Chapter 1: Friday

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Chapter 1: Friday

I sat panicked, holding baby Leah, and my young little brother in my hands. What could an eleven year old do? We were driving dangerously along the road, screech, stop, screetch, stop, going through tunnels, and then a sharp left down a dirt rubble road. through the trees, the branches hitting the windows of the car. Tony was crying, didn't know what was going on, it was dark. We were cold. Leah was screaming. Mom and Dad arguing over where to go.

"No, here!"

"Go faster! WE are going to be late!"


I cried harder, holding my siblings tight. My mother looked wild, not like her self. As if she hadn't slept in weeks. My fathers usually glossy hair, and shaved face, was mangled and over gown. These people were not my parents. They were animals if anything. Taking us somewhere into the unknown darkness of this forest. "HERE!!!" my mother screamed pointing to an old house with a black sheen car in front. Three men and a women, all hispanic got out of the house. They were holding guns, and the women was holding a leash to a giant rabid dog barking at out car. My father stopped the car, and yelled; "GET OUT!"

Unable to move at all, we didn't move, just cried on and on.

"OUT!!!!" he yelled again, opening the car door, and pulling Tony and I with him to the strange people at the house.

My mother tried to smooth out her blonde hair that was turning dull, "We are here." she walked up to one of the men, and offered a hand. He took it grudgingly, and spoke is a thick spanish accent that shook my soul with fear of him, "The kids. Give them to us, then we speak of the trade." he smiled evily looking up and down at the three of us.

My father gave us up to the other two men who tied out hands together, then threw us inside a dark room with no windows or furniture at all. and locked the door behind us. Leah was strapped and placed on her blanket on the ground. Tony was huddling next to me, and I managed to get Leah into my lap though my hands were behind me. She was only two. We all cried.

After about what seemed forever, more likely an hour, I heard a cry, and gun fire, then another cry, and gun fire. I knew my parents were dead.

They had tried to trade us for something. Something they needed.

We all stopped crying a while ago, and just listened. Then, I felt a bolt of electricity through my system as the door was unlocked and opened, reveilling the two men again. The first man picked me up over my shoulder and spanked me hard. I yelled, and he laughed at me. and carried me off. The other man picked up Leah, who was asleep, and Tony, who was in a state of shock, not moving at all, and carried us to the room. The lady was sitting on the couch casually, sipping tea. The dog at her feet, growled menacingly at us when we were placed on the carpet together.

They all began to speak rapid spanish, continuously glancing at us, and nodding. My parents were no where in sight either. Then  before I knew it, I was asleep with exhaustion.


I woke up in a train car, untied on a cot covered in a thick blanket, so was Tony and Leah. They were right next to me. I sat up, and scratched my head. looking around. What happened? Then like a freight train, it hit me. We were kidnapped, and my parents were dead.

I began to cry again, and woke up Tony, and Leah. We all were crying now.

The door opened of the compartment, and we all stopped crying. We glanced at the women from the night before. She was wearing a black coat, her hair was black and wavy, and topped with a black hat, she rocked side to side in knee length boots, and walked over to us.

"ahora está nuestro"

you are now ours.

She kissed the top of my head, then Tony's, and lastly Leah's.

"Your parents gave you up." she sneered. A smile playing on her lips.

"liar!!! you killed them!" I cried angerilly.

"They killed themselves." she replied. with that, she walked out.

I didn't understand anything, just knew I had to hate that women, and to hate my parents for giving us up like that.

We traveled in silence, to god knows where.

After a while, we fell asleep again. I found a small loaf of bread, and a bottle of water I think they left for us on a crate. I wetted a chunk of the bread and fed it to Leah, and gave her some water as well. Tony drank some water, and ate a chunk. I ate the rest, and drank some of the water incase Tony or Leah needed more later.

We sat for what seemed like hours.

Commotion in the next car startled us, and we huddled together under a blanket. We heard yells and shouts and a dog barking. Then the door burst open and a man in a blue uniform stood there, then another man came up next to him. "Everything is allright, we are the police, we are here to protect you." The train was slowing down to a stop. And the new men gathered us up and took us off the train. I looked around. There was no snow like in there was in Canada where we lived before. Instead, there was sand and palm trees. You are in Texas. The people that kidnapped you wanted to travel to Mexico. You have been traveling for a little less than two days now, come one, lets get you some food and water. They took Leah and fed and changed her diaper. Then led Tony and I to a table with food.

Once we were satisfied, we were taken to Georgia to the Hope Cottage Orphanage. The one we live in now.

Now I was back to the present, I shuddered at my flashback. I clentched my fists, and punched the wall. It was 4 am, and Leah and Tony were still asleep. I couldn't sleep at all, I was thinking about that night five years ago. Why did those people kidnapp us! What really happened to my parents! Why are we even here?! I mentally screamed in frustration. I was in the bathroom, and splashed water on my sunken tired face. Looked up to see my reflection in the mirror. What happened? I thought. We were a happy little family. What did my parents do! In frutration I punched my reflection in the mirror breaking it and sending pieces around. "Shit" I whispered as I looked at my hand. It was cut severly from my punch, and bleeding into the sink. i carefully took tweezers and rinsed out the blood, and took out the pieces of glass from the cuts. I washed it out, and rapped my hand in clothe and oitment from the first aid kit in the closet.

I sighed.

My past was definately no walk in the park.

It was always difficult, but happy. Until my parents went mad.

Those crazy people.... I have always tried to remember when they started to act different, but I couldn't remember.

What was wrong with them? To give up their children. I couldn't bear the thought of giving up my children. They were mini me's.

Since then, I have never trusted authority. I always made the decisions. No one else. I can't even trust my friends or Mrs. Sweetdykes. Or anyone. Not Sensei Marshall, not Mr. Clarkse, never Ms. Peppers. I can't trust the police. I only trust myself and my small family.

I raised them. Not my parents, not the orphanage people. The police saved us, yes. But if it weren't for me now, the would be alone.

I will always protect my family.


AHH! sorry, I wanted to add to this chappie because it explains her views and why she was never adopted.... SAD! i know....

Hope you liked it though....

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