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 " Now, (Y/N)....let us converse about your.....activities, today, shall we?" Kyoya said, looking at (Y/N)
(Y/N) thought the better of replying, it would only serve to anger him more.
" Now, (Y/N), have I not fulfilled all your reasonable demands? Have I been anything but affectionate towards you? I have done everything to make you feel the same affection towards me as I have towards you.......or, so I believed."
He let that sink in for a few seconds, then cast a meaningful glance towards the bed on the other end of the room, then continued.
" It was my belief that I was doing everything. But my contemplation of today's events made me realize that it is indeed I, who is at fault, because I have not been showing you enough of physical affection, have I? I shall rectify that little issue tonight. Maybe then you will realize just how much you have......enchanted me. "
(Y/N) had an inkling as to what he was hinting at, but hoped that it was not what she thought.
" Though, I must admit, my reasons for doing this are streaked with selfishness. I have been holding myself back for so long, under the illusion that you needed more time. You made me realize that I should have done this before."
He smirked as he maintained aye contact with (Y/N), the lust clouding his onyx orbs alerting her to his intentions, even as his nimble fingers speedily undid his coat, and before she knew it, he was approaching her.
Her flight mode kicked in and she quickly stood up and backed away.
" Kyoya, stop. Can we not.....discuss this?" she said, as her heart rate soared, she felt breathless, like a deer caught in headlights. He simply smiled as he looked at her, " I tried it the last time you left. I just talked to you, tried to explain everything to you. But you wouldn't listen, would you?" He said and moved closer to her. (Y/N) bumped into a table and quickly picked up the nearest object to her. A night lamp. It still glowed with soft light until she pulled out the plug and flung it at him with all the force in her.

Kyoya deftly caught it and threw it aside, and the way his lips curled into a slight frown, (Y/N) knew that his patience had come to an end. " are testing my patience. Come here, now, and I promise I will be gentle with you."
(Y/N) sealed her fate by saying. " No way."
He only replied by saying, " We could have done this the easy way. You HAD to go ahead and make it hard, right? Very well then." He sneered before launching himself at her, and her heart nearly stopped as his arms wrapped around her torso and he pulled her close. (Y/N) screamed and hit with all her might, but it had no effect on the black haired boy, as he pinned her against the nearest wall, and trapped her flailing hands with one of his own, effectively rendering her immobile. He used his heavier frame to press her against the wall, completely stopping all movements.

He then proceeded to plant feather light kisses on the crook of her neck, and his cool lips were a stark contrast to her hot skin. He gently nipped at her earlobe, then traced his lips down to the base of her neck. He then decided to go in for the kill as he put his lips on (Y/N)'s, but when she resisted him, he bit her lip harshly, immediately drawing a little blood, which he licked up, and (Y/N) gasped in pain, allowing him to claim (Y/N)'s mouth for his own, eagerly kissing her as if she was his last lifeline. At that point of time, maybe she was. He deepened the kiss, exploring the cavern that was her mouth, leaving no corner untouched. Despite (Y/N)'s lack of response, the pleasure was so great Kyoya could not help but moan a little. He pulled away only when he was out of breath.

(Y/N) looked at Kyoya has he finally relented, and the Kyoya she saw was very different from the one the world saw. His face was hot, he was breathless, looking down at her with a lust which kind of scared her. "Let's take this to the bed, shall we?" he smirked, as he let his hold slacken a bit, but somehow, (Y/N)'s legs had turned to jelly, she could not move an inch. So she tied to reason with him again. " Kyoya please, think about it! What you are doing, its a.....criminal offense!" she cried in a desperate plea.
" I am well beyond caring, dear heart. No matter what you say, I shall have you tonight." He resolutely stated as he placed her on the bed.

She took the opportunity of his momentary laxness to try to crawl away, but he sharply tugged her foot back, bringing her right back into his clutches. He pushed her up farther on the plush coverings, until she was completely beneath him. She could feel the heat of him, could feel his slightly longish hair brush against her forehead, could see him staring at her, she decided to take a last stand of rebellion. She used her free hands and pushed him.

Kyoya was gaining as much pleasure from this as possible. Somehow, even her fighting against him turned him on so much. He felt her dainty hands try to push him off, but ailed. He could feel her petite body pressing against his own in all the right places. He anted to move ahead, but her petty rebellions would only serve as obstacles. So he tugged off his tie and grabbed hold of her hands, and tied them to the bedpost.
" Kyoya, NO!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. ' Even when she is crying, she looks so enthralling. This beauty of hers simply adds on to the reason as to why should I not stop.' he thought as he leaned back to straddle her hips. He was to impatient to take off his shirt, so with a strong tug, it tore off, buttons flying. He carelessly tossed the scrap of cloth, as he looked down at his princess. Her hair was messed up, spread messily all over the pillow. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes watery, her face marked with tears still racing down. Her chest heaved up and down from fear, her breaths were short and uneven. " Might it be that you are ......scared, princess?" He wondered idly. " He gently pecked her nose as he said, " Don't be scared. I promise I won't hurt you. Much."

With that he began to tug at he dress, pleased when it gave way soon. He bunched it up at her waist , feeling so horribly turned on when he could see her (COLOUR) bra, and the soft mounds of flesh they hid. Another tug, and a few tears later, even the bra was out of the way, and he could see he entirety of her naked chest. He couldn't resist taking one of her nipples in his mouth, he lightly sucked on it, making sure his hands gave enough attention to its partner. (Y/N)'s involuntary moans rent the air as she squirmed underneath him, rubbing him in all the right places. He switched, and took her other nipple into his mouth, never stopping his ministrations as his hands pulled the dress lower still, until it pooled at her ankles.
" Kyoya...please.....ah...." she helplessly moaned.
" What do you need, love?"
" ...please...stop......OW!" she cried out in pain as he lightly nipped her peaked flesh.
" That was your punishment for speaking out of turn. Now, hush, and enjoy yourself." He said.

He tried to reach in between her legs, but she had pressed them tightly together, denying him the entry he so craved. Well, she would find out, he did not like being denied, He moved his thigh in between her legs, applying pressure until her legs moved slightly apart, which was more than sufficient for him.
His dexterous fingers made their way to (Y/N)'s nether regions, finally reaching her womanhood, but frowned a little as he felt her underwear get in between. He used a deft hand to get them down and off her legs, where he bunched it up with her dress and it joined his shirt in some random corner of the room.He lightly fingered her slit, loving the way she responded to him. She could not help but moan a little, as his fingers rubbed the sensitive nub which sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins.

He kissed his way down her sternum, to the place where his hand was.
She could do nothing but feel when Kyoya kissed his way down her sternum, finally reaching where his hand was. He took her nub into his mouth and lightly sucked, loving the way he made his beloved moan in ecstasy. He had a thought at the back of his mind, that (Y/N) would be very unhappy when she would come down from the high the pheromones had given her. But he was past the point of caring.

All (Y/N) could do at this point of time was squirm and moan. She was all to aware of his mouth actively working her womanhood, his hands holding down her involuntarily bucking hips. Her kind was well aware of the fact that this was wrong, but her body did not care, and responded eagerly to his ministrations. Just then, (Y/N)'s train of thought was cut off as she felt a strange, warm, tight feeling in her womb. Her breath became choppier than ever, and then, she came right into Kyoya's mouth.

As far as Kyoya was concerned, he was successful in this venture. He was beside himself with joy when he felt her cum. He licked up all her juices, now realizing that his trousers were surprisingly tightening by every passing second. He sat back up and undid his trousers, and took them off along with his boxers. (Y/N) was left staring at his manhood's size. For someone who was still a teenager, he was sure....huge. Suddenly the entirety of her situation struck her. He was about to rape her. Her previously stopped tears resumed their anguished journey, as she began to cry, a final plead for him to stop.
" Kyoya....please.....don't do th-" but she was cut off as he presses his lips against her own, silencing her. (Y/N) suddenly felt a hardness rubbing at her inner thigh, and despite herself, she blushed. He added to it by rubbing his manhood up and down her slit, rubbing her nub again in that delicious manner.
" Say, (Y/N)...gave you ever been intimate before with anyone else?"
"" she whispered.
" Good. Had there been anybody else, I would have to dispose of them." He said.
He lined himself up against her, and with one confident thrust, he was in.

Never before had (Y/N) felt a pain so blinding. It hurt her immensely. She could feel him stretching her to accommodate him, could feel him inside her. He had stopped once he was fully in, to allow her to adjust, he waited a few moments, before asking her, " You alright?" he whispered in her ear.
" basically raped me, and now are asking if I am alright!?"
" You will be thanking me later for this night, princess."
(Y/N)'s pain had subsided, leaving only a dull throbbing pain behind as Kyoya resumed thrusting slowly then once he was assured that (Y/N) could take more, he increased his speed, thrusting faster and faster as the moments ticked by. His thrust made (Y/N) hate the pleasure he was giving to her. She did not want a single bit of it, but had to give in, as she lightly moaned in his ear, silently asking him to go faster, but in her mind, begging him to stop.

He felt a tight coil in his belly, which was a signal that he was about to cum, and mere seconds later, (Y/N) felt a warm liquid rush into her womb. (Y/N)'s vision was clouded by tears still unshed, as Kyoya stopped his animalistic thrusts and carefully pulled out of her, and lay next to her. Now that the worst was over, she openly cried. She turned on her side, facing away from Kyoya and sniffled a little. But Kyoya was not having any of that. He sat up cross legged, and easily pulled the crying girl in his lap as he soothingly ran his hands over her hair, he pulled her tight against his chest, and cooed sweet nothings in her ear in a bid to calm her down. He was confident that once morning came, she would stop the crying and see sense. He cast a glance on the bed and saw the bed was soiled by various juices, and a little blood. So he waited, playing the caring lover until (Y/N) fell asleep in is arms due to exhaustion, and moved them both to the other bedroom in the suite, retaining his hold on her, afraid of letting her slip away, and moments later, sleep had claimed him too.

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