Chapter 5: Snowball Fight

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The next day, Which was February 2nd, the blizzard has just ended and in Sebastian's bedroom, he was sound asleep in his bed and the time was 10:00 AM and it was an overcast, cold day. Sebastian began to stir and open his eyes and saw that it was a white out outside because of the blizzard, which had calmed down but it was snowing out there.

Sebastian got up from his bed and made it up and he headed to the window and saw that there was at least 23 inches of snow out there. "Man, what a snowstorm. This beats the Blizzard of '99."

He headed to the master bathroom of the house and walked in, first Sebastian brushed his teeth, then jumped into the shower and after getting out of the shower, he curled his hair with a comb and headed to his room to see what he was going to put on, Sebastian put on a red and black tracksuit, with boots on his feet then he heard the doorbell ring.

"Who could be at my door?" Sebastian wondered as he headed downstairs to see who it was, he approached the door and turned the door know and opened it and there was nobody there, but from out of nowhere a snowball hit him point blank range in the face and the person who threw the snowball at him was Chloe, who was wearing a jacket, jeans, mittens and uggs and she was laughing at him.

"CHLOE LUKASIAK!" Sebastian screamed, wiping the snow off of his face. "What's the big idea?!"

"What did you think of that?" Chloe giggled as the other girls grabbed snowballs and hit him.

"Ok, if that's the game you want to play, then the snowball fight is on!" Sebastian told them.

"Ok, you're on." Brookie told him.

"Excuse me while i get my jacket." Sebastian told them as he headed back upstairs to his room as the girls looked on.

"You got Sebastian good." Maddie stated, giving Chloe a high five.

"Yeah, did you see his face when he got hit with that snowball?" Brooke added.

"It was priceless, he kinda looked like Miss Abby." Nia told them.

"Let's all set forts so we can start our snowball fight!" Mackenzie suggested.

"Good idea, Kenzie." Brookie replied to her friend.

"How about we do it tag team style, Paigey and i could team up, Maddie you tag with Nia and Brooke, Mackenzie and Brookie can team up." Chloe told them.

"Sounds good to me." Brooke stated as she, Mackenzie and Brookie set up their fort for the snowball fight, Chloe and Paige finished setting up their fort, then Nia and Maddie completed their forts and they made their snowballs.

"OK, Sebastian. We're ready." Nia called, then they saw the front door open and Sebastian come out, ready for the snowball fight and he set up his fort and made his snowballs.

"All right, throw your best shots!" Sebastian teased as he was behind his fort and Brookie had thrown the first snowball at him and he ducked, narrowly avoiding getting hit. "That's a nice shot, but i've got a little something for you!"

Sebastian had grabbed one of his snowballs and threw it at Brookie and she got hit point blank range with the snowball.

"Brookie's down!" Mackenzie exclaimed.

"One down, six to go." Sebastian said to himself.

"Don't worry, i got this." Brooke told them as Brookie was wiping the snow off of her face, then she picked up a snowball and got ready to throw as Chloe and Paige were in their forts throwing their snowballs at the adoptive son of Abby and they both missed.

"Ha-Ha!" Sebastian laughed, Nelson Muntz-Style and he saw that Brooke had thrown her snowball at him and it hit him in the chest, but it didn't knock him down. "The only way one of us gets eliminated if someone gets hit with a snowball and they fall and Brookie was the first to be eliminated since she was knocked down by a snowball."

"One of us will knock you down with our snowballs!" Paige vowed.

"Yeah!" Mackenzie added.

"We'll see about that." Sebastian responded, rolling his eyes as he was in his fort and saw that Maddie was rising to throw a snowball at him.

"Here it comes, Sebastian!" Maddie called out and she threw the snowball at him and it hit him in the face, but he was still standing.

"Wow, he's still standing even after being hit." Nia told her.

"And he's very good at this game--" Maddie got cut off when she got pelted in the face with one of Sebastian's snowballs and fell down.

"All Right!" Sebastian cheered. "One team down, three to go!"

"Maddie and Nia are out of the snowball elimination game!" Brooke said, then she got hit with a snowball and she fell down too, elminating her as well, he then threw snowballs which hit Chloe and Paige both in the face and they got knocked down.

"Sorry, twinnies. I had to!" Sebastian told them and the last two standing were Mackenzie and Sebastian.

"Girls, don't worry, i'll get him for you!" Mackenzie told them.

"Get 'em, Kenzie!" Chloe responded.

"I'm gonna knock you down with the snowballs!" Mackenzie told him.

"Give me your best shot, Kenzie!" Sebastian told the younger Ziegler, rolling his eyes as to say that he was unstoppable, but what he didn't expect was a snowball that came from out of nowhere and hit him on the side of his face, which somehow knocked him down and the snowball didn't come from one of the girls.

"Sebastian's finally down!" Chloe said.

"But who threw the snowball that hit him?" Nia wondered, then they all heard a voice that was familiar.

"I did, girls." The voice came from none other than Abby, who was wearing a jacket, pants, shirt and winter shoes.

"Miss Abby, you are full of surprises." Maddie chuckled as she saw Sebastian get up and saw that his mom.

"Hey, mom.." Sebastian said, wiping the snow off of his head.

"Hi, son." Abby responded. "Did i get you with that snowball."

"You sure did." Sebastian responded.

"I can tell you girls are having a good time." Abby stated.

"We sure are, Miss Abby." Brookie stated, then they saw an evil grin on their dance teacher's face.

"But this is about to get a lot more fun. What do you think, Sebastian?"

"Mom, let's get them!" Sebastian said as he and Abby began to make some snowballs.

"Oh, no!" Chloe exclaimed. "It's Double Trouble!"

Abby and Sebastian both snickered evilly as they began to throw snowballs at the girls and they were covered with snow, everyone had a fun time and the girls got covered with even more snow when Sebastian brought out his Snow Blower and it blew the snow on them, then they went back inside where it was warm.

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