close to Japan, and then I went to Kyoya's sister's hairdresser. Word was, that his sister shared a lot of stuff with the hairdresser, they are quite close. I asked the hairdresser about any island owned by the Otori's and after the payment of a hefty bribe she let the secret loose. There was finally only one island I knew you were at. I had to legit beg the police to do a search, and even after that, your parents had to pull strings to get somone to check this place. I knew going alone would be trouble because honestly let us face it, the police men were already reluctant to do searches, so I asked Mori and Honey senpai to accompany me. and voila! We found you." she finished in a rush, finally taking a breath as she leaned back in her seat.

(Y/N) had to smile at the familiarity of all those around her. Honey had already taken to munching on a chocolate, Sakuya was pessed against the window, looking down at the scenery as if she herself did not own some private jets she could see the scenery with at any point of time. Mori, on the other hand, was staring at (Y/N) .
" Something wrong, senpai?" she asked, a little smile creeping up her face.
" Are you alright? After..." he trailed off, not quite sure what to say.
" I will be." (Y/N) replied.
Mori's tan face quickly reddened in harkening of a blush, and he quickly looked away, not wanting her to see him in this embarrassed state. She would have laughed at his cuteness, but Sakuya called out to the occupants. " Ah! We are back home!" as she gestured to the mainland quickly approaching them.

2 weeks later, (Y/N) slowly shuffled into the tiled silence of the hall, helped along by both her parents, bundled up in thick clothes so as to prevent her from catching a cold in the harsh winters. The island was in a tropical region, so no weather changes could have been expected, but it was quite cold in the mainland. Sakuya and the rest of the host club followed closely, a silence crushing them in its grip. (Y/N) could see a family of four gathered in the front rows, there postures ramrod straight. There were 3 men, two women. The younger girl was crying into a napkin, but her mother stared stoically ahead with the rest of her family, though it was easy to see that even she was fighting tears. She recognised the family as the Otoris. Kyoya's family, here to see their youngest son being thrown into jail. On the side, there were blinding flashes of light as the cameramen took pictures like crazy and their accompanying reporters hurled questions at the people like missiles.
She tried to tune them all out, and for the most part, succeeded, but one question had her look up.
" Ms. (L/N), will you ever forgive Mr. Otori for his wrongful actions?" the reported shouted above the din.
That caught her attention. Will she forgive him? Or would she never find it in herself? She wanted to sit and ponder for a moment, but was pulled ahead, the judge was inside, he had taken his seat, completed the formalities and asked for the accused to be presented. Kyoya strode in, handcuffs, binding his hands together, clad in his prisoner uniform. But the way he held himself, with confidence and elegance, one would think he had cufflinks, and not handcuffs, around his wrists.

The case was quick. Kyoya's lawyer was good, but there was no case to be presents. A felony had been committed, and he had no reasons which could prove him innocent. But he did manage to get his sentence reduced by some years. Instead of 14 years, he would only serve sentence for 7 years. It was a long time. Long enough for (Y/N) to find herself a new life, stronger than before. The judge banged his gavel for the final time, signalling the closing of the case in favour of the accuser. The reporters suddenly fell into a wild frenzy, eager to get some pictures of reactions, some statement they could quote, some expression they could catalogue. But the Otori family strode through in a file, their expressions giving nothing away. (Y/N) and her parents chose to stay a little longer so she could come to terms with the fact that she was now brought to justice. She sat there in the front row, with her parents, when their lawyer came up to them.
" Mr. and Mrs. (L/N). Congratulations on the case. I can come back later if you like, but if possible, could be please settle my pay?" He asked, a slick smirk adorning his face, a sure expression of victory dominant on his visage. Her parents stood up to accompany the lawyer to his office next door, but her mother was reluctant to leave her child alone in the courtroom.. " (Y/N) will be fine. We will be back in a few moments, right?" her father said, as he threw a pointed look towards the lawyer, silently prompting him on. " Oh, yes,, not even 5 minutes." He assured her mother, and they quickly left, leaving her alone in the huge hall. Almost the second they left, two officers stepped in from the side doors, a boy trailing behind them, with handcuffs on his hands. He turned, and (Y/N) froze. It was Kyoya. The officers were careless, looking around for a file of the prisoner which they had apparently missed when they left the court room. Seeing them distracted, Kyoya looked around for something he could use to convey his thoughts. He caught sight of a notepad on the lawyer's desk, a pencil next to it. He slinked away from the officers, and they were panicking, so they did not see him sidle up to the notepad, scribble something, pull the paper out and crumpled it into a ball, and threw it at (Y/N). She involuntarily held her hand out and deftly caught it just as the officers found what they were looking for and turned to find that their charge was off to the distance. They made quick work of pulling him back to them, and as they left, Kyoya turned back and threw a smirk and a wink (Y/N) 's way before he was pulled out of the double doors. (Y/N) unfolded the crumpled paper, and read.

Dear Heart,
I knew you loved me too, you were just to shy to say it, were you not? Why else would you have gone out of your way to see me? I forgive you for this mess you unwittingly pushed me in. But don't worry, and don't you cry. I will be back for you, soon. Just wait for me.

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