Chapter 10: Recuperating

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Two days later, it was March 5th, which fell on a saturday and that morning at the Lake Forest Hospital, Sebastian was asleep in his hospital room while he was recuperating from his appendectomy, his hair was in a ponytail and also on that day, he was going to be released from the hospital and the girls were gonna head to In10sity in Detroit and Abby was gonna stay with him while Gianna was in charge.

In the parking lot, Abby was seen getting out of her suv and had locked the doors of the truck. She walked through the parking lot to the entrance of the hospital and the doors slid open, allowing her to enter the hospital and she looked up at the clock that it was 9:00 AM and in her hand was a bag that had her son's clothes that Sebastian was gonna wear.

She passed everyone in the lobby, made it to the elevator and pressed the button, then the elevator door opened already. The dance teacher stepped inside and pushed another button, which was the button to the second floor where her son was resting on. Several seconds later, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Abby stepped off of the elevator and passed several rooms until she saw the one that had Sebastian's name under the room number, opened the door and walked in as Sebastian was beginning to stir from his slumber. Abby walked up to her son's bedside, leaned over him and peppered his face with kisses like she used to whenever she'd wake him up when he was little and Sebastsian opened his eyes and saw his mother smiling at him.

"Mom, your ways of waking me up never gets old." Sebastian told his mother.

"You never know how i'll wake you up." Abby teased as she leaned over him again and gave him a hug. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Better by the minute." Sebastian answered. "The girls on their way to Detroit to compete as their moms and Gia watch?"

"You know it, they told me that they were gonna win these competitions for you." Abby said. "And today you're going home and i brought you some clothes."

"I can't wait and hopefully the girls win." Sebastian added, then Abby helped him get up in a sitting position after removing the hospital blankets off of him. His legs were dangling over the edge and his feet touched the floor. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and get dressed."

Abby grinned as she saw her son take a slow walk to the bathroom, not to hurt himself since he was recently under the knife to have his appendix laparoscopically removed. Sebastian got his clothes that his mother had brought him and he went to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Dr. Riviera walked into the room and saw that Abby was sitting down in the chair and Sebastian wasn't in the bed.

"Hi, Abby." Dr. Riviera said.

"Hello, Dr. Riviera." Abby responded.

"Where's Sebastian?"

"He's in the bathroom getting dressed." The dance teacher answered, still sitting in the chair.

The bathroom door opened as Abby and Dr. Riviera both turned to the door and Sebastian was standing there, he was not wearing a hospital gown, but he was now dressed up in a black leather jacket, white crewneck t-shirt, black jeans and chuck taylor converse sneakers. His hair was slicked back into a ponytail

"There's the handsome son of mine that i like to see." Abby stated, seeing Sebastian looking healthy and proud.

"Dr. Riviera, thanks for all of your help while i was here." Sebastian told his long time doctor, shaking his hand.

"You are very welcome." He told the young man, shaking his hand back, then he turned to Abby. "Now, i'm gonna check on another patient and make sure to keep me updated on his recovery."

"Will do." Abby responded as Dr. Riviera left the room and then she got up from the chair and walked over to Sebastian and gave him a hug and kissed him on his cheek. "I'm so relieved that you're feeling better."

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