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  Kyoya dragged poor (Y/N) across the house to the an area unfamiliar to her. The hallways, the doors hiding numerous rooms, all seemed slightly, older than her current living quarters. He seemed to sense her confusion and told her, " This area is a part of the original mansion. The place our room is the renovated extension I had had constructed." He elaborated. (Y/N) could faintly hear the familiar crashing of the waves off in the distance, indicating the presence of the sea nearby. 'But....Kyoya clearly said we would not be going to the beach.....' she thought. Kyoya reached a little door slightly smaller than the rest, and yanked it open with a sharp tug. It opened with the slightest of creaks, indicating rusting of the door's hinges due to lack of use. Behind the door lay an extremely steep staircase carved out of rock, with jagged and crude steps leading down the darkness. 'These stairs are just BEGGING to make me trip. God, even looking at them is giving me slight vertigo' She thought fretfully.

Kyoya sensed her unease and focused his attention onto her completely. " What seems to be the problem, love? Are you feeling unwell?" He asked, wrapping a concerned arm around her shoulders. He followed her gaze to the stairs and considered them for a second before realization dawned on him. "Might it be that the stairs are causing you to be uncomfortable? I can't believe I forgot. Here, we will go down together." He reassured her, and he released her shoulders and grabbed her hand instead, and one step at a time, led (Y/N) down the steps. The salty scent of the ocean reached her nose. Why did it seem as if they were getting closer to the ocean? She was not sure if complying with his wishes was a good idea, but now she had come too far to turn back. But when they finally reached their destination, (Y/N) found that all her fears were baseless.

The steep stairs actually led to a swimming pool overlooking the sea. It was covered with 3 walls of dried bamboo on either side and the top but the front was open and was divided from the sea with just a wall. (If the description in not understandable, please refer to the picture in the last chapter. That is the pool in question.) It looked lovely, to be honest, but there was absolutely nothing to stop her from just jumping onto the other side and just swimming away. An extremely far fetched idea, but one all the same. Up until now Kyoya had donned on Trousers and a midnight blue shirt, so when he just started unbuttoning his shirt with swift, nimble fingers, (Y/N) was rather surprised and instinctively her face went red as more of his chest began to be exposed. " Hey! W-what ARE you doing!" Sh asked him angrily, all the while taking in his washboard abs, his lithe, defined arms, and even the ever skeptic (Y/N) had to admit, he looked really good. In fact, too good for someone who rarely leaves his house except for social events.

Kyoya sensed (Y/N)'s perusal and threw a smirk her way, his visage conveyed everything he wanted to say. He was extremely glad he could entice such an endearing reaction from his beloved. He raised his eyebrows in a ' Like what you see?' manner, causing her to swiftly looked away, her cheeks still hot. Instead, she turned her attention to the scene around them. The next moment, (Y/N) felt arms wrapped around her from behind as Kyoya placed his chin on top of her head. " You know, princess, I would not object should you choose to peruse me at length. As a matter of fact, I would enjoy your attentions." He laughed.
" I bet you would. But what is it with the stripping HERE?"
"Did you believe you would be the only one going in the pool?" He asked.
Suddenly, Kyoya's stripping session made absolute sense. She pulled herself out of his grip and turned to face him, only to find him in swimming trunks. " Well, what are we waiting for?" he questioned as he placed his hands firmly on the edge of the pool and lowered himself in, then looked at (Y/N) expecting her to follow suit. She gazed at the pool and Kyoya suspiciously, still not quite sure if this entire thing was a ruse. A moment's deliberation later, (Y/N) too, hopped into the pool.

3 hours later, even (Y/N) had to admit, Kyoya knew how to entertain. They had spent a solid amount of time goofing off in the pool, playing games like Marco Polo, sometimes just floating quietly in the tranquil silence . His sarcastic remarks about the rest of the host club had her laughing in amusement, and for some time, (Y/N) could almost pretend that she was not kidnapped, and all was well in her world. After (Y/N) was exhausted thoroughly, Kyoya decided to move on to the next attraction. He helped (Y/N) out of the pool and when both of them were suitably clothed, he led (Y/N) back upstairs, and to their room. " There is a dress for you inside, love. Why don't you change out of the swim wear and get into the dress?" he suggested to (Y/N) with a slight push towards the door. (Y/N) got the message. A few minutes later, (Y/N) stepped out , clad in a sleeveless, backless aqua blue gown which cinched her waist like a dream, adorned with deep blue sapphires, and diamonds lacing the hem. " Are thee real?" She idly questioned, fingering the gems. "What do you think?" he asked her. She gazed at the gems for a few seconds more, her aristrocatic eye quickly recognising them to be real.

She looked at Kyoya incredulously, not quite sure what to say. " Do you like it?" he asked. " Its beautiful....but you shouldn't ha-" he cut her off by placing an elegant finger over her lips. " I had to. Nothing but the very best for my princess. " He said, as if that explained everything. He then once again took (Y/N)'s hand into his own and quickly walked to yet another mystery room. He gestured to the door, silently asking (Y/N) to open it. She obliged, and cautiously stepped in, looking around curiously. The room was dark, but then, Kyoya stepped in behind her and clapped hs hands once, illuminating the room in a warm glow. The sight before (Y/N) had her slightly surprised. It was a table for two, laden with items for lunch. She kind of expected it, because he HAD pulled a trick like this before. (Comment if you remember when) but this time, she would not have to be forced to sit down and eat. The table was elegant, with a streak of class she had come to associate with Kyoya. He seated her and lunch was served. She looked at the clock on the wall, and it was already late afternoon. Where did the time go?

He kept up lively conversation throughout lunch, often drifting into the various plans he had for their future.
" Princess, would you prefer to live in the city or the rural area?''
" City."
" I thought so too. After we finish schooling, is there any place you would like to settle?"
" I think we should stay in Japan" she smiled.
" .....we will consider this later. "
It was clear he was trying to ease her into her new reality. He dropped several subtle hints that is she continued to co operate, he might allow her to see her parents and friends once again. The lunch ad all her favoured cuisines, which she had expected. Lunch was wrapped up in another hour or so, and when all was said and done, (Y/N) saw the clock and it told her time had ticked by rather fast. It was already well into the evening, she doubted she would have a stomach for dinner after such a hefty and late lunch. Kyoya followed her gaze to the clock, then turned to her and said, " (Y/N), there is a final event I have planned, you will love it." He assured her while taking her outside the mansion and onto the beach. " Will we swim again?" she asked. " No, something better." He mysteriously said and then , came to stop in front of a yacht. It was a beauty, coloured all black, the name ' Moonlighter' glinting in neon paint on the side. They boarded the boat, and then Kyoya deftly untied the ropes keeping it on the shore, and they set off into the sea.

" So you can handle boats too." She stated as they stopped well away from the shore and dropped the anchor, and were now laying on the rooftop deck, looking up at the starry sky. " I am a man of many talents." He smirked. But soon they fell into the silence (Y/N) was so familiar with. She asked him." Why are we here?"
" To look up at the stars, of course. You won't this kind of view at the island. I just wished for the day to end peacefully" He finished. When it was time to go back, He turned to face her and pulled out a velvet box. " (Y/N).....I have a gift for you." He said. (Y/N) looked at the box which read Tiffany and Co. on the lid. He opened the box and pulled out the most beautiful bracelet she had ever seen. It was lined with diamonds cut to look like clubs on the edges, but had circles of diamonds lined up in between (consult the image). He lovingly slid it on her left wrist. " There." he said, satisfied with himself. (Y/N) turned her hand around, examining it. It glinted in the moonlight. " Do you like it?" He asked. " Its....otherworldly." she finally uttered. " I had it made just for you. There is only ONE bracelet of this sort in the entire world, and it is on your wrist." He finished and smiled a little, glad that this date had gone off without a hitch. He was about to lean in to kiss (Y/N) silly, but his phone jarred the silence, effectively ruining the moment.
" Otori" He gruffly mumbled into the phone.
(Y/N) looked at him in askance, but she said nothing because his face twisted into a slight, annoyed expression, indicating slight annoyance. He hung up rather abruptly, his visage once again the loving expression she had come to know. " Lets go, its getting late. " He said before going below deck to man the yacht back to the shore.  

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