Chapter 5: Hoo Ha!

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Chapter 5: Hoo Ha!

I woke up to little tip tapping of feet, and rustling of noises. I swear i heard giggling, and someone shh another. I groaned, as i felt the ache in my neck. I thought i fell asleep on my bed... Hmm. curious...

i slowly opened one eye, then immediantly shut it, the bright light was burning my sleepy eyes, and leaving me with head pains. I slowly lifted my body onto my elbow and rubbed my eyes, looking around in little slits. I was in another room, it oddly looked like Felix's. I scratched my head, and flopped back down onto the couch i was on.

I felt something poke my cheek. And i cringed and moaned at the thing that was disturbing my sleep. I swatted it away, as for the second time, poked my cheek. I groaned again, and rolled onto my other side.

"What's wrong with her?" i heard a whisper. I smiled, eyes closed.

Then, suddenly, I jumped up spinning around grabbing the two little monsters in front of me, into my arms knowing who they were. They started to squeel and the unexpected surprise, and hit their tiny fists upon my shoulders. I placed them down, seeing it was Tony and Ethan. Then everyone jumped out at me yelling "surprise!" I found Leah and Tony at my sides holding my hands, as they led me around the couch to where the table was, and i sat at the small table, they sat on either side of me. Felix and Hazel brought out a large chocolate cake with "Good Bye! We <3 you!" in messy red and blue icing on top.

I felt a brayed tear slip my attention, and immediantly regretted it. Felix immediantly cupped my face in his hands and kissed the tear away. "Don't cry, we will always have you gusy here," he pointed to his heart, "no matter where you go." and he smiled. Hazel had her golden hair tied up into french chignon to the side of her head, a few strands of hair escapping the bun. She was wearing a black and white blouse, and blue jeans with pink and green poka dotted socks on. Her gleaming blue eyes fixed upon me, watering up, and she glanced down, and cut the first slice giving it to Leah, then to Tony, and then me.

Felix had his jet black hair slightly spicked, his blue green eyes shinning with excitement. He had tan skin, and nice square jaw. He was quite handsome. And a very good friend. i knew he had baked me the cake. And with a smile, i took a huge bite of the delicious cake.

I moaned and closed my eyes, exagerating my delight.

I opened my eyes, and everyone was chuckling. I notived Favian eating a slice also. He was leaning against a wall casually, wearing a black, blue, and white sweater vest, with a white long sleeve undershirt matched with black jeans. His short dirty blonde hair lay naturally on his head, perfectly. His green blue eyes met mine, and held me there. I head everyone was chattering. He looked me up and down, and i felt myself blush, but i held my gaze. His eyes snapped to mine, and he smirked at me.

Wait. he SMIRKED at ME? This was knew.

"CHARLOTTE!" i heard Joanna and Leah squeel at me. Felix brought in a box. It was plain, and square. Kinda flat, and ough! Heavy!!! I wondered what it could be.

Felix and Hazel smiled at me. As Tony and Leah helped me open the mysterious box.

I smiled at the leather cover, and traced the leatters B E S T F R I E N D S. and closed my eyes.

When i opened my eyes, i looked at the cover. In the cover picture window, was the picture we all took last Friday at the hill, in snow with pink noses all huddled together.

I smiled, and opened the album. There were pictures from the very begining when we first arrived at the orphanage of Favian, Hazel, Felix and I. As i looked through the book, i felt a cramming sensation in my chest, and Leah and Tony were enjoying the photos of them and I when we were younger. Even photos i didn't remember, moments i could tell storied about, the good old times. And now, we were starting a new life.

I was. Wasn't I? I gave it to myself and Leah and Tony, I let go of that promise. Earn enough money, and start our own little family. Staying with our group of friends from the start. Letting go all that for what? People I barely knew, and I wanted that.

I had changed for these people. Maybe i didn't like this at all, but i knew i had to be strong, and do maybe what i now consider best. I smiled.

And thats when the flood of tears came. I cried into Leah and Tony's shoulders and they asked me whats wrong. I glanced up, everything was blurry. "We are not leaving you guys behind." I wimpered.

"We know that, sweetie." said Hazel, placing a hand on my head, and giving me the tissue box.

"you better now...." huphed Felix. "I spent a lot of time into that cake." Oh what a drama queen... I laughed at him.

I got up, and was enveloped into a hug. The little kids hugging my torso and legs. Favian even hugged me.

I glanced at the clock, "Oh shit! We have only half an hour to get ready, and go!" I yelled, scurrying around.

"Let me help you." Favian gestured his hand, and picked up Tony. Leah was on my hip. I shifted nervously, "Okay? Bye guys!!! Love you!"  i yelled, ignoring his hand, i walked out of Felix and Ethan's room, and began to the stairs to walk up to ours to get ready. Favian grabbed my shoulder, and put down Tony, and Leah qiggled out of my grasp. "Go upstairs, Charlotte will meet with you. Brush your teeth!" Favian yelled after them as they scurried up the stairs.

I gave him a questioning glance. He looked around, and as it appeared for him to think it was safe, he pushed me against the wall, hand on both side of my head, and did the unexpected. He kissed me.

Passionately. I felt every worry ooze out of my soul. Every ache go away, and my thoughts to float away.

When he pulled away, i was breathing heavily. He caressed my cheek, "I have always wanted to do that. Don't forget me, Charlotte. I will never forget you." gently pecking my lips. And with that, he walked away, to Felix's room to get Hazel and Joanna most likely. I stood there, trying to process what happened.

Then i managed to make my limbs work, and walk up to my room to get everything down. Leah and Tony were sitting, tying their shoes, as i got the last things packed, and we headed down stairs. Mr. Clarkse helped me, and Tony took the backpack and the new special album. My mind still clogged we slumped downstairs. Hazel and Felix were there, and we gave our departing words, as I, Leah and Tony, set off in a black car to Bianca and Carlos. And our new life.


Sorry its short! Don't kill me! X_X

And don't be confused! It was just the good bye party her friends threw for her, and Favian had always had a crush on Charlotte, but was too shy to show it. And finally he did! yay! sorry if you guys wanted more to happen between Favian and Charlotte.. Well there might, if you vote and comment! Give me suggestions please!!!! ^.^

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