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The year was 1990 and it was a hot and humid afternoon in Chicago, which is known as the windy city because it was frequently windy there and people were getting ready to leave their work places and the school year was coming to a close and the kids couldn't wait for the summer to swim, camp and hang out with friends.

In a Chicagoland suburb named Lake Forest, Walking down the street was a 23 year old lady named Abigaile "Abby" Lee Miller, who is a dance teacher at her studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company and with her was her mother, Maryen Lorrain Miller, who is a former dance teacher and they were enjoying the day out and then they passed an alleyway and heard a sound, which sounded like a baby crying.

"What's that sound?" Maryen asked her daughter.

"I don't know, but let's check it out, mom." Abby suggested as they went to the alleyway to see what it was and they saw a baby boy, who had tufts of dark brown hair as Abby kneeled down. "Shh, you're okay, it's okay." The baby calmed down and looked at the 23 year old lady smiling at him.

"Who would leave a adorable baby in an alleyway on a hot day?" Maryen wondered.

"Mom, i found a note." Abby said, then they picked up the note.

To who it may concern:

I am the former mother of this adorable baby. Yesterday, i was blessed with this baby boy, but because i'm eighteen, i cannot raise him because i would be unable to support him. He is only a day old and he doesn't have a name and whoever finds him can name him, please support, love and raise him as your own son and give him a better life.

Abby and her mother felt so bad for the abandoned baby and they kept looking at the baby boy and Abby was smitten. She has worked with kids at her dance studio, named the Abby Lee Dance Company and she knew she could hopefully be a mother someday.

"You poor thing." Abby whispered as she picked up the basket with the baby in it.

"Let's take him to the hospital." Maryen suggested.

"Good idea." Abby said and then they arrived at the Lake Forest hospital with the boy and they entered and walked to the front desk where a receptionist was sitting and she looked at them with a smile.

"Can i help you?" She asked.

"My daughter and i found this baby boy in the alleyway, he looks abandoned." Maryen told her as a doctor appeared.

"These two women found this abandoned boy in an alleyway." The receptionist told the doctor, who was a male and his name was Dr. Riviera.

"Follow me." Dr. Riviera said as he led Abby and Maryen to one of the patient rooms and Abby saet the boy on the table. "What are your names?"

"I'm Abby Lee Miller and this is my mother, Maryen Lorrain Miller." Abby said as the doctor looked at them, then he started to look at the baby boy and then it took 5 minutes to look him over and Abby even let the boy wrapped his hand around her finger as Maryen smiled and was amazed how affectionate and motherly her daughter was being.

"How is he, Dr. Rivera?" Maryen asked.

"He's gonna be ok and since he was abandoned--"

"About that, do you think it's possible for me to adopt him? Because he's already attached to me." Abby wondered as she saw the baby looked at her with his brown eyes and it brought a smile to her face.

"Are you sure you want to adopt him?"

"Yes, i'll adopt him." Abby answered.

"Ok, i'll get the paperwork to make it official and you can take him home." The doctor told Abby and Maryen with a smile and he left the room.

Maryen was smiling because she had gained a grandson and her daughter gained a son. "I'm glad we got some milk the other day." She stated and that made Abby laugh a little bit as she continued to hold her newly adopted baby son and both of them smiled. The baby yawned and snuggled into his new mother's embraced, he felt safe, warm and loved. "What do you think should be his name?"

"Well, I think the name Sebastian would fit." Abby told her mother.

"That sounds like a great name and his middle name can be Anderson, Sebastian Anderson Miller." Maryen added.

"Sebastian Anderson Miller, i like it." Abby smiled as she looked at her son, who cooed which made a tear fall down the dance teacher's cheek. "Hello, cutie. I'm your new mommy."

"And i'm your grandmother." Maryen added, looking at Sebastian.

The doctor came back with the paperwork to make the adoption official and after handing the dance teacher the paperwork and pen and as Maryen held him, Abby signed on the lines that Dr. Rivera told her to sign, officially becoming Sebastian's mother., then the doctor filled the rest.

"What would you like to name him?" Dr. Riviera asked.

"Sebastian Anderson Miller." Abby said, as the doctor wrote down the name, then Abby wrote down the address and after she did that, Sebastian was snuggling and was tucked in the warmth of his new mother's arms as he felt her kiss him on the top of his head. "Sebastian, i'm gonna raise you and love you and i'll have help from your grandmother and your grandfather. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me."

They left the hospital and they went to the store to get supplies for Sebastian.

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