Chapter 16: Mother's Day Breakfast for Abby

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It was a sunny morning with a few clouds and At Abby's house, it was Mother's Day morning and that was a day for mothers to be appreciated for everything they have done for their kids. the house was a brick Georgian house with 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, it was 10,907 square feet and it was six minutes from Sebastian's house.

In one of the bedrooms, Abby was asleep, she was in pajamas and her hair was in curlers. She was snoring loudly in her bed as Broadway Baby was sleeping in the living room, then she opened her eyes and saw that Sebastian was standing there with Gianna and Chloe. Sebastian was in a Chicago Bulls See Red T-Shirt and red track pants, Gianna and Chloe were in sundresses.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mom." Sebastian said and he gave her a bouquet of red and white roses that he had just bought.

"Oh, thank you, sweetheart." Abby said, accepting the roses that her son had just given her, then she sat up and gave him a hug and he hugged her back and she saw that Gianna and Chloe were with him.

"Happy Mother's Day, Miss Abby." Chloe and Gianna both said to the dance teacher and they gave her hugs too.

"Thank you, Chloe. Thank you, Gianna." Abby fondly stated.

Dear Mom, you mean the world to me, you've taught me the most important things in life, you've taught me how to dance when i was growing up and i've learned it all from you. Even though i've given you driven you at times, you never gave up on me and i am grateful that you found me and saved me, i'm glad to be your son and i'm also glad to have a role model like you.

Thank you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day

Love, Sebastian

Abby looked at the card as she began tearing up, ever since the day that she found Sebastian in the alleyway a day after he was born and adopted him, she had done so much for him and and now he was doing something for her, she really appreciated it and also on previous Mother's days, he'd give her a card and a rose, but the card Sebastian had just given her was so sweet.

"That's the sweetest card i have ever gotten from you, Sebastian." Abby choked up as she tried to hold her tears back and she hugged Sebastian.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, son." Abby told him and kissed him on the cheek.

"We've got a present for you too, Miss Abby." Chloe said. "Gia, Seb and i worked on together."

"And we had help from the other moms and the other girls too." Gianna said as she went to her bag, which was hanging on the doorknob of Abby's room and it was a present, she and Chloe gave it to Abby, who began to unwrap it and in it was a scrapbook with a lot of pictures of the girls, Gianna and Sebastian when they were younger and she could no longer hold her tears back as she let them flow because she knew that she was loved by not only her mother, her late father. her son, but the girls and their moms too.

"Gia, Chlo, i really appreciate this so much." Abby said, wiping her tears as they fell.

"We love you, Miss Abby." Chloe told her dance teacher.

"I love you, the rest of the girls, Gia. and even the crazy moms too because they are like family to me even though i'm tough on you and the other girls in the studio." Abby said.

"Mom, how would you like it if we took you out to breakfast?" Sebastian offered.

"You spoil me." Abby teased her son.

"It's mother's day, mom. We're celebrating you and the moms too." Sebastian told his mother.

"Ok, let's do it." Abby said, getting out of bed and she headed to the bathroom to get ready and 15 minutes later, she was decked out in a black t-shirt, track pants and sandals. She was also wearing a headband on her head and they left the house and when they got to the SUV's, Chloe got in Sebastian's SUV, while Gianna was gonna ride with Abby.

20 minutes later, they arrived at the IHOP on Milwakee Avenue and Townline Road in Vernon Hills and they parked close enough to the entrance, they got out of the SUV's and headed to the door. Sebastian held the door open for Abby, Gianna and Chloe to enter first.

"Ladies first." Sebastian stated as he let them enter IHOP.

"You're a sweetheart." Abby said to him.

"Thank you, you're so charming." Gianna told her boyfriend.

"That's why i think you're cool." Chloe added, then he entered after they did and it wasn't as packed yet as they sat down as Sebastian told the host that they wanted a table for four, eventually he guided them to one of the tables that was underneath a window shade, that gave them a view of the traffic on Townline Road, then a waiter came to their table.

"Hello, my name is Willis and i'll be your waiter today, may i take your orders?" He asked them.

"Mom, you, Chloe and Gia can go first." Sebastian told Abby.

"Ok, i'd like to have the Breakfast Sampler." Abby stated.

"I would like the Silver 5." Chloe said.

"I'll have the Original Buttermilk Pancakes." Gianna told Willis, then it was Sebastian's turn to order.

"I'd like to have the."

"Ok, your food will be here in 10 minutes." Willis said and he headed off to serve another table, then their food arrived 10 minutes later as Abby, Sebastian, Gianna and Chloe began talking.

"Chloe, where are the moms?" Sebastian asked, eating his breakfast..

"They're being taken well care of for Mother's Day, my mom called Miss Gia and asked her to call you, she told us to spend the day with you and Miss Abby." Chloe answered.

"Oh, ok." Sebastian stated.

"I heard that two certain people have a birthday coming up." Gianna said, eyeing Sebastian and Chloe.

"Yep, my son's about to be 21, that officially makes him an adult and Chloe's about to join the double digit club when she turns 10 and that's in two weeks." Abby stated. "Any idea on what you want to do for your birthday?"

"Maybe go downtown Chicago?" Sebastian suggested. "Just spend the day there?"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Abby agreed. "That's when we'll have the week off from dance."

"Yep." Gianna said, then they finished their breakfast, they then left IHOP after Sebastian paid the check and left a tip, they then took a walk on the beach and then they spent the day with the other girls and their moms at Sebastian's house and Two weeks later, Abby,  the girls and their families threw a double surprise birthday party for Chloe and Sebastian and they got a lot of presents.

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