The Beginning

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This book was originally about Jennifer and Zach and Blue eyes. About Jennifer who just got into college and met Zach and his handsome roommate. Zach was a very friendly person who was willing to help her while Blue eyes; his roommate was kinda cold hearted.

But then I got stuck, and couldn't move further beyond four chapters. I put the book on hold in the hopes that I'll eventually have something to put down. But that never happened. It was like the inspiration I was getting for the book suddenly disappeared and refused to return.

I put up an awareness chapter informing readers about the predicament I was in concerning the book. I also implored y'all not to delete this book from your libraries. But it's just now I realized I never published that chapter, for which I am deeply sorry. I focused on my other books but never forgot about this one.

Finally after several months, I came up with another story. And I believe I'll finish this one. I plan for it to be a short story though. Not too short, but it would still be within the range of what is required of a short story.

The names of the characters who were already named in the former story shall not be retained though.

Thank you so much for still having this book in your libraries. I'm extremely grateful. I'm sorry if it seemed I left you hanging. I never intended to do so.

And to those who are reading this for the first time, you'll enjoy it. I'm sure of that.

It's not pride, it's self confidence😎


I dedicate this book to God Almighty, because it's because of HIM I have the ability to write.

Thank you Lord. I'm extremely grateful, Father.

Originally, my plan was for this book to be a short funny book one can read just to laugh and lift your spirits.

But then I reasoned that if I have a talent given to me by God then I should use it for His glory.

Therefore, the storyline has been changed. The book will now be longer than originally planned but it would still be as funny as I intended it to be.

The purpose for this book now is to charge up your spirit (the real you) and make you realize that no matter what you've done, God is still beckoning to you to come to HIM and be saved. He loves you that much.

Of course, the book will still be funny but it won't just feed our carnal nature but also our spiritual nature.

So help me God.

Thanks for reading. I'm grateful :-)


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