Chapter 9: Hey there....
"Charwotte!" Leah whispered into my ear, "Where are we going? Who is this man?"
Good question Lee. I don't know.
Fuck authority... right? Ha. Now im trusting a man that took photos of my parents suicide and out kidnap. Great idea Charlotte.... Great. Im so hypocritical.
But my mind was set on what I was doing, I honestly didn't care about the situation I was pulling ourselves into. I just followed the man who said he could support us while I figured out what we needed to do.
Oh wait, I never found out this man's name. "Hey, what do they call you?" I questioned him, tapping him on his shoulder. I was kinda short, as he was quite tall, so I had to reach up.
He turned and flashed me a smirk. He was kinda sexy. "Im Kayden."
"Hi Kayden." my tone full of sarcasm with a hint of flirtiness. Damn he was pretty sexy. Light blue eyes and blonde hair that was a little curly went down to his eyebrows and ears covering his neck slightly. He had a strong build, and he didn't seem very old. About twenty or nineteen. How could he of gotten such a high position at work already?
"Hey," he replied, and grabbed my arm pulling me toward an alley way. "My flat is over here..." He pointed to a door with a small broken porch lamp over it. I fumbled with the key chain as he tried a few keys to fit the lock. His tongue stuck out, and his forehead made a funny crease through the concentration. He let us go in first as he finally managed to open the door. It was getting pretty late, and I could tell Leah and Tony were exhausted from the day. Tony was holding onto my arm, and Leah asleep on my shoulder with her hand wrapped around my shoulders.
Kayden lead me by the small of my back up the stairs and we arrived to the third floor. He opened the flat door and walked in. It was cozy and small, but larger than the orphanage's room for us. He showed me another room with two single beds and a couch.
I smiled shyly at him, as he closed the door and bid us a good night. I stripped Leah down to her shirt and underwear then tucked her into one of the beds and kissed her forehead hoping what I was doing was for the best.
Tony reached up, and pulled off his shirt revealing a white undershirt. He then pulled off his jean pants and slipped into the other bed. I sat down next to him on his bed.
"What are we doing here, Char? I like the other people. Where are they? Whats going to happen to us? Who is that man?" he yawned, his face was white with palor, and his expression was filled with doubt and fear. I could see his small frame huddled under the sheets, and his eyes were slowly drooping shut. "I want to go home. Our home. With Bianca and Carlos...." his eyes drifted shut, and I could see he was fast asleep.
I gasped at my tear that fell down on my cheek and onto his. I kissed away my tear, and pushed his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes.
"Good night Tony."
Alex's P.O.V
How the hell did we lose them! IT WAS THEIR FIRST DAY, and we already managed to scare them off. Why did they run away from our uncle?
Preston looked so angry, and kicked the wall and shredded a book apart. I have never seen him so hate-filled.
He pointed an accusing finger at me, then Tyler, then yelled at the ceiling cursing in Italian. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" he yelled to the ceiling. "SHE IS DEFENSELESS OUT THERE! HOW COULD YOU! SHE IS SO FEAR-FILLED! SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH! IT ISN"T FAIR FOR YOU TO DO THIS TO HER!" he yelled, to I think, God. He grunted again, and lashed out pulling over a couch and stomping on it.
"PRESTON!" a familiar voice screamed.
Damn, its Mom.
"what the hell do you want now!?" Yelled Preston. "To take away another thing from innocence?" he questioned still to God.
Man he has gotten crazy! He was over reacting major time, but I would be doing the same if he weren't at this moment. I didn't know Charlotte at all, yet its like i've known her my entire life.
"Son!" My father yelled, dropping his suit case and grabbing Preston by the collar dragging him to the stair well. "Go to your room now! And calm the hell down!" Whoa.... Dad cussed. This is new.
"Ya, and let Charlotte and Leah and Tony meander somewhere out in the city? Why not yell and scream. They are lost! They ran off! Why shouldn't I care, and try to worry over their god damn lives! Huh! Answer that Dad!" Preston lost it, and ran up stars slamming his door shut. I could here noises of shattering glass and things falling over, and his painful cries of agony.
Dad just stared at where Preston was, shock printed over his face. His mouth a-gap forming an "o". His face drained of any color, and worry over came his features. "What the hell did you boys do!" he yelled rounding on Tyler, Blake, the twins and I. "This is their first damn day, and they manage to run off? How does someone manage that!" He threw his hands in the air. "HOW!" his face was red, and his posture was stiff.
"hello???? 911? yes, please..." I heard my mother whisper into the phone. "Yes, please find them"
Preston's P.O.V
"GODDAMN IT!" I skrieched at my self in the reflection of the mirror.
Then I stopped. Why did I care so much? Was I over reacting?
No. This adoption is the best thing that has ever happened to my parents. They were depressed, and now they are happy. Why couldn't I make them this happy?
I sat down on my bed, head in my hands and stared at the carpet.
Whats going on? Charlotte hates me, I know it, but I can't help but be drawn to her, she is the purest most real thing I have ever seen. And I have barely known her for less than five hours. Wow. Great job screwing up everything.
I should have gone on the dinner thing, I would make her stay, not let her get so lost into this world.
Whats going on? I lovee girls because their.... well. girls. They throw themselves at me, but Charlotte didn't. I almost wanted her too. But she now is technically my foster sister. I sighed and got up. I had thrown over my book self, torn off the covers of my bed and drapped them around, i had broken a vase, and smashed my bat against the edge of the wall where now there was a dent.
"Shit, I'm crazy."
Charlotte, where ever you are, please be safe. Take care sweetie.
Hahaha... that was fun to write! So, how was this chappie?
Vote! Comment!!! ^.^

Surviving the Gregory Brothers
Teen FictionCharlotte has to take care of her younger siblings, while juggling school, martial arts, and emotions all having to deal with the evil Orphanage care taker, this is a journey of her surviving the Gregory brothers. Being abandoned by you own parents...