HAWK Lives

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(Just an FYI, Aussie isn't dead... Yet...)

Hilda's P.O.V

I began drifting into consciousness, I didn't open my eyes yet but I could hear and tell that I'm in a hospital bed.

"We shourd just come back out to the worrd now." A male Japanese accented voice said.

"Yea! I'm ti'ad a' hidin'!" Another boy said, this one had a Jersey accent.

"No! Not yet! I don't know how they'll take it!" A Canadian boy said.

"Says the vone who appeared in flames before his girlfriend..." A Russian boy trailed off.

I know these voices, I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness.

"Well she would've died! What was I supposed to do, let her burn?" The Canadian said.

"Yes, if you're so damn keen on keeping us hidden." Another American boy said groggily.

I made a noise to try and get their attention.

"Uh... Kyle..." The jersey boy said.

"Hold that thought Nick...." The Canadian said. "Okay, Greg, if you have anything to say about any of this, then tell us."

"Just let me sleep. Those are my only thoughts." Greg said.

I'm finally conscious enough to tell the names of the people and fully recognize their voices.

Greg, Nick, Kyle, Cliff, Katsuo, wait.....

"Kyle! She's awake!" Nick said to Kyle.

"Oh... Uh..." Kyle said.

"We shourd probabry take the brindfold off of her..." Katsuo suggested.

"Y-yea. In a minute." Kyle said. "But right now im only worrying as to where Chase went to when he said he was going out."

"Oh, I only went to see my family!" Chase yelled from another part of the room.

"WHAT?!?" All the guys yelled in unison.

"Yea. I think I might have given my dad a heart attack... But everyone is okay." Chase said. "Oh, 'ello Hilda!"

"Hallo Chase-" I said, now completely conscious.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!? I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU-" I could tell Kyle was furious.

"WELL IF I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, MY SISTER WOULD'VE KILLED HERSELF!! IF YOU WERE ME I KNOW YOU WOULD'VE PULLED THE SAME MOVE!!" Chase fired back, but Jesus, I knew Aussie was having struggles but I didn't think that it was that bad.

"Oh... Why didn't you say anything about it before? Because if you said something about it before hand..." Kyle trailed off.

"KYRE!" Katsuo said in a loud voice, but nowhere near a yell, that's actually the loudest I've heard him speak. "Hirda is awake!"

".... Well..." Kyle started and cleared his throat. "I guess we have a lot of explaining to do..."

"Well no shit Sherlock." Chase hissed.

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