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TIMESKIP TO 8 YEARS LATER..........................!
(Y/N) brushed her hair back with a hand, casting a glance at the watch strapped to her wrist. 6:50. She still roughly had an hour an half before she had to leave. She looked outside the window to see the New York skyline looking back at her. Her life had been completely changed after that time in the courtroom. She had tossed that note into a bin, left the hall, and tried to reconstruct her life. The next year she had completed her schooling with top grades, and had been invited to study at multiple universities all over the world. She chose the one furthest to Japan. Next month, she had packed her bags, hugged her parents goodbye, and left Japan, and since then, she had never looked back.

3 years later she had completed her university, and took up the job of a traveling journalist. She had had her name changed citing personal reasons, and changed her appearance too. She had dyed her hair a colour dynamically different from her last one, she had started wearing contact lenses of a different colour with no power, and also began to wear spectacles of glass. She had gone as far to master a fake accent, and cook up a life history for those who wanted to know. She had gone ahead and hanged herself entirely, just so she could not be caught. There were only 5 people who knew about this change, and knew who she really was. Her parents, Sakuya, Mori and Honey. Infact, she and Mori were now dating. He too travelled a lot and maintained a long distance relationship very well. When he would have time, he would fly to wherever she was, and take her out and shower her with ample hugs and kisses. She could not ask for a better boyfriend.

Her job was rather hectic, she was never in a place for more than a few days. Honestly, it had never been in her plans to be a traveling journalist. She always wanted to be a local or a regional one, but constant paranoia that Kyoya would one day catch up with her made her take a job with traveling to the most unpredictable places, so that he would never be able to trace her. She had taken up a job with a company called Monochrome, it was very good, her stays were nice, her job was stable, the pay was hefty, not that she needed it, plus she got to travel to so many places, so she did not complain about the hectic schedule she had to put up with.

And that was how (Y/N) had ended up in NY. Because of her job. It was now 8 years since Kyoya's trial, and last year around Christmas Sakuya had made an agitated phone call telling her that Kyoya had been released. (Y/N) was not very concerned , after all this time, her fear of Kyoya had melted into the seams of her mind, she was not as scared as she was before. She was broken out of her reverie when her colleague called out to her.
" Svetlana, are you ready? We have to cover a lot of places today." Her camerawoman, Amelia, said, zipping her case shut. They had a few places to cover, then they would leave for South Africa later in the evening.
" Hmm, Amelia. I iz red-dy.." her accent was horrible, but Amelia had been falling for it so long.
" , I AM ready, not is, dudette, you gotta brush up the English!!."
" Hmm. Без разницы.(1)" She mumbled as she lifted up her suitcase and gave her the green light to leave.
" I hate it when you use the Russian. Ok, we have to clear the hotel room by 7:30. It is already 7. Lets go!!" Amelia announced and lifted up her bags leave the room, (Y/N) following after her albeit a little lethargically, little aware of the shock she would receive soon enough.

Later that evening, when all the pictures for their next article were clicked, the article was written in a scrawl understandable only by its writer, (Y/N) and Amelia were in the airport, waiting for their flight to land. (Y/N) was flipping through a magazine in Russian, pretending she understood it, when Amelia got a phone call. " Ahoy fam!.........say what, dude? Me and Svetlana were heading back already........sure thing, bud. Ciao." She hung up, and turned to (Y/N) .
" Hey, dudette....." she said, gaining the attention of (Y/N) .
" Vhat iz eet?"
" Our company has been bought by a benefactor. Our boss has changed and he has called everyone to the company's new home base for re-orientation."
" Vhare iz eet?"
" Where....? Oh, yes, it is in Japan. I have always wanted to go to Japan. Gotta love their smoking hot anime boys. Anywho, we will get the tickets for Japan in South Africa and we have a connectin' flight. So long, sun tan..." she trailed off, looking slightly dejected.
But (Y/N) 's heart had already skipped a beat. She would have to go to Japan.......the place where she had buried her past. She had a very good suspicion as to who bought it, but did not wish to voice it because she was afraid of what would happen.


" Name your price, Mr. Walkner."
" I am not willing to sell my company just yet, Mr. Otori. Monochrome is my life's work. I want to take it to further heights .And I do not feel comfortable trusting my company in the hands of an ex convict." Marc Walkner, the owner of Monochrome, finished.
" Mr Walkner, I admit I made mistakes. Huge ones. But despite them, my intellectual abilities remain the same. Infact, I will make an offer to you. Give me your company temporarily. See how I run it. After a period you see fit, you can decide whether I would bring progress to your life's work or not. Should you then see it fit to sell, then we can discuss an appropriate price. In fact, I am willing to pay you for the usage of the company." Kyoya finished, knowing he had made an offer he could not refuse. The Otori boy knew for a fact that the company was deep in debt, and if someone was willing to buy it, it could only be a miracle. Mr. Marc Walkner was only playing hard to get. He knew that before this day ended, Monochrome would be his, along with everything in it, along with its employees. But he was interested in what it did, he was only interested in one person who worked in Monochrome.

" Ah, damn! You drive a hard bargain, boy. Fine, I will sell. I had wanted to start up a new venture for some time now anyway. I want 10 million American dollars for Monochrome." he snapped, believing that Kyoya would back down hearing such an exorbitant price. But the Otori boy maintained his equilibrium as he said, " Certainly. I have the paperwork with me right now. Please sign where ever is needful and the amount shall be wired in your bank account. I will need the deed to the company as well." A few minutes later, Monochrome had a new owner. His name was Kyoya Otori. Marc Walkner was respectfully sent back home and now he lounged in his office, thinking. He then looked up at Walkner's PA, Jenna Rose. "Ms. Rose." He lightly drawled. " Yes, Mr.Otori?" she asked, snapping to attention. " Please request all the traveling journalists and their camera people hired by the company to report to me as soon as humanly possible." he finished, dismissing her.Jenna rushed out of the office, quickly calling everyone, and then spreading the news in the office. Monochrome's owner has been changed.

Kyoya lounged alone in his office, as he sat back in his seat, thinking of all the loop holes he could fix in his already foolproof plan. " Ah, (Y/N) .....the things I do for you...." he trailed off, looking at the setting sun, its warm tones reflecting his anticipation, to see his queen again.

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