Chapter 23: Movie Night, Arguments, and News

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Chapter 23: Movie Night, Arguments, and News

Charlotte's P.O.V

I was running outside, down the drive way, to the car. The soft, wet snowflakes tickled my nose. White all around.

Then I realized, it was now February. Valentine's Day in two weeks, and then my birthday would be soon, I would be seventeen.

I smiled. February was always my favorite month.

Chocolate's, school valentine's, red roses, and that beautiful light snow all around me. Even in a orphanage, Valentine's Day was always pleasant. I miss my friends, and I truly do. I remember Felix and Hazel, my best friends. All those memories. Which reminds me, that I need to go through their good bye present, an album of our good days when I was there with them. And also, I need to visit them! I mean, I won't be happy to see Ms. Peppers, but I would love to see Sensei Marshall.

I opened the car door, and climbed in, "Hey guys! Grace! Elliot! Sean! What movie are we seeing?"

"Oh haha, Mission Impossible!" Elliot raved.

"Awesome, oh and I brought money for popcorn and stuff," I replied, soon becoming eager to have new friends.

Hazel, Felix, and I would make our own little movie theaters at one of our rooms in the orphanage, and watch movies with our siblings, eating popcorn and driking soda's, having pizza. It was fun, like the old days. For those five years, I was relatively happy with my little mis-fit family group.

"Hey, Char," Grace poked my shoulder, "We are having a party this saturday at Sean's, wanna come..." she wiggled her eyebrows.

 "Oh shut up! Yes I would love to girl."

"Great, it's a valentine's day party, just so you know. Get all dolled up and there is the best costume contest." Grace explained further.

"Oh Grace, here is the movie theater." Elliot pointed out a huge white builing, "Let's go see the movie!"


"OH MY GOD! That was AMAZING. I love the movie now!" I exasporated, completely happy with the movie. Lot's of action, and so neat.

"The gadgets they used? Awesome." Sean said as we walked through the parking lot to the car.

It was already 10:40 pm, and I was tired.

Finaly, I was happy I had new friends! I had gotten their numbers and made plans for the week and weekend with them in the car. We would go skiing also on Friday night, head up to the mountains, sleep there, and then go skiing that day. Then come back later in time for the party! It was going to be awesome.

I laughed, and said my good bye's to my new friends, and ran to the door.

I sprinted up the two flights of stairs, tucked Tony and Leah in bed, told them a story, kissed their foreheads good night, and finally, after a long day, went to my room to get ready for bed.

Turning on the faucet for a hot bath, I also clicked on the T.V. to watch a news channel. They were talking about the weather, and Obama, before I finally heard them talk about a kidnapp and a man went to jail.

My heart stopped. I listened in to the story,

"-- a man by the name of Kayden Rosbury was charged with kidnapp this previous week. He had been found guilty of holding hostage of three people, the family has asked not to say their names. His sentence will be made this up-coming saturday--" the women on the T.V. reported.

Silent trickling tears flowed down my cheeks, and plopped onto the carpeted floor. I robotically got undressed and took my bath. It almost had over flown with water.

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, washed my face and got into pajama pants and a tank top.

I then crawled into bed, and cried myself asleep, arguing with myself on what I should do to save that innocent soul, Kayden. And what he did to deserve this sentence. It was truly my fault, I hadn't cared enought to notice or ask about him yet, and nor had I been foolish enough to think that maybe something had happened to him.

Why him? Why me?

I couldn't contain my sorrow and tears.

I thought today would be a good day, a happy one. Started out good, and ended happy.

I remember Hazel once telling me when I told her my life's story, "Everything turns out alright, if it isn't alright, it isn't the end."

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