Chapter 17: Going to New York City

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It was May 29th, which was a sunday and the time was 12:00 PM. At O'Hare International Airport, Abby, Sebastian and Gianna were sitting in Terminal 3, sitting at Gate K17, where their flight to New York was going to be at and it was gonna leave at 12:30. The three would fly out that day and the girls and their moms would join them tomorrow, but they would come straight to the studio when they arrived and the plane was a Boeing 767-200, flown by American Airlines.

"Mom, i have been waiting all season for this. I cannot wait to get to New York City." Sebastian said with a smile on his face as Gianna gave him a kiss on the cheek and it made him blush as Abby grinned at the couple.

"I can tell you're excited about this." Abby told him.

"Maybe we could take a walk through Central Park." Gianna suggested.

"We might do that if you're up for it." Sebastian agreed with his girlfriend. "Or we can go to the Empire State Building, or even the Rockefeller Center."

"I heard that they now have a interactive show in a see through elevator." Abby stated.

"They do, Abby." Gianna said. "I remember Christi sent me a seeing a video of it on YouTube a few days ago when she and Chloe went to New York on a vacation last year."

"Thanks for letting me know about it." Abby told her assistant choreographer.

"Mom, i've got a question. What hotel are we gonna stay in?"

"We're gonna stay in the Hilton Midtown and the competition will be held in the grand ballroom, so what that means, we won't have to catch a bus to the auditorium, we'll go straight down to the lobby and head to the dressing rooms." Abby answered.

"American Airlines Flight #2211 nonstop to New York City is now boarding at gate K17. Passengers who have small children, disabalities, first class or business tickets make your way to the boarding gate."

"That's us." Gianna stated as she, Abby and Sebastian got up with their carry on bags and in their hands were their first class tickets, they showed them to the attendant, who gave them the nod to go right ahead, Abby took her son's right hand and Gianna took his left hand as the three walked through the jet bridge of the gate, then they boared the plane, turned left and walked into the first class section of the plane, they took their seats with Abby having an aisle seat, Gianna had the middle seat and Sebastian had a window seat and after 5 minutes of speedy boarding had passed, one of the fight attendants got on the microphone.

"Good afternoon, passengers. Welcome aboard American Airlines flight #2211, nonstop to New York City, flight time is approximately 2 hours and 35 minutes. We will be taking off shortly and all passengers have to be seated so your captain can push the plane back. Make sure your seatbelts are fastened and have all electronic devices off until we have reached cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. Thanks for choosing American Airlines and we hope you have a good flight."

Another flight attendant closed the door of the plane and then the jet bridge slowly moved from the plane, then the plane backed up from the gate and started to manuever it's way to the runway where it was going to take off from and it didn't take long because there were no other planes waiting to take off, the plane turned onto the tarmac of the runway, the engines cranked up and it started going 69 miles, then 89 miles, then 300 miles and when it finally reached 500 miles, the plane lifted off into the sky, on it's way to New York City and during the flight, Sebastian was listening to his MP3 Player as Abby and Gianna were looking at their phones.

At 2:50 PM, their flight landed at the LaGuardia Airport, which was one of the airports in New York City and the plane began to slow down after landing on the tarmac of the airport, where it would make it's way to it's assigned gate.

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