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  (Y/N) could not bring herself to move the next morning. Her entire body hurt in a way she did not even know was possible. The events of the night before slowly resurfaced in her mind, and her eyes suddenly opened wide in horror. She now clearly recalled all that had been done to her last night, and panic began to overtake her. She tried to sit up, but received instantaneous pain which caused to slow down her movements as she gingerly sat up on the bed, and groggily took in the room. It was different than the room she was in last night. She looked down at her wrists, an angry streak of red cut across both of her wrists where Kyoya had tied her hands. She found herself class in a formal shirt 3 sized too big for her, its sleeves flopped around uselessly as she tried to make more movements, but continual twinges of pain restricted her heavily. She removed the sheets she was tucked in, and saw that her legs had fared out better than her upper body. She could see no visible damages, and took it as a good omen. Her attention was drawn by a voice on the other side of the door, talking.

" ......yes..........your best, of course........................provisions will be made..........very well.............payments........." then the voice stopped and seconds later, the man of the hour walked in, one hand holding his phone, the other with a tray with a glass of water and a pill balanced expertly on his other hand.Currently he had nothing more on than just a pair of black trousers. The raven haired boy was looking at his phone, scrolling through something. He finished whatever he was going through and looked up to see (Y/N) staring at him. He smiled as he slipped his phone into his pocket and made his way over to her. She tried to move away, but where could she go? Plus, the pain bid her to make as less movements as possible. Kyoya sat down on the bed next to her and placed the tray on the nightstand adjacent to the bed and took the glass and pill in one hand each and offered them to her.

" What is this? Some sort of...subduing medicine?" she sneered.
" Its a contraceptive, love. I was quite....careless, last night, so just remedial measures.'d much rather forgo it?" He smirked. (Y/N) took the pill from him and downed it with a glass of water and then, handed the empty container back to him. He leaned in close and kissed her forehead. " How are you feeling, princess? I believe you must be very tired after last night?" he asked her. She remained silent, not wanting to dignify him with a response. She looked away and refused to meet his eyes.
" Princess....look here." He requested. (Y/N) openly ignored him.
Just then, she felt a hand firmly turn her head so she could look at him.
" I do not like repeating myself, love. The next time I request you to do something, you WILL respond, even if to turn me down. Am I making myself clear?" He inquired, his gaze never wavering from her.
" Leave me alone." She stated.
" Oh, yes, how uncouth of me. I believe you have to-(Y/N) are hurt. Why did you not tell me? " He said, looking at her wrists.
" Surprise, motherfucker." She glared at him.
" (Y/N) will refrain from using such strong language. I do not like it. Let's get those wrists fixed." He finished , tugging at her hand, and when she grimaced , Kyoya eyes widened in realization.
" Oh, (Y/N). You have sustained many bruises, have you not? I saw them when I was putting the shirt on you. I can not believe I forgot."
With that, he easily lifted (Y/N) in his arms and made the journey to the washroom and set her down on the edge of the bathtub, then sifted through the cabinet overhead to pull out a pack of ibuprofen, and gave her a pill out of it. He handed her the pill and said, " Wait a moment, love."

With that, he left the washroom and headed for the landline phone sitting on the night stand. He punched in a number and said, " Room service? Yes, I would lie a cold compress in room no. 666 (did you see what I did there). Very Well, thank you." He hung up the phone and moved out of her sight only to return a few moments later, a glass of water in hand. " Here you go. The pill should help with the pain I am sure you are feeling. A cold compress will be here in few moments." He said, handing the glass of water to her.
Seeing him being so kind and affectionate towards her, she could not help but ask, " Are you not even the least bit of guilty that it is because of YOU I am like this?"
" Of course not, love. Your injuries are your fault entirely. You could have co operated and avoided them, but your rebellions forced me to be harsh with you. But I do feel bad that my beloved is hurt." pat came the reply as he crouched and ran a finger over her wrists. The knock on a door broke the silence they were in.
" Take the shirt off, princess. The compress is here." He said before leaving.
(Y/N) gingerly shrugged out of her shirt, and caught her refection in a full length mirror. Her entire torso was spotted with bruises. They ranged from blue, to green, some minor ones were already turning a sickly yellow. She was close to tears out of misery when her captor walked right back in.
He asked her to sit up straight so he could see the total extent of her injuries, and she reluctantly obliged.

For the next hour, Kyoya applied the compress too all her bruises, no matter how small. He took his time, finished the act with efficiency and perfection. After all the bruises were taken care of, he stood up and turned to leave. " That should take care of the bruises. Why don't you have a bath now? You can pick your clothes from your suitcase, I will keep it outside the washroom. Take your time, we will be here for the day. We leave later tonight. Is there anything in particular you would like for breakfast?" When (Y/N) shook her head, he told her, " If you are in need of assistance, you will call me for help. Do not attempt to do it by yourself." With that, he left, softly shutting the door behind him.

Having a bath was easier than the journey up til now. Her body hurt less, the bruises felt better and she could move more easily. But she still managed to take an entire hour in the process. When (Y/N) was finally ready, she looked at herself in a mirror. She looked better, but not as good as when she looked before she was kidnapped. With a tired sigh, she opened the door, and slowly began to shuffle out, still occasionally wincing, and looked around the room to find it empty, then she began to trudge out to the outer rooms, where she spied two covered plates on the table surrounded by couches, one of them occupied by Kyoya, where he was reading a newspaper. He heard her come in and immediately rushed to support her, slightly upset when she pushed his helping arms out of her way, but it did not stop him from closely tailing her until she was safely seated. He sat down next to her, and brandished a first aid box from behind him.

" Hold out your wrists, princess. I will bandage them up."
" No. I will do it myself. Hand me the box."
" Out of question. Do as I ask, love. I won't take more than a moment." He said, keeping up a reasonable tone.
(Y/N) realized this was a battle she could not win, he would just end up forcing her, causing her more pain. So she reluctantly held out her wrists, and allowed him to fix her wrists. He rubbed the ointment at the chafed area, making sure to keep his touch as light as possible.
" I apologize for your wrists, princess. I admit to it being my error." He said, without looking up at her, concentrating on wrapping the bandages around her wrists. He finished soon enough, smiling at her.
" Breakfast is here. Please start. I have a call to make." He said, standing up and walking into the bedroom. (Y/N) looked the plates and saw that he had ordered (FAVORITE CHOICE IN BREAKFAST). She ate, trying to eavesdrop on his conversation, but could hear nothing, so she gave up, too exhausted to try any longer. She pushed the plate away from her after she finished, tiredness taking over her. She lay down on the couch, quickly falling into a peaceful slumber.

Kyoya finished his call and went to the living room, only to find his beloved had succumbed to sleep. ' I guess her body needs the sleep to recover.' He told himself as he scooped his princess from the couch and carefully placed her on their bed, finding himself to be strangely content at simply looking her sleep. He would never admit it, but he felt bad for hurting her so much last night. He was supposed to protect her from the world, it simply would not DO if he began to be the one causing her harm.

He had come this far, it was time for the execution of the final phase to make (Y/N) his, completely. Once they got back to their island, he would bind (Y/N) to him in a irrevocable manner, and she would stay by his side, now, and forever. The very thought made the usually stoic and calculating man smile in glee.  

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