Chapter 6: The Boys

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Chapter 6: The Boys

I was in the back seat, Leah's head lay in my lap. She was fast asleep. We have been driving for about an hour now. Tony was eating the chips I had given him and he watched a film on a partable D.V.D player. His little eyes glued to the  screen. I glanced outside. The ground was still covered in a blanket of snow. Little children scurrying around, pulling their parents hands to get hot chocolate, and giggling having snowball fight with one another. I smiled, and tipped my head against the cold window. I noticed there were more and more houses now, we were entering a neighborhood. The houses were gigantic. More like mashions, with small courtyards, and pools. About three stories each. Once and a while, i would see people walking around on their huge estates.

We pulled up into a long drive way of a three story home, it was light blue and white, with a rose garden infront that looked well cared for. Our chaffeur stopped the car, and I draged Leah out of the car. She ended up getting a piggy back ride from me. Six teenage boys, followed by Bianca and Carlos. They were smiling at us, and Tony hugged my leg, and hid behind me shyly.

The boys stood in a line casually. They were looking at us like we were aliens.I shifted uncorfortably under their gaze. Then, immediantly understanding what was wrong, Bianca came up am pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Charlotte! We have been waiting for you! Welcome." She gestured to us to follow. Tony let go my butt, and held Bianca's and smiled at her. Leah, hopped down and held my hand as she skipped to the large house. We entered a large living room with about four large couches and a huge flat screen T.V. I sat on one of the couches near where Carlos and Bianca were standing glacing all around.

"I realize, boys, i haven't told you much about Charlotte, Leah, and Tony. They are now part of our family.  Please meet the boys." introduced Bianca.

A tall, dark haired, blue green eyed, tanned man stood up and shook my hand, "Hey, Im Tyler. Im 20. Nice to meet you Charlotte." he then smirked, winked, and sat down leisurely.

Another boy, slightly darker haired boy stood up, he had piercing blue eyes, "Whats up, Im Alex. Im 19." He gave me a fist pump and sat down.

"Sup', im Blake. 17." said a guy with dark jet hair. His deep green eyes were pure, and fresh to me. I smiled. "How are you Charlotte?"

"Thanks, good."

Then the next boy, his dark brown hair swept over his eyes, but i could tell he had blue grey eyes. He was wearing jeans, unlike the rest of the brother who wore regular shorts or pants. He had a red bandana under his chin. "Im Preston. 16." He told me unethusiastically.

Then Two younger boys, twins stood up, shocking me. "Hey, Im Evan, and he is Aaron. Nice to meet you Char!" Said the the first twin. "Hey Char!!! Im Aaron. We are fourteen!" said the other twin. I giggled, and shook their hands. They were cute, and energetic. They had sandy brown hair, both curly on the ends, and rigth above the eyes. They had green brown eyes, which shocked me a little that the rest of the boys, including Carlos and Bianca, had either blue or green eyes.

I smiled at all of them, "Hey, you can call me Char, if you like. Im 16. Here is Tony, he is nine, and this one here," i picked up Leah, off of my lap and sat her on the couch next to Tony, "Is Leah, she is seven. Its very nice to meet you." i grinned at all of them, trying to avoid Preston. He seemed to not like me at all. Bianca told the eldest boys to bring out luggage to our rooms.

I walked in, as Tyler and Alex put all the luggage in my room, so that i could sort out all the clothing and belongings of Leah's, Tony's, and mine. I thanked then, "Thank you Tyler and Alex." I smiled. I started to unpack everything, and to have time to myself to look around, but they stayed. They both suddenly heard them speaking Italian frantically on my bed. I looked up, it looked like they were arguing. I ignored it, and look around my giant room. I had seen Tony's and Leah's, and now i was curious what mine looked like. There was a light blue and rosie tints around the room. My large bed was  dark pink and white, and the canopy was light blue with little light hanging off of it, changing from blue and pink, to white and green. I smiled. I noted a huge walk in closet, a desk with a computer and printer, a vanity mirror, a small couch and T.V. and a small fridge with a side table that bore a basket of fruits. There was a groovy lamp, green, white, pink, yellow, and blue near the couch, and i turned it on and sighed. I looked out one of the window, and i noticed i had a beautiful view to the open space and park. My room was on the third floor, so i was up pretty high. I began to hang my clothing in my closet, and brought Leah's and Tony's clothing to their rooms in a bags so that I could put it away later.

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