Chapter 19: Day Off and an Unwelcome Visitor

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Wednesday had come and at the Hilton Midtown at 10:30 AM, Sebastian was leaving the bathroom after taking a shower and his long hair had been lathered up with hair gel to make it look smooth, he went to the closet and picked out a hawaiian shirt, tanktop, black pants and slip on shoes, he put his clothes on and a knock was heard on the door.

"I'm coming!" Sebastian said as he headed to the door and see who was knocking on the door and standing there was Abby and Chloe.

"Hey, Seb." Chloe greeted.

"What's up, Chlobird?" Sebastian replied, giving her a high five, then he gave his mother a hug. "Hi, mom."

"Hi, Sebastian. How are you?" Abby asked, returning the hug.

"I'm good. I'm just ready to have a fun day with you." Sebastian said.

"It is going to be a fun day, but did you know that Chloe is gonna tag along with us? Christi is gonna head to Coney Island with Kelly and Diane while Brooke and Brandon are on their date, so she suggested that Chloe comes with us." Abby explained.

"That sounds like a plan to me." Sebastian agreed.

"Are you ready to go?" Chloe asked.

"I've gotta grab my cell phone, card key and camera, then i'll be ready." Sebastian told them, then he went to get his cell phone, card key and camera and came back to where the dance teacher and prodigy dancer of the ALDC were standing. "I'm ready when you guys are."

"All right, Let's go." Abby said as she, Sebastian and Chloe all left the hotel room that Sebastian was staying in and were walking down the hallway of the Hilton Midtown and they were at the elevator doors, Chloe pressed the button and they waited and less than a minute later, the elevator arrived, it took them to the lobby and they saw Brookie, Mackenzie and Hollie.

"Hello, Hollie. Hello, Brookie. Hello, Kenzie." Sebastian greeted.

"Hi, Sebastian. Hello, Miss Abby. Hello Chloe." Mackenzie responded.

"What are you planning to do today?" Brookie asked.

"We're gonna head to the Rockefeller Center and then we're gonna get some lunch." Chloe replied.

"I bet you three are gonna see a lot of the city." Hollie said.

"Sebastian and i have been at the top before and it is a wonderful sight, but it's an even better sight when it's night time and the lights are twinkling and Chloe's been there too." Abby said, then they left and walked to the Rockefeller Center, which was a 7 minute walk from the Hilton Midtown and they passed Radio City Music Hall.

"One day, Chloe. You might be a rockette if you put your mind to it." Abby told the young dancer.

"Hopefully so." Chloe stated as they were arriving at the Rockefeller Center and were in line, which took a few minutes, then they got on the elevator, then after the doors closed, the interior lights of the elevator went out. and it was now a futuristic glass elevator, lighting up with different effects, they got up to the 67th floor, they got off and walked to an escalator, now they were on top of the rockefeller center's open air observation deck.

"We can see everything from up here, like usual." Sebastian said, looking throughout New York.

"It never gets old seeing the skyline." Abby told her son.

"This is wonderful." Chloe said, admiring the view. "I wonder what Paigey is doing while she's with Gia?"

Meanwhile, at another tall building called the Empire State Building, Paige was in line with Gianna to go up to the observation deck with others that wanted to get a view of the skyline.

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