Chapter 18: Going... Home?

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SORRY: I had a lot of funcky business, my step-brother broke his leg by falling of the roof putting up lights.... :(


Wishing everyone happy holiday's!

 P.S. I fixed all my previous chappies... check out the photos of the charaters in the side bars to the right >>>>>>>

I put up a lot of pic's of the characters in the previous chappies of how i invision em'

Anyways... Enjoy the chappie... 


 Chapter 18:  Going... Home?

Charlottes P.O.V

I took a long deep breath in.

I sucked up the threatening tears, and looked Tyler straight on showing no weakness of how much his words hurt me.

They rung through my head, and punctured my heart like a bullet.

I sighed not allowing my self to back down. 

Those words hurt. 

'But you're not.'

Meaning, I am not okay.

Never okay... ha. Like he of all people would know. I have barely ever known him, and he acts as if he has for like my whole life. I didn't want any of this!!! Screw it. I want my family back home in Canada where its perfect. The snow covering the hills, sleding down those beautiful roaming mounds, that exhilerating feeling when you go down on your sled all buddled up. Then coming back home to eat freshly made gingerbread and to down hot cocoa. As a family. Those were the good times where and when I knew I was safe and happy. And when I knew where I stood. Now, I am like the whiney little, misunderstood teenage girl that is good for nothing. Acts like she is spoiled, and a brat. 

I groaned.

 I wasn't this weak little child. I was grown, strong, and head-strung... but why now, in this perfect moment to show myself out, can I not be able to prove to everyone that I truly am alright.

Is it maybe because i'm... scared? or because I am weak. I lost everything, yet I tried to stand powerful and unmoved by anything that had happened. That was a joke, haha. That is so not true! My life had crumbled from right beneath me, and what now? I am trying to live off of those powedered pieces while greedily holding onto the past and my 'family', Leah and Tony.

Why can't I accept new life and move on from the past. The damage had already been done, and we did need to start over.

What was holding me back?

A sudden wave of nausea overtook me, and I crouched to the cold, tiled kitchen floor, trying to stabalize myself.

It didn't help, and I collapsed in a tiny heap of misery, and I cried.

I let out a yelp of pain.

People. They were moving all around me like little bats on the hunt, scurrying around me, I felt a cold barrier upon my forehead, and I ahead cried out. 

Buzzing was all I heard. They may have been talking, but I no longer was able to comprehend anything, so I just lay and allowed the flashback to take me to the begining and explain to me my pain and sorrow, why I could not let go.


"Charlotte!" mommy yelled for me. I was in my room getting ready for a small dinner party. A holiday party. It would be Christmas tomorrow. I was in my velvet green dress, white socks, and black Mary Jane's. I was in my mommy's room poofing on some of her delicious perfume.

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