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In (Y/N)'s opinion, the weekend could not roll around soon enough for her liking. She hoped against hope that this "hanging out" would turn out to be something better...something more romantic. So when Saturday finally came around, (Y/N) was ready for it.
Dressed in her best outfit, she eagerly awaited Ichiro as she paced about her living quarters, thinking of all the possibilities in the upcoming day, but stopped as a maid knocked and poked in her head. " Ms. (L/N), were you expecting some-" "Yes!! I mean, yes, I was expecting someone. Thank you for letting me know." With that (Y/N) flew down the flights of staircases to her companion for the day. As she saw Ichiro, even (Y/N) had to admit...he had a brilliant dressing sense for a boy. He kept it simple, with a white shirt under a navy blazer, khaki trousers and pitch black loafers completed his ensemble, which made him look oh so good! Next to him was her mother giving her a look which clearly indicated that she knew what was up. (Y/N) approached the duo, and was surprised by Ichiro pulling out a bouquet of lilies from behind his back. " Flowers for the lady. " He announced as he pressed the bouquet into her hand with a lopsided grin adorning his features. " Thanks. Should we go?" She asked him then turned to her mother who gave her the green light , " Oh of course, don't let me keep you two. Have fun, children." as she moved away from (Y/N) and Ichiro and disappeared into one of the rooms in the huge mansion they owned.

(Y/N) allowed herself to be led to his car, near about giddy with excitement. Ichiro opened the door for her, and she climbed in ' What a gentleman!' she thought as they pulled out of the (L/N) driveway. " So, you ready to hit the park?" he turned to ask. "Yes of course!" she replied as their plan for the day repeated itself in her head for the millionth time. First there will be a play by drama college students, then they will head out to the museum of Japanese history which (Y/N) had meant to visit but never had the time. After that, though, Ichiro had kept mum about the plans as he claimed to have a surprise. 'Whatever it will be, it will be perfect. Just like him' (Y/N) thought.

Moments later they pulled into the parking area of the Park and swiftly navigated the eager people to their destination, the center of the park for the show, just in the nick of time.
The play which was staged was, "Romeo and Juliet ((((No surprises there, huh? XD))) a Shakespearean classic. The tragic story of the lovers, nearly moved (Y/N) to tears, and when Ichiro saw this, he covertly pulled (Y/N) to his side and slung an arm around her shoulders, who of course was pleasantly surprised by this subtle turn of events and leaned closer still. Throughout the play (Y/N) kept sneaking peeks at Ichiro's visage. He just looked like such a Greek god, and the light fell perfectly on his face, deepening every rise and fall of his face, but soon feared that he might notice her and tried to put her mind to the play. The play wrapped up with the students thanking the people for attending as the crowd slowly dispersed. " Well, what did you think of the play?" Ichiro asked (Y/N) as they clambered down the cobble stones leading to the museum which was next on the list. " I thought it was simply lovely! The acting was so realistic!" He chuckled for a few seconds before reaching the ticket counter where they collected their tickets for entry.

The museum was nothing short of humongous and (Y/N) felt as if her feet would fall off. Maybe wearing high heels was not the best thing she could have chosen for the day. Ichiro sensed her discomfort and quickly found a seat for her to rest her tired legs. " You are SUCH an angel, Ichiro. I nearly thought I would just collapse on the ground"(Y/N) exclaimed. " Of course I helped you out, I would't want you blocking the way of some tourist by falling down, now would I ? " He laughed as he took a seat next to her. (Y/N)recognized it as the harmless ribbing it was and laughed along. 'This is the ideal situation' she thought . 'its like everything has fallen into place and is completely flawless. I would not trade this for the world.' After a moment's rest, the pair moved around the museum, with Ichiro pointing out the more interesting things to (Y/N), clicking weird selfies until a staff member asked them to stop, even attending a small feature film on the history of Japan.

The planned part of the evening came to a close to open the evening up for the surprise portion as the duo bid their goodbyes to the museum and strolled along the cobblestone path till they reached Ichiro's car. " So, what will it be now, mystery man?" (Y/N) teased him as they got into the car and sped away from the building. " Guess you will just have to wait and see...!" he replied as they navigated the London traffic. Some time was spent in a comfortable, tranquil silence which came to a slow halt as Ichiro stopped the car near a beach. " What's this?" (Y/N) wondered aloud as he led her to a table set for 2 on an upraised platform under a dome with fairy lights hanging down from the edges of the dome with the waves lapping away at the sand just some distance away. " Ichiro....its so....beautiful!" (Y/N) gasped as he led to the platform and sat her down and took the seat from across from hers. " So, here is the first part of the surprise." he said and proceeded to engage (Y/N)in lively conversation which paused only when the food was brought in by two butlers ((Is anyone else thinking of Sebastian Michealis when I said 'Butler'?)) . On the all, (Y/N) could not have asked for a better evening as they completed their dinner and watched the sun disappear behind the crashing waves...

"(Y/N)?" Ichiro looked at the girl. "Hmmn?" She uttered in reply as she turned to face him. " (Y/N) is the thing. When I first saw you, I instantly knew there was something different about you.. And I was right. You are such a smart, sweet, lovely, charming and a beautiful girl, and I love spending time with you. Your smiles make my day and your eyes have to be the most mesmerising I have ever seen. Everything about you is just so perfect...but here is what I want to ask...will you be my girlfriend?"
(Y/N) could not believe her ears....LIKE WHAT!!??? THIS WAS ALL HER DREAMS ROLLED INTO ONE!!!! THE ULTIMATE ROMANTIC FANTASY!! "yes yes yes, a million times yes!" (Y/N) cried with joy as she wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him. Little did the budding lovers know that they were being watched, and the consequences would be terrible for the love birds.......

" WHAT!!??" Kyoya could not believe his ears as the spy he planted on (Y/N) told him of his daily report. 'How could (Y/N) do this? Going out with a boy who was not me, spending time with him, hugging, touching, laughing with him...THAT MONGEREL ICHIRO WANTS TO STEAL MY QUEEN!! Nonononono...I will NOT let it happen...not now not ever!!!" Kyoya seethed as the spy hung up. In his fit of rage he flung the cellular device he held in his hand at the wall and felt little satisfaction as it crashed against the wall and broke as it clattered onto the marble flooring of Kyoya's room.
It took him some time to control his emotions....." Hmnn...this is not going as I was thinking of trying a more subtle route and look where it got me...some pathetic creature seeks to whisk away (Y/N) from right under my nose....As if I will let anyone else lay claim to what is mine. She is mine, now, and for the rest of our lives. It seems as if I will have to 'warn' him away from my love...and of course, speed up my plans....beloved (Y/N), enough of playing about. Your king is coming for you" he said aloud as he thought of ways to put his plan into action as soon as possible.

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