Chapter 10: I don't know you, but your sexy

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Chapter 10: I don't know you, but your sexy

I woke up to a sound of an opening door screach open. I was startled from the new sound, and sat up while slamming my head on the small coffee table. How did I end up on the floor? I slowly manuevered myself out from under the table, and sat up rubbing my sleep encrusted eyes. I moaned and layed my hands on my legs and slouched over to look at the intruder.

I was shoked to find Kayden in front of me leaning against the door-frame. A slight devilish smirk playing on his soft lips. His blonde hair was styled to be a bit messy and brushed to the side. His bright blue crystaline eyes were shinning with amusement of my awkward behavior. What? I am not a morning person, call me crazy!

I smacked my dry lips and lazilly looked around to see Leah and Tony still asleep. I slowly looked back at Kayden, he offered me a hand and I took it, not to get up, but to bring him down!

He toppled on top of me, and rolled half way off in the process. We were laughing quietly.

He pecked my check, "Mornin' sunshine."

Oh Hell no, he did NOT just kiss me! oh the cheek, but still....

My mood swinged to anger, and I pushed him off of me awakening Tony. Leah still slept on like a baby.

"What the-" he grunted sensing my mood. "Im sorry."

"I am gratefull you let us in to stay, but you have like, just met me yesterday night. Excess touching- is a no no." my tone was dangerously low and oozed venom as I spoke.

His expression went from shock, to confusion, to a penitent glaze.

I let my eyes wander all over him. Damn he looked sexy in his black collared tee and blue jeans. No! Bad Charlotte! Bad!

I got up trying to avoid his gaze, and searched for the flats bathroom. I cringed at the reflection the mirror bore. Gah, I looked like shit. My hair was matted on one side of my head, and on the other was frizzy and sticking up in funny directions. No wonder Kayden was laughing at me... I fixed my racoon eyes, and not being able to re-apply makeup, I let it be and rinsed my mouth. I found a hair brush and used it to calm my freaky hair-do. After about thirty minutes of excrutiating pain and torture, my hair finally was decent enough, and I seemed presentable, I reluctantly ushered myself out of the bathroom. Leah and Tony were watching T.V. and sitting on the couch, eating muffins.

I made my way to the kitchen, to find a note on the table. I rolled my eyes, and read it.

            Be back at 9:30-ish. I gave Tony and Leah breakfast, your very welcome... Im getting you guys some toiletries and clothing. Be back soon, please don't do anything stupid, or leave.


Great. He is already acting like he owns us. Ha.

Since I am already on a bad streak, looks like I'm going to manage to do the opposite. I grinned evilly.

Then I noticed the time, it was 9:28. I stared at the blinking light of the kitchen stove. What! How long was I in the dreaded bathroom taming my beast of a hair?

I sighed, and decided not to do anything, the man did offer us a room in his home to us. And I wasn't being fair to Leah nor Tony with all this mess. "Scoot Lee, I wanna sit with ya guys."

Leah looked up startling me with her sad expression.

"Oh Lee, do you not like you muffin, sweetheart?" i questioned and hunched over to look at her better, I took her face in my hands rubbing her jaw line soothingly.

She pulled away from me suddenly looking furious. I jumped back.


"Don't call me that. I wanna go home. Now."

"No." i answered sternly.

She rolled her eyes, "Why not. I wanna go home."

Since when did she act like a brat? This wasn't my Lee, my Lee was sweet and behaved.

"I said no. You undestand me?" a burst of power and hate rushed through me, shaking my very core with the audacity to speak to my little Lee like that. Tony sat, his mouth in an 'o', just watching as the situation un-raveled in front of him.

"Offcourse I understand. I want to go home!" screamed Leah, she through herself into a screaming crying fit.

I picked her up round her torso and hauled her into the room and sat her in the corner. "Don't you dare move. You are being punished."

As much as it tore me to do so, I would not put up with this act of hers. She sat there, still astounding me, and stuck her tongue out childlishly.

I closed the door behind me only to walk into nether than... Kayden.

"Err, hey." my hands flew up to protect me from running into the hard wall in front of me, and onto his firm hard chest... oh those muscles!!! No Charlotte, bad, you just met this dude.

Kayden held up his hands that were full of bags. "Where do you want them?"

I grunted in reply and waved my arm aimlessly behind me. I walked past him no longer in a good mood. What happened to Leah? I didn't want to think much about it. But I was worried about all these people I was hurting, I guess what Hazel told me last year was true, "You get your damned pride ahead of yourself. You don't need to always prove yourself, yet you believe you have to."

I sighed. I missed her, and Felix so much. Then I remembered Favian. Oh Favian... You made my emotions go into an huricane of confusion, my heart is lost somewhere in there, and my thoughts are fogged up. I started to think of him and those words he told me before I left and got us into this mess.

Tony ran up behind me, "Why are you crying, sissy?" He reached up and strocked a tear away, his hands were cold against my hot cheek. I hadn't realized I was. I wipped away an anguished tear and managed to resmudge my makeup. I gasped as I was pulled into a bonebreaking hug from Kayden.

I didn't know how to react, but break down in his strong arms. I immediantly thought of the Gregories. The boys, Favian. Bianca and Carlos.

I heard the soft buzz of police cars outside. And I just let go of my pride, and cried all my misery out.

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