iv. Lessons

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Two days ago I asked Viserys to put our differences aside so we could work together, and he is yet to get back to me on that. It does not really matter that much to me, but I would like to stay here and to stay in Pentos. I would also like to get to know him and Daenerys too, as I am sure we could all learn to get along.

I was currently writing a letter to my family again, wishing to tell them about what is happening. I know I cannot tell them about Viserys, and I cannot use his name, but I will not use a name at all. Perhaps one day they will actually respond to me again. I have missed Robb writing back to tell me what is happening.

Dear Family,

Do you even get these anymore or am I wasting my time? Do you read them and not respond, or burn them as soon as they arrive? I know I am not the honourable child that you wanted, but do you miss me too or is the shame too much? Do my words break your hearts the way my thoughts of you all hating me break mine?

I miss you all so much, but sometimes I cannot help but get angry because you have not responded in so long. All I want is to be able to see you all again, and your lack of response hurts. I have considered stopping writing, but I like to think that you read these and smile, knowing that I am well and enjoying myself the best that I can.

How are you all doing? Is everyone well? What has everyone been doing? Do you look different or the same? Is it still summer there? I just have so many questions that I wish you would answer for once.

As you hopefully know, I am in Pentos and staying in the manse of Illyrio Mopatis. I have befriended the Prince of Pentos, Alios Narratys. He is the descendant of the Prince of Pentos that was chosen as the fifth in a year, if you remember that story about the war with Braavos. He is kind to me, and we are quite close. One would think he is arrogant, but he is funny and kind and does not think the way most men do. He does not enjoy war and he knows politics is a waste when he is just a figurehead, and because of that I fear for his life.

There are other people staying here now, and I do not particularly get along with them, but I am trying to. I want to get to know them, but we have some very serious differences and I cannot help but see why from both perspectives. They are siblings, and the girl is almost a year older than me, and her older brother is at least twenty.

The brother and I got into a fight, but it is resolved now and I know that I can take care of myself at least. We are going to try and put our differences aside to get along, and I hope it will work. He intrigues me, and I wish to be his friend.

Apart from that, nothing else has been happening. I hope you are all well,

- Alessia

I took a deep breath and set the letter down. I folded it up and put a wax seal on it before slipping it into an envelope and sealing it once more. On the front I wrote that it was for House Stark in Westeros, and then I set it back down and kind of just stared at it.

One day they will reply to me, but I do not think it will be any time soon and that upsets me. I just want to speak to my family again, but not through letters. I want to see them in person and hold them close and just know that they are fine. I want to know that we are a family again and apologise for doing something so stupid as what I did.

Someone knocked on my chamber doors, but before I could get up and move the letter, they walked in. Just my luck, it had to be Viserys at this very moment. I mean, he looked especially handsome today in Westerosi-style clothes with a red three-headed dragon on his black surcoat that had a high red collar. The sleeves were leather, and he had a sword at his belt, but it clearly was not his own.

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