Chapter 9: Under the weather

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Three weeks had passed and at the studio that thursday, Abby was in the front desk doing some paperwork as Sebastian and Gianna were in the studio working with the girls on their group dance for the upcoming competition at Starbound, which would be in Detroit, Chloe was starting to become the favorite as Brooke was slacking off, but Chloe always put the team first and helped her teammates out and for some reason Gianna looked concerned for Sebastian, who was strangely looking pale then, from out of nowhere Sebastian felt a stabbing pain in his lower right side, then he felt pain in his abdomen and he grimaced from the pain and the girls looked worried when they saw his expression as he held his right side.

"AGH!" Sebastian screamed in pain.

"Are you ok, Mister Sebastian?" Brookie asked worriedly.

Sebastian groaned as he felt the same stabbing pain, this time it was on his right side, it was the type of pain that was unlike anything that he felt as Gianna was worried for her friend.

"What's wrong?" Chloe wondered.

"For some reason, i don't feel good, i think the right side and my abdomen are doing the Electric Slide." Sebastian replied as he felt the pain again and groaned.

"That doesn't sound so good." Brooke told him.

"Something is definitely wrong." Mackenzie added.

"Nia, get Miss Abby." Maddie stated.

"Ok." Nia said as she left Studio A and headed over to the dance teacher. "Miss Abby, we have an emergency!"

"What's going on?" Abby asked.

"It's Sebastian, he told us that his right side and abdomen are hurting!"

Abby looked alarmed at what Nia had just told her, her pride and joy was not feeling well and she got up from the chair and saw that Sebastian was looking pale in the face and was sweating and the moms had come downstairs and gave him a bucket and he threw up in it as Gianna rubbed his back.

"Are you ok?" Abby asked her adopted son worriedly.

"Mom, i'm nauseous, my abdomen is hurting and i need to see a doctor right away." Sebastian told her.

"That doesn't look good." Hollie told the other moms.

"Not at all." Christi agreed as she saw the dance teacher kneel down and feel Sebastian's forehead and he was burning up.

"He's got a high fever. Gianna, can you take over for us?" Abby asked her assistant choreographer.

"Ok, Abby." Gianna replied.

"Come on, sweetheart. I'll take you to the hospital." Abby said, wrapping an arm then carefully took Sebastian with her and he struggled in pain and eventually, they got to the truck and Sebastian laid across the backseat of Abby's truck as Abby got in the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot.

Four minutes later, Abby and her ailing son arrived at the Lake Forest Hospital and the dance teacher parked in a space that was closest to the entrance, she headed to the door of the backseat and helped Sebastian up and they both walked inside of the hospital and they saw the family doctor, Dr. Riviera.

"Hey, Abby." Dr. Riveira greeted as he saw Abby walk in and then he noticed that Sebastian was looking nauseous like he wanted to throw up again and was sweating profusely. "What's wrong with Sebastian?"

"He told me that he's experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, and fever and it's just started." Abby told him, then a minute later, they were in the Emergency room.

"Abby, now that you've told me that he's having abdominal pain, nausea and fever, but has he thrown up because of those things?"

"He did once." Abby admitted as Sebastian looked queasy as Dr. Riviera knew he was about to throw up, so he grabbed a nearby bucket and Sebastian lost his lunch in the bucket and he groaned "Now he did it again."

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