Chapter 2: Bianca and Carlos
I went back to bed, carressing my hurt hand. It was almost 7. So i got up, and reapplied oitment and the bandages to my still-bleeding cuts. I got dressed, and put on makeup, with i rarely did, only because i looked awful and nauseous this morning. I looked a little better.
i walked downstairs to collect the weekly mail. i unlocked the mailbox, and took the mail. I locked it again, and went back to Leah and Tony. I found the check with $600 for the month. I smiled. I was getting the need for more of the money, I spent a lot of the money from last month on presents and treats for Christmas. I had to pay the orphanage $100 every year for taking care of Leah and Tony myself, so they knew I had money to take care of them, and in the future, they can spend the money I gave to orphanage if i were to leave. I actually proposed this, so that there was stored money for Leah and Tony, that the orphanage has to give them once they turn 15.
I opened the door, to find Tony and Leah open mouthed looking into the bathroom. I had managed to clean up the shattered glass, but the mirror still was in poor state. i ignored their questioning glares at me, and told them to get ready to go eat. I left to go across the street to exchange the check for money.
I made my way back to our room, and found them to be watching a show on the crappy small T.V. Their eyes glued to the screen, sitting on the couch, with no expression on their faces, which i find rare. Leah, broke her gaze and smiled at me. Then stood up on the couch and started to jump; "CHAR! IM HUNGRY!!! FOOD!" she squeeled when Tony and I teamed up on tickling her. "Stop!!!" she breathed.
I picked up and almost lifeless Leah, and took them to the Pancake House to eat.
On the way, i gave Mr. Clarkse the money for the kids, and he nodded once, understanding what the money was for. He was in charge of the interviews and money of the orphanage.
We all ate happily, and i read the newspaper, casually sometimes telling them some news, and the weather to them. then I read their favorite comic they only ever cared about, Garflied, the one of the big, fat, orange cat that was always up to no good. They laughed, and i payed the bill, and we then left to go to school on the big yellow school bus.
I prayed the Leah and Tony later wouldn't ask about the mirror.
The school day dragged on, and at 4.15, we were all on the busride home, ready to go play in the snow as a mini field trip with some other kids from the orphange, my friends Felix and Hazel. Felix's little brother, Ethan, and Hazel's little sister Joanna and other brother Favian were coming with us to our usual sledding hill. Felix was 15, Hazel was 15 also. Ethan was 8, and Joanna was 10. Favian was 16 like me, but he was quiet, and liked to play with Joanna. He kept to himself. We were actually really good friends when i first arrived to this hell-hole orphanage. But after a while, we grew apart. But he still comes along. Three weeks ago, a guy named Edward joined our group of orphan friends, but he was leaving soon. He was 14, and was adopted yesterday. Tomorrow morning, he was leaving to be apart of his new family. We were throwing him a good bye party later in the evening for him.
After everyone had their fulfillment of sleding, we went to go get hot chocolate and coffees. We slowly made our way back, because it was getting close to 6.
Ewards party was fun! But he had to go and get his things together so that he could leave right away the next morning. We cried, and said our good byes.
I told Leah and Tony to brush their teeth and get ready to go to sleep soon. But every friday, we stay up later, and watch a movie.
We sat down on the couch eating from a bowl of salty popcorn, about to begin to watch the movie. All of a sudden, I heard i knock on the door. I paused the movie, and got up and answered it. Ms. Peppers was standing in the door way, scribling something on her clipboard. She glanced up at me, and nodded. "Get ready. you have an interview." just as she was about to turn around and go, i said "what! Its 8 pm for goodness sakes. I am not letting the children do such. We are busy right now, let the family reschedule if they really want an interview." i snarled, getting angry, I unclentched my fist, as i felt a stabbing pain result from getting angry. i was amazed at this, then remembered of my earlier rendevous with the mirror. I grimaced.
She paused, and smile playing on her crooked dry lips covered with an awfull light pink lipstick that clung to her teeth like glue. "You have no choice, we had to reschedual them for you three times this week. Get going sweetie. Don't mess this one up." her laugh filled with malefactor. "Chop Chop! They are expecting you in 15 minutes. Don't. Be. Late." he stressed her last words, then scurried off like an overgrown rat down the stairs. i groaned. "wicked women."
"Tony, Leah, get ready and wear something now. We are going for an interview." I said expressionlessly.
I tossed Leah and long white and pink dress and boots, and Tony pants and a white shirt. I changed into black jeans, and a gray and blue stripped sweater, and zipped up my black hoodie. They were changed and in their jackets and shoes, i pulled on my van sneakers, and we walked down stairs. My light brown and blonde hair in a pony tail on top of my head. We entered the interview in the knick of time, and sat down in the chairs. There was an beautiful Italian women, and a handsome italian man sitting across from us.
"Charlotte, Leah, Tony, there people are Bianca and Carlos." Mr. Clarkse said, and gestured to the exuisite people.
I smiled at them. Wait! I smiled at them!!! Oh no, something is wrong. I must be just tired. But they looked so kind, and nice. I couldn't help but say hello and introduce us. "hello, im Charlotte. this is Tony, and Leah, my siblings." i explained.
"Oh, it is so kind to meet you, sweetie!" Bianca exclaimed, clasping her hands together. Her voice chimed in my ears pleasantly. She seemed like a kind lady.
"Hello." greeted Carlos, he smiled. His Italian accent was thick, and strong. "So how old you youngsters?"
"I am 16." i replied.
"Oh! Im nine!" Tony grinned toothily.
Leah played with her long straight light brown hair, "Im seven." she grinned, and jumped in my lap laughing.
"You are just adorable, aren't you!" Bianca cooed. "And what a wonderful young man!" She looked at me, "You are just beautiful, honey! What a lovely little family."
Carlos grinned. "How would you like to be part of our family?"
I stopped breathing. My smile faltered. immediantly Leah squeeled, "Yes!!! Char, Char, yes!" Tony nodded. I closed my eyes. And took a breathe again. i looked up into Bianca's and Carlos's eyes, They looked worried. And i immediantly regretted my actions. I was being rude. Offcourse i would to be part of their family! They wanted all of us. They seemed like they were a kind family. I cleared my throat, when Leah and Tony seemed to have calmed down enough for me to think.
"Oh, do you have any children? What are they like?" I wondered sheeplishly.
Carlos grinned, "We have six sons."
Six Sons. AND they wanted us too.
"You can afford all of us?" i asked unbelievably.
"Yes." Bianca smiled. "We have room, and money to afford you all."
I needed to think. Should we? or should i ruin it right now, this second?

Surviving the Gregory Brothers
Teen FictionCharlotte has to take care of her younger siblings, while juggling school, martial arts, and emotions all having to deal with the evil Orphanage care taker, this is a journey of her surviving the Gregory brothers. Being abandoned by you own parents...