Chapter 12: Kicking off the second half

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The day was April 11th and that was the day the second half of the dancing season was beginning and at the front desk of the Abby Lee Dance Company, Gianna was looking for costumes for the upcoming competition and she was smiling brightly and then two women and a guy, who's names were Jennine, Rachael and James. The three were faculty members like Gianna was as they came to the front desk.

"Hey, Gia." Jennine greeted her friend.

"Hey, Jennine. Hey, Rachel. Hey, James." Gianna replied to the greeting.

"We noticed that you're looking very happy today." Rachael told her.

"I am."

"What's happening, Gia?" James wondered. "Have you finally found a guy who can charm you?"

"Yes, James." Gianna stated.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Jennine asked.

"Sebastian." Gianna answered with a smile on her face as she said her boyfriend's name.

"No way! you and Abby's son are going out?" Rachael exclaimed.

"Yes we are." Gianna said.

"We're so happy for you!" James stated.

"Thanks." Gianna smiled, then 10 minutes later, she was inside Studio A with Abby.

"Girls, get in here! It's the second half of the season and we've got work to do!" Abby shouted, then coming in first was Chloe, and behind her was Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige and Brookie. Following them were Christi, Melissa, Holly, Kelly and Hollie.

"Well, the break is over and we are back from that, hopefully you've remember what we've taught you in the first half and the previous seasons before and and hopefully you can carry that into Nationals, which will be on June 4th. Now let's start with Pyramid.


Top - Chloe

Middle - Nia, Maddie

Bottom - Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Brookie

"This weekend, we will be competing in Rosemont, Illinois at StarQuest, so what that means, we'll be staying here and competing in Rosemont. Moms, you make sure to drive your daughters to StarQuest and we'll drive ourselves there. Girls, Moms, before we get into assignments, i have a surprise for you all." Abby said.

"You do, Miss Abby?" Mackenzie asked.

"Can you please tell us the surprise?" Chloe added.

"Well, your surprise is about to come through the door." Abby turned her head to the door that led to the front desk and walking in was Sebastian, who's hair was in a ponytail, he was decked out in a tanktop and trackpants with a short sleeved jacket over the tanktop.

"Sebastian's back!" Paige exclaimed as she and Chloe rushed over to him and they were the first to hug him and the other girls then hugged him too and he hugged them back.

"I'm glad to be back."

"We will be doing a jazz group piece called Unstoppable. Chloe, you will be doing a contemporary solo named Midnight Serenade and Nia will be also doing a lyrical solo called Up to the Mountain and there's going to be a duet between....Mackenzie and Brookie, which will be a jazz routine called The Weakness in Me." Abby stated.

Brookie and Mackenzie both had big smiles on their faces and they hugged, knowing that they were gonna do a duet, which they have been waiting for patiently.

"Everyone, i don't know if you haven't heard, but Sebastian and Gianna are now going out." Abby told them as the girls and moms all had grins on their faces as Sebastian and Gianna, who used to deny it were now holding hands.

"I knew they'd fall in love." Melissa told the other moms.

"Me too." Holly stated.

"That's so amazing to hear!" Chloe told Sebastian and Gianna.

"I think boys are icky." Mackenzie stated. "Icky Icky Icky Icky Icky!"

The girls and their moms, except for Melissa and Maddie all started laughing and even Abby, Sebastian and Gianna laughed too at the remark that the younger Ziegler had just made,

"That's Kenzie for you." Brooke told the other girls.

"I know, right?" Nia agreed.

"Kenzie, you never fail to amuse us." Paige said, then Abby and Sebastian both cleared their throats and the girls and moms all payed attention to what one of them were gonna say.

"Ok, let's get down to business and not waste time, moms, you're dismissed and girls, start stretching. We'll work on the group dance first, then the duet and last but not least, the solos." Sebastian told them as Christi, Kelly, Melissa, Holly and Hollie all exited Studio A and headed to the viewing room.

"It's great to have Sebastian back in the studio." Hollie stated.

"Yeah, we've missed him a lot while he was recovering from his appendectomy." Holly said.

"It's been nothing but drama without him, he knows how to be a peacemaker." Kelly stated.

"Yeah, let's see what's gonna happen in the rehearsals." Melissa said and during rehearsals, Maddie was dancing with the group. "Maddie's a star in the group dance."

"Everyone's a star, not just one." Christi told Melissa matter-of-factly.

"Yeah." Hollie agreed.

"It's a team effort." Kelly interjected.

"You should follow this saying: One for all and all for one. Instead of trying to convince Abby to let Maddie be the focal point of all group dances, let someone else lead the way." Holly said reasonably.

"None of other girls can hold a candle to Maddie, not even Mackenzie." Melissa retorted, the other moms couldn't believe that Melissa said that her older daughter was better than the other girls and what appalled them more was that she even said Mackenzie wasn't up to her level and rehearsals went good through the week.

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