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  " Good evening Ms. Ishida, Mori senpai, Hani senpai, officers. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kyoya asked, calmly leaning against the door.
" Mr. Otori. We have it on good authority that Ms. (Y/N) (L/N) is being held here against her will. We have a search warrant and would like to search your house." the officers said, handing him a sheet of paper. Kyoya quickly scanned through it, looking for some loophole in the wordings to buy him time or prevent the search altogether, but came up with nothing. The warrant was air tight. He gritted his teeth, but when he looked up to face the officers, his face was back into its neutral, stoic expression.
" Of course, officers. Please, do come in." He said, stepping aside, allowing the officers entry, followed by the graduated members of the host club, but when Sakuya tried to step in, he took hold of her arm in a seemingly gentle way, but she knew otherwise. She would have protested, but she knew Kyoya would smoothly weasel his way out of this. So, she kept silent as Kyoya began to speak.
" Ms. Ishida, Tamaki had mentioned your liking for flowers? I have a flower bed which I believe you must see. Officers, Mori senpai, Hani senpai, I will be just a moment. Please , make yourselves comfortable." He finished, guiding Sakuya out of the room and leading her to a patch of flowers, a good distance away from the house. She knew this was wrong, that she should protest, but on what grounds could she refuse? The only thing saving Kyoya now was the " Innocent until proven guilty" verdict.

As far as the officers were concerned, there was nothing wrong with showing some flowers. Not to mention that the officers had been very reluctant to undertake this. They did not want to cross the Otori boy, for the fear that he might just ruin their lives, one negative complaint from him, and they could lose their jobs over it. But endless pleading and begging had finally convinced them to help. Throughout the way till the island they had been on the verge of getting cold feet, and frankly, she was surprised, that they managed to sound so confident when the time actually came. Just then , she realised that he had pulled her out of the sight of the house, no one could see them unless they clambered over there, and that would make a lot of noise, alerting Kyoya to their presence, so when they were out of sight, that was when his true colours began to show as he pinned her to the nearest tree with a hand firmly closed around her throat, and lifted her off the ground her feet dangling inches above the ground, her eyes misting over with the slight lack of breath as she tried to get the precious breaths even as she used all her might to push him away, but to no avail because he was angry.

And when angry, Kyoya was stronger, and much more cruel to those foolish enough to cross him. Sakuya looked up at his face which had now turned into a dark scowl, his eyes flushed with hatred, his grip increasing by the second even as Sakuya tried to free herself.
" Now, Ms. Ishida...I believe we had come to an understanding. Have you lost all value for your family, perhaps?" he sneered coldly, loosening his grip just a fraction so Sakuya could speak. She knew that the only thing still keeping her alive was the fact that there were people who knew she was here with him. But she wanted revenge for forcing her to hurt her best friend, and she knew this was the only time she could do so without any major consequences.
" I do not need to protect my family now. I know (Y/N) is here. Once we find her, you will be charged with kidnapping and go to prison. Cant do much from behind the bars, can you now?" she retorted, triumph glinting in her orbs. Kyoya would have resorted to physical violence but knew it could be used to pull him deeper in the suspect list. So he reluctantly let her free, and she collapsed on the ground, coughing violently, grateful for the deep breath of fresh air already realizing that his death grip was sure to leave bruises. But she looked up at him, and when she saw his expression, her heart froze in fear, she realized she had made a huge mistake. He did not look angry anymore, his face was once again the stoic visage everyone was used to. But the sinister smirk adorning his features, the pure hatred mixed with cold , cruel calculation was what made it truly terrifying.
" Ah, Ms. Ishida, we could have co existed peacefully. But you ruined any chances of that. You will, of course, in time, come to rue the day you decided to betray me. You honestly make me regret not doing away with you after I had had (Y/N) with me." he sighed, but jerked his head back violently once he realised that in his anger, he had completely forgotten about his princess, who was still in the house. He left Sakuya with a final warning, " If anyone finds about our little interlude, you will NOT make it out of this place alive." and ran towards the house, for the first time, without any plans.

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