Chapter 6: Back to Dance

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A week had passed since the blizzard had struck and the roads had been cleared up and it was Valentine's Day and at the studio, the cars were parked which meant that Abby, Sebastian, Gianna, the moms and the girls were all back at the studio and some of the snow had melted.

At the front desk, Sebastian was reading a Sports Illustrated magazine as he was waiting for his mother to call him so he could be in Studio A with her and they'd call the girls and their moms in and he saw that Gianna was coming from

"Hey, Gia." Sebastian greeted his friend.

"Hello, Seb." Gianna replied to the greeting as she sat next to him. "I heard that you and the girls had a snowball fight on Wednesday, which was the day after the huge blizzard."

"It was awesome, even Mom joined in when she threw a snowball at me and it knocked me down."

"Abby was telling me about that." Gianna said as she then winked at Sebastian.

"Then we both teamed up and pelted the girls with snowballs and then i pulled out my snowblower and they were all covered in snow." Sebastian said as he and Gianna both started laughing in unison and as he was telling her about it, Gianna was twerling her hair around her fingers when she was looking at him.

"Sebastian, Gianna! it's time to get started with the pyramid!" Abby called to her son and assistant choreographer.

"That's the sound of the fire breathing dragon known as my mom calling." Sebastian remarked.

Gianna laughed. "You are something else."

Sebastian and Gianna both got up and walked into Studio A where Abby was standing and the photos of the girls were covered up, waiting to be revealed as Sebastian stood across from Abby.

"Hey, mom. We're here and reporting for duty." Sebastian told his mother.

"Abby, we're ready when you are." Gianna told her.

"Seb, why don't you call the girls and their moms in?" Abby asked.

"All righty then." Sebastian said, in a Ace Ventura like voice. "Girls, moms, get your butts in here now!" Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige, Chloe, Brookie, Melissa, Holly, Kelly, Christi and Hollie entered Studio A and took their respective spots.

"Girls, moms, last week we were originally going to go to the competition in my old stomping grounds in Pittsburgh to compete like usual, but due to a freak blizzard that my son warned me about in advanced, we cancelled going to it but now, we're back." Abby told them, then she turned to Sebastian. "Seb, you have the floor for pyramid."


Top - Brooke

Middle - Paige, Nia

Bottom - Chloe, Brookie, Mackenzie, Maddie

"This weekend, we are headed to San Antonio, Texas to attend Nexstar competition and we have three solos, Brooke will have the first solo, the second solo will go to Paige and the third one will go to Chloe. Everyone including Brookie and Mackenzie will be in the group routine." Sebastian told them.

Brookie and Mackenzie smiled widely as they heard that they were gonna be a part of the group dance, they could have a chance to shine in the group dance as they were listening to Abby.

"Ok, moms, you're dismissed and girls spread out and stretch."

The moms all left the room and headed upstairs to the viewing room and sat down to watch the usual rehearsals and they knew with Abby and Sebastian both teaching them, one of their daughters could end up bursting into tears.

"Did you see that blizzard we had last week?" Hollie asked the other moms.

"Yep, Randy, Josh and Myself were stuck inside the house because of the snow." Kelly responded. "I woke Josh up by hitting him in the face with a snowball."

"I bet it was really funny." Christi added.

"It was." Kelly admitted.

"I shoveled the snow off of the driveway while Evan used the snow blower. Evan Jr and William had a snowball fight and we joined in." Holly answered.

"Also, the girls told us about the snowball fight that they had with Sebastian and Abby showed up." Melissa stated.

"Was she the fun ruiner?" Christi joked.

"Nope, she actually joined in and teamed up with Sebastian from what i've heard and they double teamed the girls with snowballs." Hollie said.

"Like it's been said before, With those two, you never know what's gonna happen whether it be in the studio or outside the studio." Kelly said.

"You got that." Holly added.

Back down in Studio A, the girls had just gotten up from stretching for rehearsals and they were told to head into the Dancer's Den as Brooke stayed in Studio A.

"Brooke, your solo is named One Sweet Love and it's a contemporary routine." Abby told the 13 year old dancer, who was listening and then she signaled for Gianna to start the music, Sebastian did the moves and Brooke started dancing by mimicking his movements and she did very well and her solo rehearsal took 30 minutes.

"Good job, Brooke. Can you go get Chloe?"

"Yes." Brooke said, she then headed out of Studio A and into the Dancer's Den where the girls were just sitting around and stretching so they could be ready for the group dance. "Chlobird?"

"Yes, Brooke?" Chloe responded.

"Miss Abby, Gia and Seb are ready to work with you on your solo." Brooke told her as Chloe got up from stretching and headed into Studio A to work on her solo.

"I'm ready when you guys are." Chloe told them.

"Chloe, your solo is a Musical Theater piece named How Long Will I Love You? And remember, watch me and do what i do." Sebastian said to Chloe, then the music to her solo started as Sebastian was dancing and Chloe was looking carefully, then after he was done, Chloe began her dance as Abby, Sebastian and Gianna watched and she was doing fantastic, better than Brooke even and it took 25 minutes to nail.

"Chloe, that was marvelous!" Abby complimented. "We'll work on that some more and if you keep it up, Brooke just might have some competition."

"Can you get Paige?"

"Sure." Chloe responded as she headed to the dancer's den. "Paigey Mack, Miss Abby, Seb and Gia want to work on your solo with you."

"Paige, the name of your solo is Charmed, and it's a Jazz routine." Gianna stated as she then headed to the laptop and played the music to Paige's solo and the younger hyland began dancing after Sebastian taught her the moves and her rehearsal took 45 minutes, then the girls all came in Studio A to rehearse their group dance, which was called Love Me Again and rehearsals went good even though there was some momma drama when Melissa argued with Sebastian and Abby for making Maddie cry after they yelled at her for messing up a turns.

A/N: Like i said, No disrespect to any of the girls, i just like to change things up in my stories

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