xv. Dothraki

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Today is the day that Khal Drogo will bring his Khalasar to Illyrio's manse, and Daenerys is clearly nervous. All of us are, apart from Viserys. He somehow believes that he knows everything will go fine. I suspect Illyrio did not explain what will happen to Daenerys if Khal Drogo does not like her at all, or Viserys would be in a panic.

I am wearing a dress from Westeros, so that Khal Drogo knows that I am not the woman he is looking at. He will not have any interest in a Westerosi girl like me anyway. I do not have the beauty of Daenerys, nor do I have any slightly-Dothraki traits. I am a Northerner, and only my dead aunt, Lyanna, was known for her being a beautiful Northern girl.

Viserys will be wearing clothes in Westerosi style, although I have never seen him in anything else. He insists that he is the rightful king of Westeros, and hence he must dress that way. I do not quite understand it, but there is no point in arguing. If Viserys wants to let everyone know who he is then he may do so. I just do not think it is safe.

When I reached the front of the manse, I saw Illyrio, Viserys, and Daenerys already waiting. I was not late, and the Dothraki are not known for punctuality, so I was not worried. I stood behind the three of them. I am here as I am a guest of somewhat importance, but past that point I hold no significance. As well as that, Drogo will know to look at Daenerys instead of me.

Illyrio gestured for me to move slightly more forward, so that I did not seem like one of the servants. It was clear that he was nervous about this meeting. If Khal Drogo does not like even one of us who are in attendance, we may lose our lives. I really do hope that he accepts Daenerys as his wife.

A few of the Dothraki began to ride through the gates, with Khal Drogo and his bloodriders leading them. There were magisters wearing clothes similar to Illyrio's standing at the front, in order to greet him. The important men of the city try to appease Drogo so that he does not raze all of Pentos.

"Welcome to my manse," Illyrio greeted, in Dothraki. "May I present my honoured guests? Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name. The rightful King of the Andals and the First Men. And his sister, Daenerys, of the House Targaryen." Illyrio turned to me and nodded slightly. "This is another guest, Alessia of House Stark."

I nodded out of respect and then kept my eyes locked straight ahead. I know how to act around the Dothraki, as this is not the first time I have met them. Then again, I met the now-dead Khal of a much smaller Khalasar that is now apart of Drogo's. Perhaps he is much different to the man that I met.

"Do you see how long his hair is?" Viserys pointed out. "When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame." If they live. "Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He's a savage, of course, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his queen."

"Come forward, my dear," Illyrio instructed, speaking to Daenerys.

Viserys took a step to the side, so that he was standing beside me. Daenerys walked towards Khal Drogo - who Viserys had just convinced her is a savage - and looked straight at him. She was very clearly afraid of him and the way he gazed at her. Thankfully for us all, we did not have to watch him behead her out of dislike as he led his men away rather quickly.

"Where's he going?" Viserys asked, slightly panicked.

"The ceremony is over," Illyrio stated.

"But he didn't say anything. Did he like her?"

"Trust me, Your Grace. If he did not like her, we would know."

Everyone slowly started to leave, so I turned around and walked inside. Illyrio had gone to talk to a few of the other magisters, Daenerys was going back to her room in order to calm down, and I had no idea what Viserys was doing. We keep finding places to kiss, but it has not been very heated like it was down near the sea. Part of me wants that to happen again, and more.

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