Chapter 12: Sweet side gone

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Chapter 12: Sweet side gone

I was a sweet girl, looking after my siblings.

Now, I didn't care anymore.

I wanted to rebel, and feed that hunger within. That fire burned stronger, and it gave me a new light.

I walked into the barber shop with plain brown blonde hair, and came out with red and black hair. I had bangs, and a face frame, it came to my shoulders. It was straight and sleek.

Hell ya.

I got new wardrobe with Kayden's money. I was wearing heavy eyeliner and red lip stick.

I walked to the middle of an over grown park.

I grinned at my new tatoo of a sword with a rose grown around it. It was on my side, and visible from the black croped top with white fish net sleeves. I was wearing blue ripped skinny jeans and combat boots.

"Like me now, huh mom? huh dad? Like me now? See all the trouble and shit you have all caused?" i screamed at the sky. "Fuck my life! You have never cared about me, or Leah, or Tony! You have cared about money. I used to see you come home with bags from shopping and new things. Never had time for your own children! I still remember, I was not that young not too. So, look at me now! Your in hell from all you have done. FUCK YOU! I hate you! You aren't my parents, its sad that I still remember you as them. You skrewed me up! Skrewed all of us up!"

I let out a frustrated cry, and collapsed in a heap on the cold ground. I sobbed, and hit the ground. I cursed as my hand was still not completely healed, the punch to the mirror really wounded me, and i took my wounded hand in my other hand and sat there.

I heard a snap of a twig. I winced whe my hair whipped my face and I spun around to look for the cause of the noise.

Kayden. Leah. Tony.

They all stood there but the tree line gaping at me.

One thing came to mind as I saw them. Oh shit.

I stood up cautiously.

"Charlotte? Is that you?" Kayden squinted at me, it was getting dark. It was almost eight, and it was winter so the sun sat sooner.

I started to tremble. I nodded weakly at him.

"We have been looking for you everywhere!" He set Leah down, because he was holding her, next to Tony. He was crying silent tears. Leah held his arm.

"What. Did. You. DO!?"

"I rebelled." I replied with a coat of exhaustion in my voice.

He gave me a dissapointed look then picked me up bridal style.

"No one will be able to recongnize you now."

"Good." I grunted, and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Come one Lee, Tony, your sister is very tired. Lets go before she gets lost in this town."

Leah and Tony obediantly followed behind him holding each other.

I sighed, and closed my eyes.

I heard a soft jingle of keys, as he unlocked the door. He put me down on the couch and pulled off my boots. They he covered my body with a soft blanket, and I turned to one side to sleep. "Night." I wispered.

I felt a cool kiss on my cheek, and I felt the heat rush to my face, making the brief coolness dissapear.

I knew he pecked my cheek.

I burried my head into the blanket and pillow.

And soon fell asleep to a nightmare of my parents.


The scrieching of that awful women's laughter. She was petty. And shallow. A money digger.

I sat on the stairs, listening to my rich parents snobby friends conversation.

They were eating cheese and crackers, sipping on expensive wine. I mentally scoffed at them. They were terrible people. Tony was asleep in bed, he was just a baby, only two.

Mom was pregnant with a new arrival, so she wasn't drinking wine.

She was an elegant women, I always had admired her. She wore a sheek white and blue summer dress that came right above her knees, showing off her bump. I smiled, I was going to be a sister again!

My father was handsome, and smart. I was so happy to have parents like mine!

I don't know how they came upon having such strange friends. This women that I hated so much, and these two men. All spanish, and beautiful. But rich and skanky.

They had been over quite a lot.

They were now talking about money and business, I tuned out of the boring conversation and rested my head against the wall. The only sound I truly head was the soft tune of classical music the was played down stairs.

I played with my long dirty blonde hair, mom said it would get darker like hers.

I stood up, and tugged my sleeping gown down when I heard someone speaking in spanish. That women disguisted me.

I walked away to my room, and climbed into my bed. I scooted the quilt off because it was hot, and climbed under the sheets. My head rested on the pillow as I started at the wall clock ticking 10:21 pm. Dad said he would tuck me in at nine.

I sighed, and turned over to my other side and curled up.

Moments later, I heard the hispanics leave, then the gentle creaking of the wooden staircase as my parents climbed up. The door opened, letting in a streak of yellow light, and I smiled.

"Good night." My father grunted.

"Night." My mother wispered.

And then the door creaked shut.

Satisfactorily, I smiled, and went to sleep.


Startled from the memories, I sat up and looked at the clock. It read 4:54 am.

I groaned and pushed my hair out of my face. Oh my hair!

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The haircut was cute, but the color! AWFUL

I needed to get it changed back.

But...then I remembered why I had. I angerily grimaced and decided to keep it the way it was.

I drank a glace of water, and layed down on the couch.

I could no longer sleep, so I watched the sunrise. It turned from dark blue, to purple, to orange yellow and pink. It was beautiful.


She went, PUNK!

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^.^ Thanks guys for reading my story!

 Check out her photo of her hairstyle!!! >>>

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