Chapter 8: WTF happened???
Chalottes P.O.V
Tears blinding my view of everything, i was dragging Tony and Leah behind me to the car on the opposite side of the parking lot. I stopped and turned around to face Alex's and Tyler's hurtful cries.
My life feels like a cliche drama movie.
I groaned in my head and picked up Leah and ran with Tony draggling behind me to the bus stop.
I had no clue where I would I go, the area was too new to me. I didn't care much, anywhere was better than here. I had Leah and Tony with me, and my wallet with atleast twenty dollars in it.
A bus was pulling up to the upcoming stop. I made a breakthrough and sprinted to catch it. Everything seemed so surreal.
We were all breathless as we hopped onto the bus and payed the fare. i caught a glipse at myself, my makeup was smeared and I had racoon eyes. I looked terrible. Gah, I would deal with it later.
I sat with Leah in my lap her head resting on my shoulder and Tony crying holding onto my other arm.
I just relaxed and tried to understand the situation.
What the hell did I do?? Where are we going? Oh, god... I just turned my life into a wreck lagging Leah and Tony along with me into the firey pits of hell.
I guess I don't know what I was even doing in this damned city, we don't belong here. I want my old life back, the way it was up until my parents did the most god awful mistake ever. Selling us. Ha. They got what they deserved from that. My mood suddenly turned evil and gaunt.
I may have wanted my life back, but now, I don't give a shit about what my parents did. What happened, happened.And now I know better from it. I rested my head releasing the tension in my neck and allowed my eyes drift shut.
Just as I did, i felt a nudge and heard a wimper from Tony.
My head whipped towards to the young man bothering my brother. I gave him the most unwelcoming odious look I could manage.
He stepped back and gave me an uncertain look filled with obscurity.
"What the hell do you want." i spat.
"I... I was.... Umm.. I was...." he stammered uncorfortably under my gaze. I enjoyed seeing him squirm around. Ha. Sadistic me. "Er... I was going to.... to.... tell you... Umm. That you dropped ten dollars when you hopped on the bus and... umm... tries to pay the bus fare... and I .... er..."
I snatched the money out of his hand and layed my head back onto the window not mumbling a word of gratitude to the man.
"Hey, aren't you Charlotte Kennedy? And Leah and Tony? I saw you guys on the news quite a while back." He questioned not leaving, rather sitting in the seat in from of us and turning around to face us as he spoke.
My teeth grinded, and the hairs on my neck stood up giving me the goosebumps.
I turned to look at him slowly. "How would you recognize us. That was a long time ago." my voice was scratched and ful of melancholy.
"How? I am part of the team that took photographs of the crime scene." he ethusiated to me. "I never met you, but I had to take many pictures of you and the setting of the house and train and other stuff."
"Great." i replied not realy thinking of the situation. Wait. He knows something about what happened that night. "Wait, could you tell me about those people and my parents?"
"Oh. Umm. Maybe, wann come with me? the next stop is mine." he scratched his head.
Gah, I hate making rash decisions, but because apprently i'm full of them today.... What the hell... We need somewhere to stay after that huge dramatic exit we made....
I smiled, "Sure, do you have extra space for us to stay for a bit?" i asked putting on my sweetest smile.
Hell yes.
"Good, sure, we will come with you."
Preston's P.O.V
The girl is just weird.
I watched as she walked out swaying her but back and forth. She looked like a racoon probably from crying so much. How the hell did that little hoe get into my secret room???
She couldn't of been able to some through the secret door way. Well it was near her room but how did she find it? I was hidden and impossible to see. I was the only one who knew of it.
hm.... she is so peculiar. Oh well....
I made my way to the room and opened it. I found the secret passage's door open.
Ahh, little Charlotte... She is so cute, and funny. Why was she crying? Did big Preston scare you already my little sweetheart....?
I chuckled. Oh little Charlotte. You so new to all this new life thing. Ahh.
She truly was beautiful. I wanted her. But she was now my sister... I know Alex, Tyler, and Blake won't wait to try to woo her. Oh well. The girls at school worship the ground I walk on, they practically call me God. If I don't get Charlotte, oh well. That shouldn't matter then.
Still, she is different. She would be a prize. A challenge. I love challenges. Hmm. Maybe I should try.
But for now, she and my imbecile brothers and my new little sister and brother were going out to eat, and mom and dad were gone.... So i get some time with Sarina. Don't know her, but she is from our school, so what the heck? This room is our date spot.
"bye, Sarina. My lovely." i kissed her hand, she was giggling and pulling up her skirt.
I'll never see her again... Airhead. Oh well.. she is great in bed.
"Bye prestonie.... thank you for the great date!" She giggled as she got into her silver car.
I sighed in relief as she pulled away.
As I was about to sit on the couch and watch some football, Alex, Tyler, Blake and the twins run in screaming with horrified looks. It seemed like they saw a ghost or something.
"Where are the fosters?" i asked.
"CHARLOTTE! LEAH! TONY!" Alex yelled. "You haven't seen them have you????"
i racked my brain. "Nerp. Why? Where are they?" i suddenly felt nervous, and sat up.
"THEY. JUST. LEFT! POOF!" yelled Evan.
See. Charlotte does the impossible when it gets tough, huh? Feeling a litle evil for the next chappie..... >:)
Lol, vote, comment!!! PLEASE! i need feedback, because I don't know if you like it? I cannot read minds, sorry.... :P

Surviving the Gregory Brothers
Teen FictionCharlotte has to take care of her younger siblings, while juggling school, martial arts, and emotions all having to deal with the evil Orphanage care taker, this is a journey of her surviving the Gregory brothers. Being abandoned by you own parents...