Chapter 7: Dinner is a Disaster

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Chapter 7: Dinner Disaster

Alex's P.O.V

I was driving the truck with the whole lot in back, and Charlotte. My little angel. All that she had gone through, yet she still holds on strong. Oh, il mio piccolo angelo.

She sat glaring outside, with the blankest expression I have ever seen, and I live with Preston! I don't know what was wrong, so I didn't bother her. She looked like she was deep in thought. I didn't want to disturb whatever is brewing in her heart and mind.

Charlotte was truly beautiful. I noticed a scar that stretched along her left forearm, it was pink and small, but I could still see it. I immediantly wanted to rip her parents souls into shreds. Charlotte was seem week and defenseless, but her mind is set and ready. She had been through so much. As such a young child, too.

I was following the direction Tyler had printed out for me to the restaurant. I hope she likes it, our uncle once removed owns it. I told him she was coming with us, so that he could prepare something special for us to give Charlotte a great welcome so she feels like she is at home.

I smiled to myself. I was going to win her. Tyler is too old for her, Blake, I hope, doesn't want her, and Preston. He is a player, he wouldn't want anyone as pure as mio piccolo angelo. She was my little angel. The twins, are WAY too young for her anyways. So its up to me to make her life as special as it can be. Tomorrow she starts her new high school. After dinner, mom is going to take her late night shopping so she has new clothing, and as do Leah and Tony. Charlotte was dressed cute, but she needs more clothing choices, and larger sizes, her clothes are getting small, not that I care, i worry about the scandelous boys at the high school. I swear, if they try to hurt her one bit, I will tear their hearts out and feed it to the sharks.

We pulled up to Chez France, and Charlotte seemed to be startled as Tony and Leah popped up into her lap from behind and started shanting uncomprehendable words in her face. She giggled, oh her cute little giggle, and she smiled, showing her beautiful teeth, and got them out. I took Tony, as the weight was too much for her delicate frame. And we walked in, I winked at Guastave, my cousin to signal that Char was here, and for him to tell my Uncle.

Maria welcomed us, as showed us to out private little cabana that opened to the stars. Soft french music played in the back ground, as we sat at a low wooden table in soft seats. Little roses grew all around us, even though it was winter. It was a great setting, and it was confortable.

Charlotte seemed to enjoy it too. She immediantly perked up, and sat there looking around with her hands nervously in her lap. She was chatting to Blake about god knows what. Guastave came in to take our orders and specials.

I couldn't help but smile as her features scrunched up in thought. She finally chose French Onion Soup, Itallian Pasta Fresca, and a Limonada.

We began to chat again, I was on the other side of Charlotte, Tony and Leah opposite of her, and Tyler, Aaron, and Evan filled up inbetween. Blake was on her other side, and they seemed to get along. He better not get along too well with her.

Our hot dishes came out. "Finally!" inhaled Charlotte as she smelled her soup and began to eat hungrily. I chuckled at her silliness, and began to eat my own soup.

"What? Im so famished." Charlotte replied to me dignifiantly. She huffed and puffed her cheeks up, as she blew on her burning hot soup to cool it down. She reminded me of a blowfish. I chuckled again.


It burned my tongue, but i didn't show it. I gulped a mouthful of water and held a piece of ice on my hurt tongue. I ate my salad as i waited for my soup to cool down.

I see how Char felt now... Still she seemed so skittish.

We ate and chatted around the table like an Italian family.  Happy. Normal. Like we have been together forever. Then Marie came in and offered us desert. Naturally, Tony and Leah began to jump up and down in their seats begging Charlotte for desert.

Char looked stearn at them before looking at Maria.

"Im sorry, but in order to keep these monkey's quiet, they must receive desert." she replied looking apologetic. "It is the only way." she raised her shoulders and sighed, then looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes, and a quivering lip.

I couldn't think.

Oh god!!! CHARLOTTE! stop it! Oh my! I can't even form words. I look like an idiot. Then she hugged me. I heart was about to explode out of my chest and into hers just so that our love could be one.

What was this girl doing to me? Its been one freaking day. ONE. And she already had this effect on me.

I sighed in defeat to her armed forces, and let my walls break down.

"Portare ci gelati, per favore. Con i biscotti tuile." i told Maria in italian, so it would be a surprise to Charlotte, Tony, and Leah.

"Subito!" (right away) replied Maria happily, she smiled at out lot, and scurried off to get the desert.

"What did you order?" asked Leah.

"We speak American. We don't know your language." Tony said matter-of-factly.

"English, not American, Tony." Charlotte corrected him. Tony stuck his tongue out playfully at her, and she pretended to be hurt, and cry on my shoulder.

"Oh charwotte! Im sorry! Forgive me! Please Chawotte!" Tony scooted off of his chair, and ran over to confort her. He hopped into her lap, and hugged her shoulders. "Im sorry!" he whined at her.

Charlotte froze. Then immediantly picked him up, stood up, spun around and tossed him into the air. She was stronger that i thought. I laughed at Tony's cries and laughter. He was enjoying it. Charlotte Stopped and sat him down. She made her way over to her own seat, and sat down giggling at Tony. "Thats you next time Leah." she warned pointing a finger at her.

Leah squeeled, and help onto Tony's arm. "No no no! Not the tickle monster!"

"yes the tickle monster." replied Charlotte smiling.

Then maria came in with a tray of Napoleon icecream's and a tuile cookie stuck into them with a sprig of mint and a few raspberries.

Tony and Leah duh right in enjoying the cookie and icecream. Charlotte hesitantly took a big bite, and he eyes widened in happiness. Then before i new it, everything was gone, and some was on her face. I took a napkin, and wipped all of it off of her mouth.

She blushed, and immediantly brought a hand to her cheek. "Oops, missed a spot." I brought my lips to her cheek where i purposefully left a little icecream, I licked the icecream off of her skin, then lightly kissed her. She smelled like vanilla and rose's. It was intoxicating. I leaned away, and finished up my own icream. Tyler was glaring at me; sending daggers to my face. I smiled wikedly at him, as if saying "i win".

Guastave and Maria cleaned up the table, and Tyler and I payed the check. We began to walk out of the restaurant, when we ran into my uncle, Ernesto. He was Italian and Spanish, but he mostly spoke only Spanish with his beautiful Spanish wife. "Hola, Alex, Tyler, Aaron, Evan! Hello there beautiful Charlotte, and little Tony and Leah. Did you enjoy...." he began.

That was when Charlotte and Tony broke down into tears, and rushed Leah out of the restaurant, not looking back.


O.O wow. creepy, huh!!! Who do you think Ernesto is?

What happened?

Who is on Team Alex! or Team Tyle! huh?

Vote Comment!


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